Hi everyone! This if my first ever fan-fiction so I would really appreciate any reviews and advice you can give me. Also, please give your thoughts of where you see this story going as I would love to encorporate some of your ideas. I have already begun working on the rest of the story but lately I find myself not being able to progress further. I hope you enjoy! xx

After their debut, Starish had been performing concerts left and right in japan and had become extremely popular. They remained enrolled at Saotome Academy where they returned every night after every concert, recording session and interview by orders of the headmaster. After the group's request, the headmaster agreed to have Haruka remain by their sides 24/7, going to their concerts and accompanying them to their TV interviews. One night the fans pressure is too much for Haruka and the boys need to find a way for her to get better fast.

The cheers of the crowd, the bass of the music, and the lights illuminating the stage where her favourite six boys in the entire world sang were all a part of what made Haruka love Starish's concerts so much. Tonight the fans were extra excited and she could feel the energy of the music coursing through her. The boys were performing their final number as she waited, ready to greet them back-stage. With the final blast of confetti from the stage she knew that the concert was over and the boys were returning backstage. The roar of the crowd was deafening as the spotlights went out and the boys exited the stage.

Otoya was the first to reach her and pulled her into a bear hug

"Hey Haruka-chan, how were we?" the energetic red-head said while grinning

"You guys were great!" she managed to reply while in Otoya's tight embrace

"Ah... are you okay? You're shaking!" Otoya said, releasing her.

"I'm fine! I'm just excited for you guys!"

"You're probably scaring the little lamb Ittoki." a flirtatious voice said from behind them.

All of the boys had returned from the stage with flushed faces from the spotlights. Everyone was smiling except for Tokiya and Masato who were both focused on Haruka with their eyes narrowed.

"I was not! … Was I Haruka-chan?" Otoya pleaded.

Ignoring Ren and Otoya's banter, Masato stepped towards Haruka staring at her intensely "Are you truly alright Nanami-san?"

"O-of course!"

With this, Tokiya walked up and grasped Haruka's hand tightly. "You really are shaking" His eyes still narrowed suspiciously as he wonders what could be going on.

Before Haruka could respond a security guard came forward letting them know that the limo was ready to take them back to Saotome Academy. Begrudgingly, the boys didn't question Haruka further as they exited out the back towards the parking lot. It was a mere matter of seconds before they were swarmed by fans that didn't make it into the concert and had loitered outside waiting for them. Shou was instantly pulled from the group causing Natsuki to stumble after him and further from the security guards who were trying their best to protect the 6 idols as well as Haruka. Natsuki was able to grab hold of Shou's sleeve and pull him out of the grasp of screaming fans.

Panting Shou looked over to the others who were all having to deal with their own battles against the fans, "How the hell do we get out of here?"

"Can we make it to the limo?" Natsuki asked one of the guards

"Not with all of these girls here! The limo won't be able to get through"

"Do any of you guards have a car in the parking lot that would be able to get us out of here?" Ren said while in the middle of being scratched and pulled many fanatic girls.

The guard looked a little taken aback but tossed him a set of keys anyway "Black one, right next to the third entrance. It won't fit all of you though"

"We'll make it work."

Trying to get everyone together while being pulled in different directions and not being able to hear over the screams of fans was proving almost impossible. Ren, Tokiya, Otoya and Masato had all formed a sort of barrier around Haruka who looked terrified at all of the commotion. With one fluid motion Ren separated the fan-girls from Tokiya as he handed him the keys.

"You're the fastest one here. Bring the car as close as you can and I'll make sure everyone gets there" He told Tokiya and pushed him out of the crowd.

From there Tokiya started to sprint towards the third entrance with only the image of Haruka's pale and scared face giving him the determination to escape the many screaming fans.

After Tokiya left, Ren and Masato had formed an even tighter barricade on Haruka while Otoya took the role of keeping their fans away from them. The security guards were keeping the girls mostly at bay but they were restricted from moving. In the tight space Haruka could feel her face getting hot and her vision started to blur. She was trying to play a song over in her head so she wouldn't be overwhelmed, but the noise of the crowd was overcoming the lyrics and she started to lose the rhythm. She kept trying to get the music back in her mind but it was slipping…as was her consciousness.

