A/N; Oh my god. I finally updated. It's a miracle! My 100th review seemed to motivate me to write, knowing that people were still reading and waiting for updates. I feel bad that I haven't updated in awhile. Hopefully I'll start on a regular basis.

I actually started working on this chapter a few weeks ago…but with all that's going on right now – trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for college and living on campus has sort of distracted me. I was also, a few weeks ago tempted to start rewriting both the Fourteenth's War and Raised in Darkness. However, I got over it. I now have the urge to write some -Man fanfics with a couple of my own OC's in it. Which….I should hopefully get over as well so I don't put off the ones I already have even more.

Just a quick little question – for those of you who also read the Fourteenth's War, what do you think of my OC Vahnia, the Noah of Wrath in it? This is probably better off for that one – but I want opinions. She's not fully fleshed out for -Man that much, if only because she was created in the midst of a fantasy roleplay as the daughter of one of the main characters and being raised to kill him by three dark gods.

Anyway. I'll stop rambling and let you read the chapter. There's quite a few things developing in it that'll provide a shift in a different direction than the manga.

I don't own -Man, either, by the way. If I did…Allen would be a Noah, Neah would be sharing Allen's body with him and acting all Uncle-y. And it'd be released faster. Enjoy.


Screams of terror from the village below as Allen stood by Tyki's side, watching the destruction that Suman Dark was causing. He had Fallen into despair and out of God's light. He had become a Fallen One. It was ugly and grotesque, yet somehow beautiful in a way that Allen couldn't fathom. It was the raw, destructive power of Innocence.

Tyki rested his hand on Allen's head, petting the soft white hair absentmindedly as he watched the Fallen One as well. He glanced downward after a moment, feeling a slight tremor in the boy's body, slightly worried about his beloved nephew. He may have been the Earl's favorite child...but he was also Tyki's. "Something wrong, shounen?"

"Ne, Tyki..." Allen started, glancing up towards him as he held out the arm that held his innocence. It was trembling slightly from the feeling of an innocence in despair nearby. "Why haven't...I...you know, turned into that? Fallen? I've killed people...I've done terrible things...things that the Innocence should surely be frowning upon...and yet. Here I am. In control. I haven't fallen..." he turned his attention back to the Fallen One that was now fighting the Akuma the two Noah had sent after it. He could see the souls of every one of those Akuma...once it had be dealt with...it returned to God. The God who had taken them from they're loved ones without caring about what emotions it left behind with the ones they loved.

Tyki thought about what Allen was saying. It did bring up a good point. Why hadn't Allen fallen? He didn't really know the answer to that question, but he did have a way to at least lessen Allen's worries about Falling. He thought about his words carefully before speaking. "Dark betrayed his Innocence when he betrayed his allies...he betrayed what he believed in. He tried to put himself ahead of others for the sake of two people when many more were counting on him," he paused for a brief second, thinking about how to further elaborate on his statement. "Allen...what do you believe in?"

Allen blinked in surprise at the other's question as he ran his fingers lightly over the Innocence cross in his hand. "I believe in...the Earl and I believe in my family. I want to protect them no matter what. I don't care if I ever become a Noah like you...but I want to by your side until the very end. No matter what happens. You are my family," he rose to his feet to stand next to Tyki - as a human and a Noah alike. "I want to end this war. So we can live happily as a family." Allen smiled brightly towards Tyki after a moment. "Thank you, uncle. You've managed to help me worry less...I won't betray what I believe in. I will do as Mana always told me...and I will continue to walk the path I have chosen. No matter how dark it will become."

Tyki seemed somewhat pleased with Allen's response and he lightly ran his fingers through his hair once more before stepping off the cliff and onto nothing. "I'll go fetch the Innocence, now that the Fallen One is down," Tyki commented as he glanced back towards Allen. "Perhaps you should return to your own mission? We'll see each other again back home once all this is other with. If you're still worried about your Innocence...talk to Lord Millennium. I'm sure he knows the Innocence as well as an exorcist would."

