So, this is the last chapter. I hope you like it.

Please R&R.

"Can I ask you a weird question?" I asked after I had put myself through an awkward attempt to make conversation with Chord. I found him alone in his trailer and joined him without giving him a reason.

"Sure." He was giving me his full attention, probably because I had been acting weird. Even I could tell, but somehow I wasn't able to stop my behaviour.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone." I practically begged him, not wanting it to become a cast's anecdote.

He held one had to his heart and the other one up as if he was saying a vow. "I promise." He said slowly.

"And feel free for say no." I told him to make clear that I understood if he wasn't up for what I was about to ask.

"Okay." He half laughed, obviously wanting me to ask the question.

Okay, this is it. Prepare to be laughed at. "Do you want to go out with me?" I said very quickly, waiting with wide eyes for his response.

"As in..." He trailed off. He wasn't getting the point. I couldn't blame him.

"A date." I clarified. I wanted to know what his real reaction was. And at the same time I didn't want to know.

He didn't answer me. He looked at me and simply said "I didn't know you were gay."

"I'm not." I quickly answered. But when he raised his eyebrow I remembered what I had asked him and those things clashed completely. "Well, maybe a little bit," I admitted. "but that's what I'm trying to find out."

"I'm not gay." He told me slowly, as if he didn't want to hurt my feelings. He actually sounded sorry.

"I know." I said and for some reason I was disappointed. But I had expected it. "I'm sorry. I just don't really know what to do. Just forget I asked you." I hung my head in embarrassment.

"No, man, you don't understand." I looked up to face him again. "I'm flattered you feel that way, but I can't return those feelings." He told me.

"I don't have feelings for you." I said quickly. He looked strangely at me. "I- I like another guy," I told him. "but just because I want to be with him doesn't mean I have these feelings for other guys too. And I can't figure it out with him, so that's why I'm asking you." He gave me no sign of disgust, so I just kept going. "And I thought because Sam was originally gay you wouldn't be completely against the idea of, I don't know, kissing a guy." That didn't come out right. "Not that I'm expecting that from you! Physical contact isn't needed at all." I'm such an idiot. He already turned you down, you just made it even more awkward. I mentally kicked myself.

He studied me for a moment and I rubbed my neck nervously. Is he expecting me to go? When I was about to leave he talked again. "Yeah, sure." Was what he said. "Why not? Sounds like fun to me." What was that? Did he just- did he just say yes? And not even a hesitant one. A willing one. Like he is absolutely sure about it. "What?" He laughed when he saw I was speechless. "Wasn't expecting that?"

I shook my head. "No, defiantly not." I confirmed, still not believing him.

"Well, I'm helping you with it, right?" I nodded eagerly. I was hoping he didn't think I was absolutely mad.

The doorbell rung when I was still running around the house to find my shoes. Chris was downstairs, so I knew he was going to open the door. I had told him I was going on a date, because he asked why I was running around, trying to gather an outfit. I only hoped the excitement he was showing for me was fake. "Hi Chord, what are you doing here?" Chris asked as I finally spotted my shoes.

"I'm here for Darren." I heard Chord answer and I quickly pulled my shoes on.

"Oh, I think you'll have to come back later, he is about to go on a date." I was trying to tie my laces with the speed of light, but I failed.

"I know." Chord said simply and I succeeded to put my shoes on and speeded downstairs.

"Is it a double date?" Chris asked, his voice confused. "I thought you broke up with-"

"He is my date." I interrupted when I reached the door. I saw how casually Chord was dressed and I felt overdressed, immediately.

"I beg your pardon?" Chris said, blinking rapidly at us.

"I'm his date." Chord clarified.

Chris stayed silent for a moment, absolutely struck by the new information. Then he started laughing like a mad man. He grabbed his stomach and practically doubled over. "He's your- you're going- this is hilarious!" He choked out.

I couldn't believe he was laughing at me right in my face. And Chord was right next to me. It was downright humiliating. "Really? Don't you think this is a little rude?" I asked, because he wasn't aware of it.

He forced his laughter to die down. "Yeah, I'm sorry." He tried to be serious. "There is nothing funny here." And he broke out in another stream of giggles.

"We're going." I told him and shut the door in his face. I wasn't going to stand there and get laughed at by him.

"Wait." Chord made me stop walking by taking my wrist. I turned round. "I didn't come here to actually go out with you." He said.

Of course. How could I have been so stupid? Of course he isn't going through with this. "Oh." I said, trying my best to show no care.

Apparently he didn't fall for it. "No," He started sympathetically. "I mean I did have that intention, but then I realised-"

"That I'm a stupid guy." I finished for him. "A guy. And you're just too nice to stand me up." I didn't know why he said yes in the first place. He knew what he was getting himself into.

"I realised what is going on here." He sat down on the stairs in front of our house and patted the empty spot next to him. I sat down on the cold stone, because I wanted to hear what he had to say. "I came here to tell you that you should just tell Chris." How does he- I've never told him I'm into Chris. What a horrible piece of advise. I told him what I had to figure out. "It doesn't matter if you like other guys what matters is that you like him and that you're gonna make this work."

