Paul's POV

I wake up at 6:00, throwing on my pants and shirt before going down to leave. I cracked my neck and checked myself in the mirror to see my sexy self. Cocky? No such thing in my dictionary. My mother has been in a very up and down mood recently and it's starting to really piss me off. She seemed calm and happy though this morning, her shirt noticeably too small thus causing a very large and lumpy bulge to protrude out of the middle. I chuckle silently at this, even a camel decided to come out and play.

I prepared my toast and began pouring cereal into my overly large bowl, I had a wolves appetite after all. There was some steak in my mouth as my mother rolled her eyes at me, reading the newspaper to avoid eye contact. I finished eating my breakfast in 20 minutes and went upstairs to shower.

Last night Sam had Jarred, Embry and I do extra patrols since he found the scent of something strange. He said it disappeared when he tried to pinpoint it and that tipped me off as to the 'someone' was.

I left the shower as I felt the cool air hit the hot surface of my skin. It was an unusual feeling and I'd prefer the warm air rather than cold air. We werewolves have a body temperature 135 degrees Fahrenheit, about the temperature to kill any germ or bacteria.

"Morning Paul, have a nice day at school." than her eyes sharpened and her smile turned into a deathly glare. "Don't you dare fucking embarrass me tonight or so help me, well, you'll be sorry that's for sure."

One of her many instances of her multiple personality disorder. She's so far shown three sides to her; a happy and caring mother, the original, an angry sadistic bitch, and a stoic apathetic person. Personally I like the apathetic one the best, keeps her outta my way and I can see my little puppy whenever I want.

My little puppy, formally known as Jacob Taylor Black, is my most precious thing in the universe. He's more important to me than the pack; I'd kill my own brothers for him. It was all because of that faithful day, the day I was going to see my cousin sing a song to my aunty: The day the lights converged and created the black and red blur.

I shook my head willing those thoughts away as I had already begun to walk to school. Now ordinarily I'd wait for Sam to pick me up but today he was taking Seth and his damn car is just too small. I mean I'm 6 and a half feet and the car is about 5 feet tall, maybe. Anyway, it was only a short ten minute walk away, no big deal. It's not like there's any big bad wolf in the woods trying to get me. I was excited today; it was finally school again meaning I could see the puppy again. I was a little anxious to say the least and my brisk walk was turning into a near sprint for school.

I saw Jakey's car coming up and I decided to hitch a ride. I sprinted to catch some speed and jumped into the bed of his truck. He obviously hadn't noticed, my poor little pup was too deep in thought. Hmm I wonder what he's thinking about. Maybe it's being under me as I plow into his smooth tight ass and fill him with my pups. *sigh a guy can dream can't he?

We stopped ten minutes later and I hopped outta his truck. He parked right next to Sam which was pretty odd for him. As long as I've followed him he usually parks near the back, must be late. I looked at my phone and school was starting in around 10 minutes.

He walked with a spring in his step and I matched his footsteps to the dot, however he seemed to notice as I heard his heartbeat quicken and his steps beginning to shorten. It made me a little worried; is my pup getting scared of me? I frowned a little at the thought, he glances at Sam and I chuckle silently to myself. Sam must be a little interested that I'm following him.

I mean I've guarded him all my life and only now he notices? It's a little sad of my alpha really. Jake was walking through the halls when I saw Sam bump into him. My heart clenches as I see him slowly falling to the floor as I lunge, I won't make it.

Thankfully my alpha is there to help him, I don't know whether to be relieved or irritated at how he's staring so intently at my little pup. He is my alpha though; for the most part he looks surprised. I smile to myself a little as I realize he didn't notice Jake, typical.

"Thank you…." I heard Jake whisper his beautifully husky voice seemed to flow like the wind. I was a little jealous at Sam, after all I rarely get to hear my beautiful pups voice. I walked up to him and threw him a smug smile.

"Hey Sam careful bro, don't be hurting little Jakey now." I taunted and he quirks an eyebrow at me. We began walking down the halls and he grunted a little.

"Jakey?" He asked, obviously not knowing who he was.

"Jacob Black, although I think you'll know him better as, 'the shadow'." I said as Sam hadn't quite gotten my hint. I sighed when we were near the auditorium and I could see the gears turning in his head.

"So what's he like is he a leech or something?" Oh hell no, he did not just compare my beautiful ball of sunshine to a dreary, dark, cold blood sucking leech. I felt my temper rise and punched him in the arm, hard.

