Hello! This is my first story on this account. I hope you enjoy it! Reviews are always welcome :)

Soul Eater (c) Atsushi Okubo

The young, blond man panted from the pain. His body was bruised and beaten, his open wounds mixing with the muddy terrain. Music was no longer there to comfort him; the beloved i-pod had been crushed and destroyed. Justin Law gritted his teeth together and struggled to hoist himself up off the ground. Once he was up on his feet again, his vision blurred, causing him to lose balance for a moment.

No, Justin thought. He stood up straight and held up to his demeanor of a respected Death Scythe.

His opponent smirked. "Wow, you're damn persistent, priest."

Justin glared. "You've broken my headphones and defiled my God. As a messenger of Him, I will end thee!"

The man threw back his head and laughed. "Barely standing on your feet and still talking back to me? You little shit!"

With a quick dash, Giriko spun and delivered a blow to Justin's chest. The blond cried out in pain as the sharp metal gears ripped his skin. Justin crashed to the ground, blood dribbling from his mouth.

The Death Scythe noticed a shadow over him. "Where's that confidence of yours, you damn priest? Show me!"

Justin yelped painfully as Giriko's foot made contact with Justin's stomach. His eyes watered up as the chainsaw gears pierced through him. How could he allow himself to be defeated this easily? What did he do wrong?

Giriko chuckled. "You know, it feels pretty fucking good to finally have you under my foot for once."

The blond was simply trying hard to stay conscious, so he shot the other weapon an icy look and muttered, "Heretic. You'll be punished."

Giriko scowled, stomping on Justin's stomach. "You cocky bastard! I'll show you who's going to be punished!"

And with a final kick to the back of Justin's head, the blond felt the pain explode and then cease all at once as the world darkened.