Allen absently nodded his head towards the older Noah before holding out Lero into the air, opening a gate with him as he stepped through the portal. "What do you think, Lero? About my Innocence," he questioned as he slowly made his way through their ark towards where he knew the Exorcists would be at this time. China. After already having set several Akuma on their General...he was sure that he had been neutralized. After all, he'd been out at sea...where else could he have gone?

"Hmn. Allen-kun's Innocence is...very lovely, for an Innocence - Lero. I can't say how both Noah memory and Innocence came to rest within the same body without repercussions...but it's apart of you now - Lero," the umbrella stated, freeing himself from Allen's tight hold and floating next to him for a moment. "I can discuss your concerns with the Earl, however," the umbrella stated as he floated off towards where he knew the Earl was located. As the Earl's golem...he was able to pinpoint his exact location.

"Hmm," Allen stepped off the ark into the bustling Chinese port town where he found the Exorcists loading a ship with supplies. Remaining concealed within the alley he had come out from, his head tilted to the side slightly. Were they really still going towards Edo with the knowledge that Cross' ship had been lost at see? Edo was a place for the Akuma. It was survival of the fittest there. Were these exorcists fit enough to survive? He would just have to see about that.

Slinking deeper within the alley as the female exorcist, Lenalee passed him, tears in her eyes as she approached the vampire, the bookman, his apprentice, and Miranda. "L-L-Lavi. Nii-san...said that Suman's innocence has been destroyed," she whimpered softly, shaking her head vigorously. "He can't be dead...his wife and his daughter...they need him still," she clenched her fists tight as she stood there, trembling slightly in sudden anger. "Why does the Earl do this? Causes people to be taken from their families? Why...does he hate this world so much?"

Sure, the Akuma killed people...but it saved them from being taken away from their loved ones by their God. The soul of an Akuma was somebody who was brought back by the love another had for them...and when that Akuma killed them and wore their skin...they kept them close. Their souls were one. The Akuma...they absorbed the souls of the dead. While Allen never saw multiple souls within an Akuma - he had witnessed the one soul within absorb the other souls. They would never be alone again. The Earl didn't hate the world...he wanted to cleanse it. Design it in his own name. He would be the God of the new world order. Allen resisted the urge to slap the girl and explain it.

Sighing slightly, Allen put his plan into action. Climbing through a window into somebody's home when they weren't home was easy enough. And once that was done, he stood in front of a bathroom mirror, lightly spraying black temporary dye into his hair, turning snow into ash. Confident that not one speck of white was there, he tossed the can into the trash and covered his scar with a little bit of make-up. He hadn't worn make-up willingly like this since his clown days with Mana. It was kind of nostalgic. He couldn't see the scar anymore. He finished his dark-haired street urchin ensemble with an eye patch over his cursed eye and dirty gray gloves over his hand.

Pleased with his appearance, he left the same way he had came in - chewing on an apple he'd stolen from the kitchen as he made his way towards the boat who was loading the last of the supplies on board. Allen grabbed the last box, preventing Lenalee from taking it. No reason to make a lady to manual labor, no matter who she was. "Allow me, lady exorcist," he stated with a small nod as he carried it on board. Several crew members glanced at the new comer to their ship...but figured he was the new cabin boy aboard the ship. They'd been in need of one, after all.

Within the hour, the ship was sailing towards Japan. Allen quickly situated himself near his targets. If they were going to Edo...well, he was going to make it hard for them. Smiling softly to himself, he leaned against the mast of the boat, letting the sea's breeze ruffle his hair. He'd let them have some leeway at the moment...he'd get them when they were relaxed.


"You should take a break, Supervisor," Reever advised as he carried away a stack of signed papers to be sent to their needed locations. Reever was getting worried about his supervisor. He hadn't done anything...crazy as of late. He was doing his work...overworking, if that was at all possible. It was getting worrisome. Especially now that Bak from the Asian branch had called with the news of Suman's death. They had found his remains...there was very little left of him and it looked like he had been devoured by something vicious. It could only be the work of an Akuma or a Noah. His Innocence was nowhere to be found...but the amount of destruction there had been...and what several survivors had seen...he had Fallen.