I stood up, frustrated. Make it work. Sure! I don't know if you have noticed, but I'm not exactly good at making stuff work. "Of course it doesn't matter to me or you, even him," I gestured to the door. "but it does to the rest of the world. What if I somehow get him to be my boyfriend? What if the world found out?" I asked him, but he didn't answer. "Everyone would go nuts. And what kind of explanation do I have? I have none."

"Last time I checked you didn't care if the world thought you're gay or whatever." He said too dryly and calm for my liking.

He had a point. I never cared what others thought about my sexuality, but that was when I wasn't so god damn insecure about it. I was absolutely positive I was straight, but I didn't want to miss out on anything, so I told everyone I wasn't into labels. "When you checked it wasn't so damn accurate." I almost whispered and sat down on the stairs again. He looked at me with a 'do you hear what that sounds like?' face. "I know," I groaned. "I'm being hypocrite."

"So stop that and do what I told you." He said and helped me up my feet.

After Chord had left I made my way inside. Chris had taken his seat on the couch again. This is it. I wanted to say and ask so many things, but I didn't know how to say any of them. So, instead, my mouth decided to form the following sentence. "You are an asshole, you know that?" We were both surprised by it.

He looked shocked at me. "Wait, shouldn't you be-"

"Chris, that was humiliating!" I interrupted. "Chord was just being a good friend by helping me out and you laughed at him." I almost yelled at him. He was just sitting there, looking taken aback. "I'm doing this for you. For us." I told him and I hated how desperate I sounded. "Not like you give a damn about us." I muttered loud enough for him to hear and turned around to go to my bedroom. When I entered the room I let myself fall face down on my bed. Nothing was going as planned. I was supposed to be on a date with one of my best friends and he turned me down. I was supposed to make things work with Chris, but I started another fight instead.

"Dare," I heard Chris' small voice behind me. "I'm sorry I laughed at you guys." He said when I had looked him in the eyes. "And I do give a damn about us. I give lots of damns."

I shook my head. We weren't on the same page. "You don't care as much as I do." I said. He walked to my bed and sat down next to me. "I'm falling for you." I told him truthfully. I hadn't even admitted it to myself yet. I was going to get heartbroken very soon if I didn't clear things up. Maybe it was too late already. All I knew was that it was coming soon. "And I see the ground coming closer, but I don't know when I'm going to hit it. And as long as I'm falling I don't know anything for sure." I hoped that made sense to him. Who was I kidding, it didn't even make sense to me.

Silence. Have I overstepped some boundary? I basically told him I'm in love with him. Okay, I've defiantly overstepped a boundary. "Who said that is not how I feel about you?" He said. He can't, right? He can't feel the same. I've heard him say he didn't.

"Are you over Aaron?" I asked, absolutely terrified to hear the answer. What if he isn't? What if he realizes breaking up with him was a mistake?

Apparently he didn't know the answer. "When are you over someone?" He asked me.

"When you don't think about them anymore." Was my answer.

"Then I'll never be over him." My face must have been in absolute shock, because he immediately started to explain. "He was my boyfriend for quite some time. I can't just erase all my memories." That, I thought, was understandable. "I loved him, he will always have a special place in my life. But Aaron told me something when we broke up." Oh. That couldn't be anything good judging by Chris' tone. "First, I told him I loved him-"

"I don't think I want to hear this." I cut him of, because I really didn't. Anything following on that would be too painful for me to listen to.

"And he told me I loved you more." That- that wasn't painful at all, but what doesn't mean it's the truth. "And he was right." Chris said, his eyes boring into mine. He loves me. He just told me he loves me. There it was. The ground. My falling came to a stop. The ground stopped coming closer. But I didn't hit it, because someone caught me. Chris.

I gasped for air for what seemed like a century. I couldn't believe it. I loved him, he loved me. Everything was perfect. "I love you so much." I told him without realising what I said.

"I love you too." He replied and I was on cloud nine. I had never heard anything more beautiful. It was all unreal, I desperately needed confirmation.

"Really?" I choked out.

He just nodded. And it was enough. And we kissed. We kissed like it was meant to be. And all that cheesy crap about fireworks? It's all true.

That's the beginning of how I ended up where I've always wanted to be. Wearing an expensive suit, standing in a suite with my best friend who is carrying the ring for the love of my life. It took some time and effort to get there, but we made it.

"No! You can't see the groom!" I heard Aaron's voice at the other side of the door. "That's bad luck!"

Chris giggled. "Come on, this is not a traditional wedding." He said. "And I allowed you to see Jayden too when you got married." I waited patiently for the door to open.

"Fine." Aaron said dramatically and knocked on the door of my suite. Joey told them they could come in. The door swung open and there he was. He was dressed in a black suit and a bright blue tie that matched his eyes. He had a flower in the pocket on his chest that matched Aaron's, Joey's and mine. I couldn't find any words for what I was seeing.

"Wow." He breathed out. Yeah, that pretty much described him.

"That's what I wanted to say." I told him and a smile appeared on his face as I expected.

He stepped closer to me and kissed me quickly. "I love you." He said as if we were alone in the room.

"I love you too." I smiled before kissing him once more.

When we broke apart we eyed the two other men in the room. Chris took my hand. "Let's get married." He said and I'll tell you this: that day, I married the crap out of him.