Hey again! So I've been pretty frustrated with Puckurt, I mean I really just want to jam the two of them together. I've also gotten pretty inspired by the numerous other authors of this pairing. As of right now this Fic is a Friendship, but it might go romantic. I have no idea. I find badasses and those coming to terms hotter than hawt. So let me know if you have any suggestions. This is set before Beth is born and I'm taking LOTS of liberties. I apologize if I screw anything up, it's an AU. I think I'm going to make Dave come out and hook him up with Blaine, but that's not for sure, I'm still figuring out the story in some ways. That idea just came to me. Uh, this also kinda inspired by Mischievous Gleek's Better Than You and I Promise. I might be writing this out of desperation since I haven't had any updates in a while. Mischievous Gleek if you read this I love the story, but I'm gonna run away with it in my own way.

WARNINGS: Profanity, violence, bullying, possible MxM action, grammar and spelling mistakes

PS: As I've mentioned before in my other fanfic that English very USA, so I apologize if I use any terms that are confusing to my other English Counterparts. I borrow bloody hell once in a while, but then I'm pretty sure everyone has the same opinion of that expletive.

Disclaimer: The fabulous glee does not belong to me. I just love me some fanfic. Any music belongs to the creators and singers, I hope this earns you more iTune hits. *wink*

Raising an Angel

I, Kurt Hummel, despise high school almost as much as I despise Rachel "Insane" Berry's fashion sense. Picking some creamed corn out of my hair I can't help but grimace. The worse Neanderthals on the Football team seemed to decide that sending someone to bath in garbage should be a regular morning occurrence. Huffing impatiently I contemplate skipping my first period class and taking a shower in the locker room. Giving up on styling the hair, something I wouldn't have done normally but it has four different disgusting things in it, I shove the comb and wet wipes into my adorable side bag and storm out of the girl's bathroom. I jog past a few stragglers, class started about two minutes ago but people love to make out til ten minutes after class starts by their damn lockers, something I was refusing to be envious of. Growling I shove into the locker rooms ignoring the startled gaze of the football coach and head straight to my gym locker. Thankfully, I've learned to wear throw away outfits in the mornings. There's a system to this madness. On days before heavy practices they threw slushies at me, the rest of the time they shove and/or tossed me into the blasted dumpsters. Seriously, couldn't they do something productive with their lives? Like actually attempting to pass a class?

Placing my bag on the, albeit only slightly more clean bench (it's the floor to the boys' locker room you didn't even want to consider what might be on it), I have my jacket and shirt almost completely unbuttoned and off when I hear a soft sobbing. Startled I leave off changing to identify who else was in there. Hearing it come from a far off corner of the locker room completely out of view I finish stripping of my shirt and jacket. Pulling out a few handkerchiefs I softly pad over to source of the sobs. I can practically feel the top of my head shoot off when I see a clean shaven, lacking a mowhawk, totally despondent Noah 'Puck' Puckerman curled up in the corner. I'm actually not sure what I'm more surprised by, the total lack of a mowhawk or the fact he's crying as though someone's died. Considering how crappy his life has been since he's knocked up his best friend's bitch of a girlfriend, Quinn, I'm not too surprised he was crying. The mowhawk though... It was a very strange thing for him to lack.

"Puck?" I inquire softly. The poor man's head jerks up and his dark eyes take in my less than clean person.

"Hummel? What the fuck are you doing here?" His badass persona instantly jumps to the forefront and he's obviously trying to be strong. I just offer him the handkerchief as I gingerly kneel in front of him. My mid-thigh boots, albeit gifts of fashion, are not the best things to crouch in.

"I came in to take a shower, I got tossed in the dumpster twice today. They seemed to be celebrating something stupid, one of your fellow football players must have finally gotten laid." I say simply wiping at his face when he doesn't take the fore-offered cloth. His eyes are quite puffy, and while I still hold some resentment over his former bullying, I've seen him trying nonstop with Quinn for his daughter. "I thought my day was going pretty badly, but it would seem yours has been worse. Was it Finn or Quinn, Puck?" I inquire softly. His eyes just fill again.