"Sam I'm warning you, DO NOT ever call Jake a leech or insult him EVER again. You may be my Alpha but I will hurt you." I warned as I stormed off towards the assembly hall. As I entered I began sniffing the room for nothing. There was a section of seats I couldn't smell, that's where Jake was.

"Hey bro, is this seat taken?" I ask, he's not paying attention and I finally heard the one thing that I need to. "No, it's open." I was elated, the first time in 10 years since I've followed, I mean, met Jake and his voice was heaven. Even if it was a short sentence, it soothed me down to my very core, even the big bad wolf agreed with me. He jumped, probably realizing he spoke, than began digging into his bag. I was curious as he had pulled out a dry erase board and wrote his conversation to me.

He greeted me and we made small talk, I could just feel Sam's gaze on us and I couldn't help but smirk. Sam is the jealous type after all; messing with something he's interested in is like pushing all of the alphas emotional buttons at once. Jake was writing to me about how his mom was making him go home right after school to prepare for the yearly party the council throws. It's usually at the beginning and end of the school year to help motivate us to do well in school. Even though all of our futures are basically set for life, ya know, being protectors of la push and all.

"Now for Soccer MVP, Junior Jacob Black please come and get your award. Mr. Black has been recognized and paid by the forensic science association in Seattle as well. So if everyone can give this bright boy a round of applause." Jacob smirked as he was called up, than Sam then me. Amazingly, Sam was blown away at the fact that Jake had beaten out Embry in soccer. If you look at the scores though, Jake and Em were head to head. Top scorer and number one center in the state. Jake probably took priority because of his scholarship.

Sam was smiling to Jake and I felt a tinge of jealousy, but I suppressed it. I knew Sam would hear me if I growled and I can't afford to have another one of those slip ups when it came to Jake. I already killed his mom, I don't want to hurt him anymore.

Sam's PoV

His little gasp set my crotch to life, I growled a little and heard a snicker from the guys. I thought of something truly disgusting, Leah's pussy. I gagged a little imagining what that stinky angry thing would look like. I shuddered and I swear I could hear Leah growling at me.

Seth had a kicked puppy look as he stared at Embry, who in response smiled and waves to him. Embry was leading center for the whole year so it's a surprise that he lost to Jake but, no one ever asked where the ball went after Embry passed it I guess.

"Now everyone give them a round of applause, boys take your seats." I sighed in relief thanking the lord my little friend didn't come out to play. Paul brushed past me, a smug grin on his face almost taunting me.

I shake my head in frustration at these damned thoughts; I'm not gay what the fuck is with these images. Paul invites Jake to sit near us and he's writing feverishly to Embry. Paul said he's not very comfortable talking with people, I guess that board is how he communicates.

"Hey Jake, how'd you like to hang with us from now on? It'd be pretty sweet having you in our group, ya know, since you're a genius and all." I say as he stares me in the eyes and a look of panic crosses his face.

'I'll just be going now, thank you for the offer I'll think about it.' I knew already I did something wrong, my chest and my mood suddenly dropped. *Punch Ow, fucking Paul did he imprint on what's mine... Crap.

"What the hell Sam!? Jake's doesn't talk for a reason. You're a fucking dumass if you think he'll just randomly agree to treat you as a friend. He's scared, c'mon Em let's go help my little pup." Oh hell no, did he just call Jake a pup. What's worse, HIS little pup. No, straight or not Paul shouldn't be thinking of someone like Jacob like that.

"Paul watch what you say, show respect to him. We're going to be guests in his house tonight so I want you to apologize for me." Alright I may be abusing my alpha powers but hell; I so didn't want to see Jake right now. In fact I don't even wanna see him ever again.

I growl in frustration as our classes begin, Embry and Paul shared the same class with Jake while I was left by myself. A cute russet skinned girl sat in front of me, her eyes a dark brown with a hint or yellow in them. Her hair was tied back and she was a fine specimen to say the least. I gave a wolffish grin as I had finally found a girl to take my mind off my gay thoughts. I write her a note and toss it to her. She asks to use the bathroom, five minutes later I ask.

Let the fun begin.

Paul's PoV

Embry and I made it into the classroom to see him in a corner of the room. He was reading something and his eyes glanced towards Embry and I. I smiled to him as we took a seat next to him; Embry in front and me to the left. Jake wasn't comfortable with giving me his number, so instead of texting we did something truly old school: wrote notes to each other.

Embry was our lookout but the teacher didn't care, I don't even know if he noticed us honestly until Jake became uneasy. He quickly scribbled something then pulled his board out. I opened the note, 'he's wrong he wrote the formula wrong!'.

