A/N: Omigod you guys! I wrote another chapter! And it didn't take 4 months to do it I'm really proud of this chapter and I enjoyed writing it, I just hope the pacing is realistic overall. Thanks to my beta Katie who is awesome!

"I can't believe we won!" The boys were happily running back to the car after an eventful night. When Blaine had emerged from the hay, Kurt could barely contain his excitement. He shook hands with David, receiving a dirty look from Darla before collecting the money. He had never won the competition before so that moment was something he would never forget and it was all thanks to Blaine's clumsiness.

"Yeah and it only took two hours due so," Blaine huffed. He was happy but his ankle was throbbing. Kurt helped him into the car before getting into the driver's seat.

"Well let's get you home so you can rest that injury of yours." They spent the first few minutes of the ride to Blaine's house reminiscing about the night's events. Blaine never thought in a million years he would have so much fun in a dancing competition, especially since he had earned the nickname of "left feet Anderson" in high school. Kurt didn't make fun of him though. He just simply told him to do his best and that was all Blaine had ever wanted from anyone in life. He could not wait to tell Quinn about his night but he was quickly hit with a sense of disappointment when he remembered that his wife was upstate with another real estate business deal. He loved that she took her job seriously but sometimes he just wished they could go back to how they used to be before they were married. They used to spend days and nights in their little apartment. They would talk, make love, even sing together but now it was as if the pressures of being a successful adult in society had consumed them.

Kurt noticed his friend's sudden silence. "Hey, why so glum?"

"Just thinking about Quinn and how much she would've enjoyed this." Blaine went back to looking out the window

"Well maybe one weekend you can take her. Darla would have a conniption if she saw another beautiful blonde on her turf," Kurt lightly giggled to lighten the mood. For some reason though, his friend had grown solemn and distant.

"Nah, we would never go. Quinn is always so busy and I just...I never see her. I want to celebrate with her when Figgins finally gives me that promotion but at this point, I honestly don't see how that's going to happen." Blaine hated feeling so clingy because he knew Quinn did not mean to neglect him but it was hard sometimes.

Kurt smiled softly. "Blaine, you know Quinn loves you. That's never going to change but every married couple goes through a time when it just seems like there is no time for anything. You just have to stay strong and know that this too shall pass. Blaine looked over to Kurt.

"How do you know so much about being married?" Kurt giggled again; Blaine realized he liked the sound of Kurt's laughter. It was unlike most. It made him smile.

"When my mother was alive, she would always give my father grief about spending too time much down at his car shop so he made an effort to get off early 2 days a week so they could spend time together. After that, their bond was stronger than ever." Kurt smiled thinking of his parents. He wished one day he could have a relationship like that. "So remember, a relationship can withstand anything if the love is real. If you don't have love you don't have anything."

The older boy smiled at his younger friend's wisdom "You're right," he stated softly.

"Of course I'm right!"

"Let's not get cocky."

Kurt scoffed playfully. "I am a line dancing champion mister; cocky is my middle name." To his relief, Blaine finally laughed. He stole himself away from the joyful sound to ask for more directions as they neared the older boy's house.

Blaine pointed to the left. "Right there and then just pull into the driveway. Quinn isn't home." The car came to a stop and both boys sighed. Blaine did not know about Kurt but he did not want the night to end. He wanted anything to distract him from going to bed alone. "Hey, why don't you come inside? It's only 10:30. The night is still young."

Kurt looked surprised by the invitation. "I don't want to impose."

"You're not imposing. I'm inviting you, pweeeease!" Blaine made puppy dog eyes that secretly caused Kurt to melt inside. How could he say no?

"Alright, I guess I can come in and keep you company for a few. Oh! We can watch reruns of project runway." And with that, Kurt sprang out the car almost forgetting that Blaine needed help getting out due to his ankle. He bounded over to the passenger side and carefully helped him out of his seat. They had to make their way slowly up the steps and once at the top, Blaine had to fumble for his keys. Kurt took this time to admire the exterior of the house, or should he say mansion. "The outside of your house is beautiful."

"Thank You, When Quinn and I were House hunting; she absolutely fell in love with this place. It cost me an arm and a leg but it was worth it, "Blaine replied as he finally managed to find his keys and open the front door. He turned on the light in the foyer that illuminated the entire kitchen and dining room.