"I fucking hate this. It's totally not badassed but I just want to have the chance to know my kid. It fucking sucks to be working so hard, staying on the narrow and she still tries to force Finn into the father figure position when it's not even his kid and he knows it isn't." Patting his back gingerly with my free hand, I don't want any of the disgusting things on me to get on him or I would hug him. I keep wiping his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that Puck, no one lack the ability to be there for their child. It's not good for either the parent or the child. It leaves a hole like nothing else." I say softly.

"And how do you know that Hummel," Puck says lashing out. I stiffen and merely remove my hands.

"Mother passed away several years ago." Is the only response I can give. He flinches and instantly seems to crawl in on himself.

"I'm sorry." He says, his tears abating and true regret in his eyes. I smile at him simply.

"It's not your fault she got sick. Her body was never the same after she had me. The cancer she died from was the killer." I shift back offering him the handkerchief again. He takes it this time and we stew in silent thoughts. Mine going back to my mother and the day she was lowered into the ground, my father's grip almost painful on my small hand. Puck looks like he's lost in some internal woe over the clusterfuck his baby mother has created. Finally he says.

"Thank you for the rag."

"It's a handkerchief, and you can keep it if you need it." I respond before standing. He stretches his legs out with a groan. I frown before asking, "do you need a hand up Puck?" I offer a hand he just stares at it for a few moments before taking it and I give him a firm tug up.

"You're stronger than you look, Hummel," he says as he avoids my eyes. I don't look deeper in the double meaning, it doesn't matter at this time. Brushing my hair I cringe when it hits something that's half dried and half sticky. He sees the grimace and where my hand is before frowning in disgust as well.

"That's pretty gross dude," he says.

"Don't call me dude." I respond automatically. He smiles. Ah, the the island of normalcy in absolute confusing hell, we welcome you.

"Go take a shower Hummel," Puck says with a smirk. I give him my best bitch look.

"Like I wasn't going to already, Puckerman." I saunter away from him, but after a few steps I stop and turn back around. "Puck," I say drawing his attention away from the handkerchief he's playing with, "if you ever have to talk, come over and we'll play some video games or something." He merely stares, but then he gives me a slow nod. Giving him half a smile I go back to my locker, strip myself bare, wrap a towel around my waist and head into the shower room. I toss the towel over a partition before twisting the knob to hot, I wait for the steam to bloom then step under the uneven pulse of water. Tilting my head back I think to myself amused, I've actually had a successful conversation with one of my nightmares. I wonder if this would go as well with one of those other wanna be thugs? Closing my eyes I let my mind go and only focus on the beat of water on my face.

When I enter Glee that afternoon everyone is broken up. Mercedes, my kind-of, but largely former, best friend, is sitting next to Quinn her new roommate. Finn is sitting near a cozening Rachel, really you could smell the desperation and lust on the girl, looking all kinds of self righteous, ew. The rest of them are in their perspective groups. Deciding I'm going to be a lone, but fabulously dressed, wolf, I take a seat a bit farther from them all. Sure random new person, hopefully fabulously dressed and gay (fat chance), could sit next to me, but I highly doubt it. Finally, Mr. Schue and Puck walk in. Puck's carrying his guitar and looking downright nervous. He keeps glancing at Quinn who is determinedly avoid his glance to stare at the clumsy giant, Finn. Sighing, I wonder if worth fighting Insane Berry for the chance of trying to woo an straighter then a homophobe Finn. Urgh, I think, it might not be, Finn's been less than remarkable these last few weeks. Shifting my focus back to the teacher I barely catch what he's saying.

"-uck will be performing a song today with us." Mr. Schue says in a rather falsely, enthusiastic voice. Oh dear, the man is ten times of clueless and hopelessness, if he sounds this worried about it then it's definitely not good.