Well no wonder Jake was a received that scholarship, he's correcting a teacher on the first day of school. Ahh, my brainy little pup he's so cute and smart.

When my attention was back on the real Jake though he was frantically raising his hand, the teacher never noticed though. I raised my hand now, the teacher carried a shocked look as he pointed at me.

"Yes ?"

"Jakey's got something to say about those numbers on the board." He gave me a confused look then looked at Jake. "Oh Mr. Black I thought you were absent today. Is there something you have to say?" He nodded a small nod as people began to stare at him, poor thing he's getting uncomfortable. "Jacob we're waiting we didn't stop class for nothing." Oh hell no, hold my poodle em, I'm about to punch this mother fuck-

"He doesn't feel comfortable talking Mr. Willows, just let him correct your mistake." Embry said with a glare and Jake's eyes widened with surprise. Embry is relatively soft spoken an kind, so for him to glare and raise his voice it's something unheard of. Only one explanation: I have more competition damnit.

"F-Fine Mr. Black please come here and demonstrate how you would solve the problem." Jake stood up and quickly walked up to the board; hands to his sides, head down and avoiding eye contact. He quickly erased all of Mr. Willows notes, much to his dismay, and began writing the correct formula for a quadratic function. Without a word, Jake finished and quickly went back to his seat.

"T-That's correct, my mistake Jacob... Anyway, continuing on." I tuned him out for the rest of class as Jake was finishing up the homework for the week. I watched as he scribbled numbers and answers quickly; forearms tightening slightly, how he bites his pencil when he's thinking and that look in his eyes when he's getting something done. One hell of a fucking turn on. bzzzzt

'Stop staring so much Paul or your eyes are gonna pop out. xD' Embry texted and I growled when Jake peeked over. I covered my phone and texted back a 'fuck you'.

Can you believe that it wasn't always like this though, Jake was a student of Forks for three years and only now we notice him. Strange right?

Sam's PoV

Well, the girls name was Emily and we fucked like there was no tomorrow. I didn't really fit all the way though so it wasn't all that fun. We were currently in a women's restroom stall in what is known as the 'hook up restroom' of the school. Pretty messed up place isn't it, having a place in school designated for hookups. Emily was quite though, the girl next to us, not so much. 'Aaaaah~ theeereeee~ so hooot~' my god kill me with a spork. Anything would have been better then listening to the fake crap she was spewing.

"So Sam, are you going to that ball the blacks are having tonight?" Emily asked as we left the restroom together. There would be a reason for me to think about Jacob again huh? I nodded to her and she smiled gently to me, she had a nice smile and her after sex glow made it seem almost like she actually WAS glowing. "Oh good, well I hope you can find me, make sure you wear your mask though. It'll be fun if we can find each other without knowing what the other is wearing." With that she returned to class fixing herself up while I walked out into the court yard of the school.

I needed to figure some things out right now; Jake, the mysterious scent that comes in and out of la Push and what to do about the party tonight. Paul, Embry, Seth and I were wearing tuxedos with slight variations. My tie was gray and I decided to carry a camellia for the one I chose to dance with. The flower was pretty to say the least and there were a few in the garden Sue had planted. Seth was coming too, Emrby was probably gonna keep a close eye on him while we were there. The theme was masquerade and I picked out a black mask adorned with several yellow and red beads around the nose. There were two grey teardrops under my yes on the mask and for some reason it intrigued me. Paul and I were left with Jarred and Quil, the four amigos.

Jared and Quil had imprints, were happy as hell and almost seemed to rub in Embry and my face every chance they got. They knew how much Embry was craving Seth's affection, and due to their prankster like personalities, often called him on it. Embry would get flustered, then mad, them Seth would join in and all three would shut up. The only thing they had on me was all the past relationships that I had, really not much but they would try to see how long it took to piss me off. Well that's the reason I thought they do it was anyway. They were going to drive their dates to the Blacks house and party hard.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I had appeared in front of Paul, Jake and Embry's class. I honestly had no intention of seeing Jake again; I said that already didn't I? Either way this wasn't something that I had really cared about, I swear to myself it won't be. The bell rang with that annoying ring and I saw the students storm out of the classroom. Paul and Em had their arms around Jake as they were laughing about a joke I was dying to here. I was glaring at the two as Jake began to silently laugh; I guess he really was mute which makes things a little less than perfect.

"Dude Sam, Jake's a-fucking-mazing! His first day in class and he's already correcting the teachers, Mr. Willows nearly shit his pants." Paul said as Jake scratched the back of his head nervously, Paul brought Jake his board and the boy began writing his thoughts again.

