Ok so I know I only posted the last chapter yesterday for me I'm not sure what it would be to some considering the time difference, but I just really wanted to write it as it was in my head.

This is the last chapter for this story so please enjoy.

Chapter 9

Gibbs watched and before he knew it Marcus and Jenny were off the edge of the building. "Jen" he screamed racing over to the edge.

He was afraid to look down, it wasn't that he was afraid of heights, but he didn't want to look down and see Jenny's body lying motionless on the ground covered in blood. Gibbs closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he couldn't believe he let her slip through his fingers again, this time he had the chance to save her but he didn't.

The other three agents came running onto the roof with their guns drawn but dropped them when they saw no sign of Marcus or Jenny, just Gibbs standing at the edge of the building.

"Boss where'd they go?" Tony asked approaching the older man.

Gibbs didn't say anything he just kept looking at the edge of the building.

"Oh no" Ziva said shaking her head, she could only imagine what had happened, Tony came next to his partner and pulled her into a comforting embrace, Tim just stood gormless like a goldfish.

"Ugh a little help" a small familiar voice was heard.

Gibbs heart began to beat a mile a minute; he wasn't really hearing Jenny's voice was he? He looked over at his team members; all three of them were in shock. Tony nodded to Gibbs in an attempt to tell him he wasn't hearing things.

Quickly the silver haired man looked down from the building to the traffic beneath him. He could see the crowds of people gathering around Marcus's lifeless body, laying in a twisted position, Gibbs then looked down more only to make eye contact with Jenny who was hanging on the edge of the bulding.

She was hanging on to the edge by one hand, without hesitation Gibbs grabbed it "Give me your other hand" he said to her and she lifted her hanging arm and gripped his hand tight.

Jenny had forgotten how strong Jethro was as within minutes she was no longer hanging off of the building but laying on the roof trying to catch her breath.

"Explain to the local Leo's who Marcus was and that he fell of the edge of the building when we tried to detain him, then call Ducky to get the body and ride back with him" Jenny heard Gibbs order to the three agents before a chorus of 'yes boss' and foot-steps walking away reached her ears.

Gibbs kneeled down beside her and brushed a wisp of her hair out of her face "I thought I'd lost you" he said in an uncharacteristically soft voice.

Jenny let a small smile play on her lips, she raised her hand to his face and rubbed her thumb over his cheek as she moved her hand away Gibbs grabbed it an noticed how the skin looked red and inflamed from when she'd been gripping the building, he pressed a small kiss to her palm then to the pads of each finger. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" he asked, not sure of what Marcus could have done to her.

Gibbs was relieved when she shook her head "You ok to move?" he asked after a moment knowing that she needed to be checked out by Ducky and that Lucy and Gabby would want to see Jenny and she them.

"Jethro I'm fine of course I can move" she said sitting up at the same time Gibbs got up from his kneeling position, Jenny held out her hand so Gibbs could help pull her up but instead he put an arm under her legs and one supporting her back so he was now picking her up bridal style, Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck "What part of I'm fine don't you understand?" Jenny asked amusement shinning in her eyes.

Gibbs chuckled to himself before pressing a kiss to Jenny's forehead, the redhead sighed contently and rested her head over his chest taking comfort in the sound of his heartbeat.

Five minutes and a flight of stairs later they got to the car that had been parked around the corner and Gibbs helped Jenny in before getting in himself and then they began their journey back to the headquarters.

"Did she get to NCIS ok?" Jenny asked pretending to be more interested in the dirt under her nails; she didn't want him to know how upset with herself she was.

Gibbs gave her a weak smile before putting his eyes back on the road "Lucy got there fine, ran the whole way, she didn't stop until she was in my arms"

"She's so much like you" Jenny mused "You know I didn't want to do any of it, that I had to or he'd…" she began but Gibbs cut her off.

"I got your letter Jen, I understand" he nodded as they pulled into the NCIS car park.

Lucy was sitting at Gibbs's desk, spinning around in his chair waiting for time to pass, Gabby sat watching the eleven year old "Can you stop doing that your making me dizzy?" The older redhead asked.

Lucy stopped abruptly putting her foot on the floor making the chair squeak "Then stop watching me" she glared, the girl was worried and tired and that wasn't a good combination especially mixed with the stubbornness she'd inherited from both her parents. So the eleven year old kept spinning.

Gabby reached out and yanked the chair stopping the spinning "I said stop, you do as I say" she instructed her niece.

"You're not my mother, you can't tell me what to do" Lucy yelled at her auntie "You may have looked after me for the past two years put you're not mum" the girl continued to get angry.

"Lu I know your upset and worried for your mum and Gibbs but yelling at me isn't gunna help her come faster" Gabby retaliated just as the elevator doors opened.

Both redheads turned and watched as Gibbs stepped out and Jenny followed closely behind, his hand ghosting the small of her back. "Mummy" Lucy screamed as she jumped out of the chair and ran to her mother with open arms.

"Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry" Jenny said running a hand through her daughters hair and repeatedly kissing her forehead. Gibbs smiled as he watched the woman he loved and their daughter reunite.

Gabby then approached Jenny and Lucy "Gabby" Jenny smiled before hugging her little sister "I'm so sorry for everything and thank you for looking after Lucy"

"Anything for you sis" Gabby gave her sister a smile.

"I knew you were gunna be ok" Abby Sciuto screamed as she ran to the woman she saw as one of her closest friends and gave her a hug.

"I've missed you to Abby" Jenny said hugging the bubbly Goth back.

"Thank you so much for the Gibblet she is awesome" the raven haired woman said smiling at Lucy.

"Yeah she is" Jenny said pressing another kiss to her daughter's forehead.

"And Gibbs has a family again" Abby said hugging Gibbs.

Lucy and Jenny looked at Gibbs "I guess we have room for one more" Lucy said with a giggle before approaching Gibbs and giving him an awkward hug "Thanks for bringing her back" she whispered into his ear.

"I promised didn't I" Gibbs smiled before pressing a kiss to her forehead, he loved having his daughter in his arms.

Lucy then pulled away and went to speak to Abby. Jenny then approached Gibbs "You think you can handle the both of us?" she asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I think I can" Gibbs teased before lowering his lips to hers and kissing her. Jenny's fingers began to play with the ends of his hair as she pulled him closer to her loving the contact of both their bodies.

"Mmm I think you can too" Jenny smiled as she pulled away, but leaving her arms still around his.

Hours later after the sun had set and dinner with the team the new family of three arrived at Gibbs's home, "Lucy you can have the spare room opposite the master, we'll go out tomorrow so you can decorate it" Gibbs instructed noting the eleven year old yawn.

"Ok, cool" she stifled another yawn "Night mum" she said hugging her mother before turning to Gibbs "Nigh Gi…Dad" she smiled still no sure what to call him.

"Night kiddo" Gibbs gave her a smile as he watched her enter the room that had once been Kelly's.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Jenny teased him.

"Oh you know" He smiled as she dragged him into the master bedroom.

Later Gibbs rolled over and pressed a kiss to Jenny's cheek and spooned her from behind putting a secure arm around her waist. And from then onwards he would never sleep alone again.

The end….

Kind if rubbish ending as a result if watching way too much Castle.

Thank you all for your reviews and support it means so much, thank you all who've read this and I hoped you've enjoyed it.

Please leave one last review.