"Thanks Mr. Schue," Puck says quietly. Giving Quinn one final look, he settles quietly on a stool. "Quinn," he starts, "I know you don't believe that I can be a father, but I want to be a part of my daughter's life. I haven't done right by you and I've apologized and apologized. So this song is for my baby girl, and I hope that it changes your mind." Softly strumming his guitar he went into a song by Hanson called More Than Anything,

I love you more than anything,

Than anything, I do.

And I'd give anything and everything

I have just to be with you.

These feelings I hold inside are emotions,

I can not hide.

These feelings will not subside

I'd give anything, anything…

When I look into your eyes,

I see something special about you,

And when I hold your hand,

You seem to understand that…

I love you more than anything,

Than anything, I do.

And I'd give anything and everything

I have just to be with you.

These feelings I hold inside are emotions,

I can not hide.

These feelings will not subside

I'd give anything, anything…

When I think of life without you,

It brings me right down to my knees,

yeah! Cause I can't enjoy life without you,

You are my strength, the thing that keeps me holding on.

Oh, I'd do things that can't be done.

I'd fly to the moon and then around the sun,

If you'll just say that I'm the one

I'd do anything, ooh, well, well

I love you more than anything,

Than anything, I do.

And I'd give anything and everything

I have just to be with you.

These feelings I hold inside are emotions,

I can not hide.

These feelings will not subside

I'd give anything, anything…

I'd give anything,

You know I'd do anything for you

I love you more than anything

Yeah, more than anything

I could feel my eyes tearing up right at the beginning of the song. Poor Puck looked practically broken as he sang that song. Glancing around the room I expected to see sympathy for the poor boy, singing his heart out for a child that wasn't even born yet. But what I saw deeply disappointed me. They were all, except for Brittany and Mr. Schue, glaring or stony faced. Feeling a vision of ice go through my spine I knew it wasn't going to be a good reception and the only thing that crossed my mind as I clapped was, you self-righteous, idiotic pigs.

"I'm not letting you see her Puck," Quinn spat out vehemently. Puck looked as if he had been physically struck. Hunching in on himself, I saw him look at the blond bitch needfully and vulnerable. The badass sex-shark of McKinley High School and Lima in general looked broken. "Why should you? You don't deserve to see her. The fact I'm going to put her up for adoption is non-negotiable. You don't have any say in the matter. Sleeping with you screwed up my life and I refuse to let you screw up my daughter. You are a selfish fuck up and I refuse to let you even near her." I saw red. The whole group made soft sounds of agreement except for Mr. Schue, who tried to reign in everyone and keep everything positive, and Brittany, who was to busy asking what non-negotiable. Standing up I strode down to where the blond girl was sitting, smiled at her sweetly then slapped her across the face. Hard.

"You are a self serving bitch, who voluntarily slept with her boyfriend's best friend. Then after deciding you were going to chose your baby daddy you voluntarily lied you flaming ass off. Then, when he tried to do right by him, you told him that you refused, and then painstakingly turned the whole school against him. For the last several months you have pity partied, and bitched, and moaned over the stupidest and most selfish things. So you gained weight? Who cares? That's what keeps your baby healthy. So what you can't be on the Cheerios? You obviously think getting drunk on one cooler and forgoing your own vows of chastity is fine, that it matters more than your boyfriend, you relationship with your religion and anyone else. Wasn't there something about Puck being Santana's man? You are, and always will be in my opinion, lower than scum. If anyone deserved to have their life ruined it would be you. However, having a baby doesn't ruin people's lives. If it did then you would have been aborted. A lot of people would have been aborted." I say this calmly and viciously. She pales and actually starts crying. "Oh no, Quinnie you do not get to cry and get everyone's half assed sympathy. There are plenty of other baby mommas out there in worse situations."

"Boo, you need to step off an apologize." Mercedes said standing up. I shove her back into her seat and she stares at me shocked.

"Oh come off it, we're not best friends if you can be with that piece of self serving insanity." Ticking my fingers in her face I recount what's been going on for the last several months, "Quinn got knocked up by someone besides her boyfriend, the actual father comes to confide in you and instead of trying to talk sense you don't look past what he used to be and told he doesn't deserve to be a father. That's low. And then you back her up with every put down, every diss, he's probably a nymphomaniac, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get to love his baby girl. There are people out there who would kill to be with their birth parents around," a flash of pain shows in my eyes as I remember my mother, "and you want to rob both the child and the father of that." Her mouth clamps shut and she flushes. Turning to Finn I ignore Puck's, and the rest of the lowlifes faces.