"Are you okay? Nanami-san?" Masato had felt Haruka's grip slip from his hand and was just able to catch her as she fell.

"Haruka-chan!" Otoya yelled desperately from a few feet away where his fans were pushing as hard as they could to get closer to him.

"What happened to her?" Ren said, completely forgetting the chaos and turning to where Masato was holding Haruka.

"She passed out! We need to get her out of here now!" Masato said frantically while holding Haruka close to him.

Ren only had a moment to notice his jealousy at this closeness and make a point of how he'd never seen Masato act so over-whelmed before he was calling Shou and Natsuki over.

"Tokiya's bringing a car over so we can get out of here, Haruka has fainted and we need to make sure she's okay." He said with such force that made Shou and Natsuki become a little fear-full. Not even a few seconds after he said it they heard a car horn go off and they could see Tokiya behind the wheel of a small black car.

"I'll carry Haruka, you guys go first." Ren said, mostly to Masato who was in the middle of trying to stand while holding Haruka princess-style.

"Understood" Masato said and when Ren had a hold on Haruka he grabbed Shou by the sleeve and instructed Natsuki and Otoya to follow.

The security guards realized what they were trying to do and they did as much as they could to clear a path for the 5 boys to get to the car that was waiting for them. With Masato taking the lead they ran as fast as they could towards the car with Ren carrying Haruka. When they reached the car, everyone was surprised when Masato instantly took to the back seat instead of the passenger seat up-front.

"Don't just stand there Jinguuji, hand her to me!" he commanded.

Ren climbed into the backseat as well with Haruka still in his arms "As if, Hijirikawa."

Otoya followed the other two into the backseat while Natsuki sat up front next to Tokiya who was behind the wheel.

"Eh? Where the heck am I going to sit!" Shou said, clearly frustrated that he was last.

"You can sit on my lap, Shou-kun" Natsuki said cheerfully, while smiling radiantly at Shou.


"I don't care where you sit, just get in!" Tokiya yelled while his eyes darted from Haruka to the road he was going to have to navigate.

Alarmed by Tokiya's yelling, Shou clambered in the back of the car and sat at the bottom of Ren's feet, Ren being in the middle of the other two. As soon as he was in and the car door was shut, Tokiya started the car forward, making his way out of the parking lot.

Once the car was on the road Tokiya started questioning Ren who was still trying to hold Haruka on his lap despite it being extremely uncomfortable.

"What happened to her?" Is she okay?" he said trying to keep his eyes on the road but still glancing at Haruka every chance he got.

"She's passed out. The crowd was too much for her" Ren said glancing down at Haruka whose face looked as though she was just sleeping peacefully.

"If you hold her that tight it will hurt her Jinguuji" Masato said with his jaw clenched.

"Try to hide your jealousy, why don't you? I'm sure the lady is comfortable." Ren said in his seductive voice.

Turning from where he sat up front Natsuki faced Ren "you should lay her head on Masato-kun's lap and her legs can rest on Otoya-kun. That way it can be just like she's sleeping on a bed!" he said smiling pleasantly.

The three in the back adjusted Haruka so she was able to lie comfortably on their laps.

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Otoya asked looking worried.

Masato leaned his face close to Haruka's to check her breath "her breathing is steady and she doesn't seem to be in any pain…"

"What should we do? Is it okay to drive that far with her like this?" Shou asked from the floor

"I forgot you were down there Ochibi-chan! Leave it to you to be able to fit in such a small place!" Ren said acting surprised.

"Don't call me Ochibi-chan!" Shou said while his face turned red.

"Will we really be able to make it back to the academy Tokiya-kun?" Otoya said with wide eyes.

Checking the time on the dash-board Tokiya shook his head. "Its 11:30 now. It will take far too long to reach Saotome."

"Should we find a hotel to stay at?" The blue-haired singer asked from the back of the car.

"We are going to be in shit with the headmaster either way, so I say we should do that. I'm not sitting down here for 3 hours" Shou grumbled as he tried to adjust himself into a more comfortable position.

"All right, keep your eyes out for a hotel" Tokiya said with his eyes on the road.