It irritates me quite a bit that I'm not able to be the one that Jake is comfortable yet, not that I'm thinking that; nope, not at all. I saw Paul wrap his arm around Jake's shoulder non-chalantly and he was saying something about being a 'bad-ass bitch', I was only focusing on the arm that shouldn't belong there. To bring my mind off those thoughts, I told the guys that we should get to class already. Paul seemed to become a little wary as he let Jacob go, locking eyes with me for a second.

"Hey Jake; you and Sam share chemistry together, stay with him and you'll be fine alright?" Paul said, not turning to look at Jake but instead made sure I caught the hint that I was supposed to make sure he was safe. From what I'm not really sure; but Paul seemed to be really protective over the boy. I was going to find out what made this boy so interesting to the hot head and I was going to find out today.

I nodded and our group disbanded, Jacob was trailing beside me. I figured if he had something to say he would either poke me with his board to get my attention or he would actually speak, since I knew he could. The hallways were flooding with people and Jacob quickened his pace as he was nudging me forward. I looked back and could tell on his face that he wasn't comfortable with the stares he was getting from his classmates. I grabbed his hand and began to tug him forward, he didn't protest to my knowledge as we had quickly sat at the two seated tables of the chemistry room.

"Are you alright?" Jake began writing, 'yes, sorry I get a little nervous when around a large amount of people.' I tilted my head with a sigh and nodded, I wanted to get him to speak though, I want to see if his voice will have the same effect as last time. "How come you don't speak Jakey?" The name was the one I gave to the other Jacob I had known a long time ago. I am not sure if the boy was real or not so I assumed he was fake as I don't remember much about him other than the name I had given him. This Jakey was now sighing as he began writing quickly, we had around 5 more minutes until the passing bell rang to start class so he was definitely in a hurry. Not even a few moments later the board was filled with two paragraphs that seemed pretty long, I grabbed it from him and started reasing.

'Well, when I was little I used to be really shy. With my mother it was no different, I actually was the most open with here. When she passed I wanted to carry on her wish of being more social so I did, when my step mom came in I completely opened myself to her. I trusted her without a second thought and everything she said, it turned out she was just a big liar.

That broke me I guess Sam, I started to not trust people more and more. People lie with the words they speak, so I choose to not speak. I don't really care that people make fun of me or if I'm alone, I'll be fine being unknown.'

After finishing that I gave it back to him, knowing he would probably have to show it to Paul guys next. I was stunned at what I had just read, it wasn't because what he wrote was absolutely horrible. It was because he had opened up to me, I'm a stranger and he just opened up to me. His lips were tightly pressed together and his muscles looked tense; was he nevous? I sighed, picking up his chair with one hand and moving him closer to me so I could wrap and arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks for trusting me, I promise that even if I look and act like it sometimes, I'm not an ass that would do that to you. The guys will do the same if I tell them to, you can trust us Jakey." I said with a smirk as I ruffled his hair and his face lit up like a Christmas tree, covered in red lights. The class began to flood in and I knew that there was probably about a minute or so left of passing, I quickly moved his chair to the original position and he almost fell off. I can't have people getting any ideas that I'm gay, which would be terrible for my potential imprint.

Jake's PoV

When Sam had asked me why I hadn't spoken, I was taken aback. The way he spoke to me, the way he resented himself, the way you could swim in those brown eyes of his. I knew immediately who he was, He was Sammy. The Sam that had always helped me out in the past, he was the one that was always nice to me. Since I knew it was the Sam from the past, I knew I had to tell him everything he wanted to know, if not Sammy would always get really mad at me. I scribbled my message quickly, as he read it I could see his brows furrowing; I guess he wasn't very happy huh? After he finished he gave me my board and I stashed it away for when I would tell my new friends Paul and Embry about that.

When he grabbed me I was already surprised, but it surprised me more when he assured me that he could trust me. My head was playing through thoughts like a flip book drawing flips through pages and all went to hell when he ruffled my hair. I looked as his smiling face and I could feel my face light up at the alpha of the La push pack. When he pushed me away quickly I almost fell, I was about to call his name when he grabbed the chair to keep it from tipping over. I grabbed on and avoided another horribly embarrassing moment thanks to Sammy.

Unfortunately, Sammy can't know that I'm the mysterious thing that goes around the border at night. The realization hit me again, what am I doing? I can't let Sam get close to me; I have to push him away before I get attached. I was planning to scoot my chair inconspicuously away from him but to no success as he had a firm grip on the chair. The class had flooded in and the teacher greeted us and his name was Mr. Richardson.