"Finn Hudson," I say slowly, "You are probably the slowest and most big mouthed imbecile in this whole school." His head shoots up and he looks at me surprised.

"Don't you like me?" He asked in a puppish manner. Snorting in disbelief I stalk over to him and put my hand in front of his face like I'm about to touch him, he jerks back away from me with a look of disgust. Smiling snarkily, I snarl, "Don't worry the fag won't touch you. Why would he want to? He might get pregnant through contact. Because really? Being in a hot tub with others gets you pregnant?" I look over to Santana who's watching this all rather bemused, "Yo, 'Tana how many babies have you given birth by getting in the bath lately?" She laughs and Finn turns bright red. I smile rather angrily at Finn before continuing, "How are you and Rachel doing? I mean you guys made-out while you and Quinn were together right?" Rachel and him both turn bright red then green. The whole club turns to stare at them. "Congratulations Rachel," I tell her, "you get to date a homophobic male, how's that going to settle with your dads?" She flinches, apparently stalker girl hasn't realized how imperfect dear Finn Hudson is, while Finn scrunches in on his silly ass self. Smiling sweetly at them, I casually step back and face the group they all seem to take a deep breath.

"You guys fail as friends, you guys fail as a 'family'" I make air quotes around family, "I guess you guys chose the easier side. I mean, hell, since Puck isn't carrying the baby there's no way it's his. Since he's not carrying it, it doesn't matter what his opinion is and what he wants for his child." The words grate against all of their ears. The whole room looks miserable, but I'm not done. I look at and scowl, "Mr. Schue," I start, "I understand you have the tact and the ability to notice things of a brick wall, but honestly I expected you to enforce that everyone in this club is family. Not everyone but one." His eyes drop at this and I turn back to Puck. He's staring at me rather stunned, I haven't gone full blown queen bee bitch this badly ever. My eyes soften and I'm apologizing, "I failed you as well Puck, I should have spoken up the second I found out. But it takes me walking in on you crying and Quinn being a horrible bitch after that beautiful song to make me finally say anything. I'm disappointed in myself. I hope you forgive me one day and you let me support you through these hard months." He merely nods weakly. Turning back to the rest of the room they all collectively flinch, "I despise the rest of you, but," looking at Quinn who's turning into an upset Mercedes, "I wouldn't mind having a sex change and having the baby in your womb just to be able to say you aren't her mother." Grabbing Puck's I drag him out of the room leaving their pathetic tears and weaknesses behind.

Storming down the hallway I'm halfway to the cafeteria before a gentle hand lands on my shoulder stalling me. Stopping I look up to see a stunned, if slightly bemused, Puck. My face already flush from exertion and anger blooms a darker red because of embarrassment. Dropping his wrist I mutter a soft apology. He merely blinks at me a few times. Then I'm engulfed in a hug and being swung around in tight circles.

"EEEEEEEK!" I shriek in surprise. I can feel his wet face pressed against my shoulder. Calming down considerably I ask, "Puck?" He doesn't seem to hear me but he sets me back down on my feet and just keeps himself wrapped around me. My toes poke at the ground and I rub his back soothingly as he sobs into my shoulder. I look over his shoulder, see a few faces peeking out of the Glee Auditorium and it's all I can do not to scramble up over Puck and scream at them again. I content myself by being a lowly person and flip them off. There's a collective flinch and they all dart back into the room. Yeah run bitches, Queen Kurt, the flaming homo is gonna own your asses, I think snarkily.

"You're amazing, Kurt," breaks me out of plotting their mass embarrassment and consequent downfall. Glancing at Puck I say, "No I'm just the biggest bitch when I snap. I'm sure I would have been stupid and selfish if I had lacked time to think it through." I give him a hug around the shoulders. "I really am sorry that you have had the most horrible of times these last few months Puck and no help. I should have stood by you and helped you." He gives me this big grin.