Kurt stepped inside and took it all in. He was stunned. The marble staircase looked like something out of a Greek painting. The large kitchen was all chrome and black, the utilities seemingly never touched as their shiny surfaces danced in the light. The dining area had a beautiful glass table in the center that was decorated to match the autumn season. In the background, he saw a shelf with framed pictures of Blaine and Quinn sitting atop the surface.

Blaine put the alarm system on and then turned to his friend. "The Living space is right behind those doors. Can I get you anything? Coke maybe?"

"Diet, if you have it."

"Coming right up."

Kurt walked towards the double doors that led to the living space. He felt the texture of the doors and was in sheer awe of their smoothness. "What are these doors made of?"

"Um, Russian Cherry wood. We had them imported," Blaine answered. Kurt continued to admire the doors before pushing them open to reveal a posh living room. The carpet was beige with a four seater couch of the same color in the center. To the right of the couch was a love seat and directly across from it was a huge plasma television mounted on the wall. There was even a mini bar on the far wall. Off in the far corner, Kurt noticed a Blaine's guitar case. "Wow, this is really nice," Kurt mused. He took his drink from Blaine after offering to help him to the couch but Blaine insisted he could manage. Blaine slightly limped but made it successfully and turned on the television. Kurt joined him while eagerly sipping his drink.

"What channel is Project Runway on?"

"35," Kurt answered. He noticed how Blaine winced when he slightly moved his right ankle. "I give good massages. If your ankle hurts that bad, I could work my magic."

Blaine smiled. "I'm not sure a massage would help. It actually feels like the pain is traveling to my foot." He made a pained face before flipping to the channel.

"Well I'll tell you what, instead of making you suffer through my love of fashion by watching Project Runway, how about you just relax and I massage your foot and we'll just talk. And if the pain is still constant, then we're going to a doctor. Deal?" Kurt held up his pinky.

"Pinky swear? Really?" Blaine laughed.

"Hey! Never underestimate the power of the pinky swear. My dad and I live by these. C'mon do it," Kurt insisted. Blaine looked at him before connecting their pinkies.

"Yay!" Kurt cheered. He then motioned to Blaine to plop his foot up on the couch so he could get access to it. "You are about to experience the best foot massage of your life, Blaine Anderson." He removed the older boy's shoes and socks, examining the foot to make sure there were no bruises.

"We'll see about that. I may need some references so I can check on your skills."

"Well whenever my brother Finn would hurt his shoulder playing football back in high school, I would rub them he loved it." Kurt began rubbing his foot and Blaine's muscles instantly relaxed and he deeply sighed, enjoying the pressure.

"Wow, that is amazing" Blaine breathed. Kurt smiled back. They sat in silence for about five minutes, Kurt massaging away and Blaine closed his eyes contently as he felt the pain seemingly melt away.

"How you're feeling?" Kurt asked.

"Mmm, fantastic," Blaine responded without opening his eyes. "I never thought I'd say this but you may be better than Quinn." He was not kidding. "I wouldn't wanna take away from the wife's skills," Kurt laughed.

"Mmm, you definitely are in my book…mmm…she used to do this for me all the time. She'd give me full body massages and it drove me nuts." The room fell silent again. The older boy continued to enjoy the dexterous kneading, fighting the urge to fall asleep and replaying the entire day's events again in his head. He remembered something Kurt had said while they were in the car. "Kurt, when we were talking in the car, you said when your mother was alive, so you mean…"

"Yes, my mother passed away when I was little."

"I'm so sorry," Blaine replied, feeling for his friend.

Kurt softly smiled. "It's okay. It was a really long time ago."

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

Kurt took a deep breath and continued the massage. "She got Ovarian Cancer and within six months she died. It tore me up. My father had no idea what to do without her and I felt lost like, a part of me was missing. She was everything to me."

"I bet she was a wonderful woman," Blaine offered. He felt so bad for Kurt. He still had both his parents and sure, he only saw them on major holidays but he loved them dearly. He could not imagine losing his mother. Kurt looked up. "Thank you. She was."

"So your dad remarried?"

"Yup. He met Carol, who is delightful. Her son Finn and I went to the same high school before they met and I kinda...had a huge crush on him."

Blaine burst out into laughter. "No way! You had a crush on your future stepbrother?! That's so awkward."

Kurt rolled at his eyes and continued to watch Blaine laugh at his expense. Soon though, he began laughing as well. "Okay, you can stop now. It's not that funny."

Blaine quickly tried to compose himself but seemed to have some difficulty. "You're right but that is just rich."