"Alright class the seats you have chosen are now your designated seats for the year and the person next o will be your lab partner from this point on. I expect everyone to get along and if there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask me or Mr. Black sitting next to Mr. Uley. You sure are lucky Sam, he's my star pupil and genius of the school you know." I looked down embarrassed; I would have to make sure to use the shroud again tonight. If too many people remember me then it won't work later on, I'll have to work fast before midnight. Sam nudged me and smiled as I could hear whispers and angry mutterings of how I am 'stealing the hottest guy in class,' which I wasn't.

The class went by really quickly for me, I already knew everything he was teaching and since Sam and I were near the back of the class we were writing to each other about things we like. It didn't surprise me that Sam like things with weaker tastes, he always was a lover of food and didn't care what it was. Apparently Sam had to suddenly come back to La Push as a freshman for family business, meaning he shifted. He told me things that happened in the school while he was here and when he played football, not that I wasn't there for these things. I made sure that I wasn't a popular presence since I was 10. I wouldn't say that I lived in Hell, quite the contrary from it actually.

When I was alone, forgotten from history with only written and printed words as proof of life, I could indulge myself in the works of others. I could live the lives of those that do not exist, for that was better than living in the world where there were so many lies. Science, Math, History, English; everything is definite. There is no room for error as there is only one right answer to each question, no exceptions.

"Jakey, snap out of it class is over, time for lunch." Sam nudged me from my inner monologue as I shook my head to collect myself and smiled at him. With a nod we stood and people in class left already, leaving only Sam, the teacher, me and Bonshanequalafontria (Mr. Richardson was crazy) the pet fish. The teacher waited for Sam to leave and closed the door. The lock sounded and I could see Sam look behind him to see if I was alright, I nodded. He nodded back and I'm pretty sure he moved to wait for me by the lockers.

"Oh Jacob come, can you write this on the board, don't tell Sam though this is extra credit for the class." I nodded and asked if I can teach Sam what it is, he nodded with a smile. "You seem close with Mr. Uley, I'm proud of you Jake." Trimethylxanthine. "You know its okay for you to make friends in school." C8H10N4O2. "Thank you Jacob, I will make sure you receive credit for that." I had completely drawn out what the molecules look like all in an attempt to drown out what my teacher was saying. "Oh and make sure you're drinking coffee, ya know, your hint to Sam." He winked and I wrote my good bye.

As soon as the door opened I was tackled by a warm mass and was about to throw him off when the scent was familiar. I looked and saw that Paul was now dragging me by the hand to what I assume is the cafeteria. I see people staring at the fact that Paul and I were technically holding hands and while I shouldn't care about the opinion of those around me, I blush. I could hear their hushed murmurs and I knew the rumors were soon going to spread and I realized the sheer amount of work I will have to do tonight, I don't think I'll have enough time to do patrols.

"Hey Jake, I saw Sam waiting outside and thought ya were in some trouble, figured if anyone could cheer ya up I could." He put emphasis on the 'I' which made me silently laugh and I pulled an empty white board from my bag. I think I had a total of 7 extras all ready for me to write to whoever and whatever I wanted to, 'No I just needed to write some extra credit for tomorrow.' Paul smiled, he really worries about me and I couldn't really put my finger on as to why he was like that.

Too many questions that I do not know the answer too, I do not like this.

? PoV

"He is really adorable in this timeline, it's so different than the one that I knew." A mysterious figure said as he sat inconspicuously on a tree outside of the school grounds. His hair was folded in half yet it still reached past his thighs and he wore a light blue robe with big sleeves. "I guess it's almost time for my big debut, I really do hate being kept waiting though. Things like these really bug me, but in this timeline I like this Jacob better, not quite like I did LonelyWolf though." The figure stood and you could see a yellow headband on the top of his head that revealed brown and blue eyes.

"I guess it's time for this shitty emo story to become a shitty gay love story huh? So Jacob Black, are you ready to meet the one who will bring closer to the wolves, ah you can just call me; Love." With a snap the figure disappeared with a sharp smile and a popping sound.


OOoooooooh ok guys if you don't know who this mysterious figure is without already knowing then you're gonna have to either wait, or do some investigating in my other stories. I VERY strongly implore you to review as I was working on this for a very long time. Please review, I don't care if its flame so long as is constructive, even a 'PLEASE UPDATE!" is appreciated. I love you all and until next time.