"You, Kurt Hummel, are the most amazing prissy hardass in the world. You are the queen of bitches. You are the Ice Princess of the World." I cock my eyebrow at all the complements.

"I'm still really sorry. I can't believe they're such enormous dicks!" I hiss at them. We start walking again, Glee's over for both of us probably. I'm not even sure I want to go back. Too much selfish self-absorbed drama queens. I'm a diva, which means I understand and do similar things, but throwing a friend under the bus like they have, it's a line I'm pissed about almost crossing.

"Well I have one as well so I'm not surprised." Puck says cockily. I snort and jab him in the side. He merely plays with his guitar and we stop briefly to pull somethings out of his locker, then we're out the door and into the front of the school heading for the parking lot. Being a sophomore I have a fairly shitty parking spot near the back.

"You, Noah 'Puck' Puckerman are for sure the most arrogant of my friends." I say as we stride across the green. "You need a lift home?" Not hearing a response I stop and turn to him, he's not standing next to me, in fact he's standing back a few yards just staring at me. Deciding to try jock speak I ask, "Dude, you want to see my mad game skills? 'Cuz I can totally own your ass with COD." He seems to shrug whatever is bugging him because he walks up and he lopes his arm around my shoulders.

"So you're telling me Ice Princess owns COD?" He says with his patented smirk. I shoot him one of my own before saying, "No, sex shark, I'm telling you that I'll own you at COD." He throws his head back with a laugh and today, I decide, hasn't been a total waste of time.


Kurt's a decidedly cool dude, I think as we stride across the black asphalt. Thinking back to the locker room and the classroom I'm still pretty surprised by the kindness and defense offered by the slender, waif-like boy wearing girly clothing and lip balm. His kindness makes it so that I can't help but smile. We finally reach his car and I let out a low whistle.

"Damn, this car is fine." I say trailing my fingers from the back to the front passenger seat. He smirks at me again over the front and a beep tells me that it's unlocked. Sliding in I toss my bag to the floor and buckle up. Hummel plops his own bag in the back before climbing in. The boy starts the car and I try to prevent the low moan that comes at the silent purr that runs through the vehicle. Damn this Navigator is fine. Hummel merely smiles at me amused before backing up and driving us out of the parking lot. Glancing at me he stops at the light.

"Do you need to call you mom or anything?" He asks in a relaxed voice. I shake my head.

"Nah, Ma's got a double shift tonight and Sarah's off for a week at a friend's."

"Sarah?" He says surprised. "You have a sister?"

"Yeah, she's super annoying." I respond back while clicking a quick text in to my mom, just so she doesn't worry in case she calls the house and I'm not there to answer it. He catches the movement, but luckily I seem to get off with only a knowing smirk. He turns on the radio and I'm surprised that it's tuned to a soft rock station.

"That's cool I guess, I always wanted siblings." He said as he took a left. He speeds up and then goes around a lumbering truck. I mentally flip off the hidden cop we pass, mostly out of the habit of actually flipping them out, but I'm pretty sure Hummel will bitch me out if I did that in his car so it stays in my head. Huh, maybe I have grown a little since this whole baby daddies hell with Quinn. My mom texts me back and she's cool with me hanging out and reminds me that she has leftovers in the fridge. We don't speak again until we're at his house and he's pulling in right after a truck parks itself in the driveway. An older man in flannel and a ball cap steps out and Hummel doesn't even bother to get his bag before getting out and hugging him. I step offer the slightly intimidating man my hand. He glances at Hummel who merely smiles at him.

"Dad this is my friend Noah 'Puck' Puckerman." Hummel says while the older man takes my hand, "Puck this is my father Burt Hummel. Mechanic extraordinaire." His father shakes mine briefly before chuckling. "Puck's on the football team Dad." Hummel says while he goes back to the car to get his bag. He closes his door and clicks his little car beeper locking the car.