After the laughing subsided, the room fell silent for a few minutes, Kurt still massaging Blaine's foot. Blaine did not mind though because silence was always much better to experience with someone else rather than alone. In a way, it was not silent with Kurt there and he took comfort in that. Kurt started humming a tune to himself, lost in his own world while tending to Blaine. The older boy just watched him and listened. It was not actual singing but Blaine thought he sounded heavenly. The sound was light but sweet; it was like a lullaby.

"Kurt if you wanna sing, go ahead. I don't mind," Blaine said.

"No that's okay, humming is more soothing. Hey! I have an idea. How about you grab your guitar and sing me something." Kurt lit up as if it was the best idea ever. He really wanted to hear Blaine's voice finally.

Blaine suddenly looked embarrassed. "Uh, I don't know…"

"Oh c'mon! I'll love it, I promise. You can sing anything you want. Pweeeeease?" Begged Kurt, mimicking Blaine from earlier. The older boy let out a sigh and gave in.

He got up from the couch and stretched his body, yawning in the process. He went over to get the guitar out of the case, bringing it back to the couch. Kurt clapped his hands excitedly; he had a feeling Blaine was amazing and he could not wait to see if his suspicions were true.

"So what do you want to hear?"

Kurt simply shrugged. "Play whatever feels right."

Blaine smiled and looked down at his instrument. "Okay, well this is sorta like a duet Quinn and I used to sing together all the time. It's one of my favorites." He began to play the song and by Kurt's expression, he knew the younger boy knew the song as well. He began to sing.

I remember what you wore on our first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

Kurt was quickly lost in Blaine's voice. It was beautiful and it helped that this song was perfect for him. He mouthed along the words as the other boy sang them, smiling all the while. He could not help but to join in at the chorus. The two boys sang together, their heavy gaze never drifting.

So maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the rest in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

Blaine nodded his head to Kurt, telling him to pick up the next line.

I remember every look upon your face,
the way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
you make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away

I think of you and everything's okay
and finally now, believing

And maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the rest in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

I remember what you wore on our first day
you came into my life
and I thought hey

The boys kept eye contact, singing harmoniously with one another.

Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the rest in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking

Oooh I can't live without you
'Cause baby two is better than one
there's so much time, to figure out the rest in my life
and I've figured out with all that's said and done
Two, is better than one

Two is better than one.

As Blaine hit the last cord, he and Kurt failed to look away from one another. Before either one of them knew it, their faces were pulling closer and closer together. Kurt was scared but too lost in the moment to stop what was happening. Their lips were just inches apart when Blaine's phone rang. Both boys jumped at the sound and tried to compose themselves. Blaine fumbled for his phone and answered without even looking to see who it was.

"Hello? Hey Sweetheart! It's so late; I'd thought you'd be asleep by now." He looked at Kurt and told him he would be right back before getting up to take the call in the bathroom.

Kurt was shaking and he could not tell if it was because he was cold or if it was due to the fact he was about to a kiss married man, a married straight man at that. He frowned to himself with sadness and hastily rubbed his palms on his jeans suddenly fighting the urge to let tears form. He had no idea why he wanted to cry. Maybe it was because he wished the kiss had happened, or maybe because the better part of him knew that moment was wrong and must never happen again. And Quinn calling was just the sign they both needed to keep from making a huge mistake. He could not stay any longer; his emotions were getting the better of him. He found a napkin at the mini bar and a pen in his bag and quickly wrote something on it, leaving it where he was sitting. He gathered his belongings and quietly slipped out the house. In his car, he took a deep breath and started the engine with nothing but the memory of Blaine's intensive eyes and warmness of his breath on his mind.

Blaine ended the call with his wife and quickly left the bathroom but when he emerged, he found the living space empty. No Kurt, just his guitar and napkin on the sofa. He picked it up and read it only to find Sorry, Goodnight written on the thin paper. Disappointment came over Blaine as he looked up from the napkin.

"Goodnight Kurt."

A/N: Now I know some of you are wondering when is Quinn going to make her first appearance and my answer is…I don't know haha! Quinn is my favorite Glee character and I'm just trying to make sure I can write her "in character." Due to Quinn's way of speaking it's kind of hard to capture it but I'm trying my best. Quinn, Santana and Sue are the hardest characters to write for in my opinion. Thanks for reading, reviewing, favoriting and following!

Song used: Two is better than One- Boys like Girls featuring Taylor Swift