"Oh? So how do you know each other? Did you meet through Cheerios or something?" His father asks, oh yeah Kurt's in the Cheerios, totally forgot about that.

"Glee," Hummel says with a smile. We walk to the door and Hummel unlocks it with a few quick efficient twists.

"Oh, is he over to work on a project, or something?" Mr. Hummel asks holding the door open for both of us, I mumble an awkward thank you following Hummel in.

"No Dad, he's over to play some video games and relax. We'll be down in my room okay?" Glancing at me he says, "C'mon let's go play some COD." He grabs my wrist and drags me down the hallway to a door and then down the stairs. The living area, or what I saw of it before being hurried looks laid back and a little faded around the edges. Hummel's bedroom however is glossy, almost feminine, though I bite my tongue so I avoid pissing him off. I happened to over hear one of his rants the other day at a football player that even though he dressed in a kilt and wore make up it did not mean he was a girl. If he was a girl, he had said, he would be straight not gay. Chuckling at the memory of him waggling his finger in the surprised jock's face I almost miss the controller being tossed at my chest. Catching it, albeit not as smoothly as I would like I plop down on the ground by his bed and face the tv.

Mindless video games with shooting and blood, really the best boy thing in the world. A couple hours pass and Hummel's dad calls down to us, "Boys do you want some pizza?" Hummel looks at me in question and I shrug.

Tilting his head back he yells, "Sure dad, make sure to order a veggie one so we can pretend we're eating something health." His father's disjointed laughter drifts down and I snicker. Pausing the game Kummel asks if I want some soda or something and I ask for a bottle of water. As he runs up to the kitchen I borrow his bathroom. He has to have at least a dozen different bottles of unimaginable things stacked and placed neatly and orderly on his counter. Why he has four different combs and brushes is beside me and I quickly use the bathroom feeling weird, like I'm snooping. Hummel's back in the room and he tosses me the bottle.

"Thanks Hummel," I say with a smirk. He cocks his head to the side and studies me for few seconds.

"You know you can call me Kurt right?" He says curiously. I feel a knot I didn't even know was there loosen in my stomach.

"Sure, if you call me Noah," I hear myself offering. He offers me a smile and nods.

"C'mon Noah, let's see if you can beat me at Halo this time!" He resumes his position on his stomach on the bed picking up the controller and sipping on a ginger ale. Chuckling I settle back in my spot and cuss violently when he blows my guy up.

"You suck, you know that," Kurt says as we climb the stair half an hour later. I merely bump him gently in the shoulder and instantly want to apologize when he flinches and nearly swears.

"Dude, you alright?" I asked worriedly. He shrugs and says,

"You just hit a bruise." A bruise? Tugging at his shirt's collar, and ignoring his indignant squawks about not ruining the hem, I take a peak at his shoulder. Damn, how did I miss this this morning?

"Where'd you get that?" I ask him. He glances at me before saying.

"I got shoved after lunch by a few hockey players. The football guys do their piece in the morning, and the hockey kids like to prove who's the better shover in the afternoon. Something about practicing checks or something stupid like that." I instantly feel horrible. I was the football player who started the whole "let's toss those losers into the garbage" everyday. Catching his elbow carefully I stall us halfway up the stairs.

"Hey Kurt," I say, "I'm really sorry for being such a narrow-minded asshole all these years. I'm pretty badassed, but picking on you til you bruise isn't cool. It's like a total pussy move. So I'm like, really sorry, man." He looks me in the eye and gives me this half grin.

Patting me on the face he says, "Thank you Noah, you're a cool guy." Then laughing he says, "I think apologizing like this means grown up badass. So congratulations on being even more badass."

Smirking at him I drawl, "Dude, I can't get any more badass, the Puckinator is the God of Badassdom." Kurt laughs at this and we go and grab some pizza.


Thanks for reading! I'm glad you took the time to check this out. Let me know if I did anything weird or wrong. Sometimes my POV or grammar turns kinda "day old garbage" funky. I love feedback and alerts lol. Can anyone say total stat ho? Looking forward to having a long term author to reader relationship to all you honeys!