Reever had seen a Fallen One when he was younger...only once. He'd been a normal scientist then and not the chief of his division. It had been horrible...he never wanted to see anybody tortured like that by forcing Innocence that didn't belong there again. It had happened to Suman...He had definitely been grateful when Komui had arrived and put a stop to those experiments. There had been some complaints from Central about putting a stop to some of their experiments...but since implanting innocence hadn't worked...by now, they figured that it was a lost cause. "Johnny...take some coffee to the Supervisor...please," Reever grimaced inwardly. Johnny had been best friends with Suman...and now he was going to learn that Suman Dark was dead. His family would never know...somebody from Central, probably would either send his daughter one final letter explaining this would be his last letter for awhile...or not send one at all. She wouldn't know. His wife wouldn't know. It was all for the best though. The fewer people who knew the deaths of their loved ones...the fewer Akuma would be made. Even those with the knowledge of Akuma...could not resist the temptation the Earl brought. The despair and sorrow brought along by death was too much and then that temptation...to even talk to them one last time, knowing how it would end...

Komui groaned slightly as he watched Johnny leave, trying not to cry. He wasn't sure what to think about it...or if he should have told him about Suman...but he would have found out. Eventually. He would have somebody keep an eye on him for the next few days, though. It was for the best. Johnny could not be left alone with the knowledge they Earl may arrive to offer him the impossible. He sighed, taking a sip of the overly caffeinated drink. After a moment of thought, he poured a couple spoonfuls into the drink, adding more sugar to the mix before pulling a group of folders over to him.

"Tricia Camelot," Komui read out loud to himself before opening the file and reading through it. His eyes widened slightly at the knowledge before him. "Tricia is the first wife of Prime Minister Sheryl Camelot. Daughter Rhode Camelot. Adoptive son, Allen Walker-Camelot..." He put the folder in a pile, pulling out another file with the name Sheryl Camelot on the front.

"Prime Minister...second husband of Tricia..." Komui read out loud again as he finished reading the rest and putting it in the same pile as Tricia's. Rhode's and Allen's files soon followed, although neither had much within them because they were still young. He was pale, hands shaking slightly. That was why that country had so many wars. The more dead. The more akuma. The prime minister...was a Noah. His daughter was a Noah. His...wife...he wasn't sure if she was...but she did have poor health so it was unlikely that she was. And Allen Walker. Nobody had even seen Allen as a Noah...there was a possibility that he wasn't one...he was either a powerful Akuma or a human. A human with the Noah wasn't surprising - the Earl had brokers after all...but one so close to the Family of Noah was...frightening.

Komui picked up the phone after he calmed down, dialing Central. "Link...give Levellier a message for me. It's about the Prime Minister..."


Over the next hour or two, Allen had dozed lightly while watching the exorcists and some of the friends they had made. Too bad they were going to die soon. They were about half-way to Edo now. He'd meet up with the Earl there. And...everything would be hunky dory. He smirked as his eye activated behind his eye patch. Perfect timing, Akuma. He mentally applauded their good timing as he stood straight against the mast. A soft chuckle left his lips as he gazed them, watching the Akuma in the distance. In. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. "Lord Exorcists..." he stated, with a tremor to his voice. "What are those?" he asked innocently, pointing towards the incoming Akuma.

"Akuma!" Lenalee yelled loudly as all the exorcists activated their innocence. Allen's felt his own hum in delight at the presence of kin.

"My my...what an observant girl," one of the Akuma cooed. A level three from the looks of it. He stretched his arms out, laughing. "Your journey ends here, exorcists! You will become lovely works of Art when you lie dead!"

Allen was approaching the side of the boat now and Lenalee noticed him headed towards it. "Stay back! They'll kill you!" she cried, dodging a shot from a level one Akuma. "Miranda! Make sure the ship doesn't get damaged and protect the crew!"

Allen shook his head lightly as he vaulted over the side of the ship and into the water. The crew glanced over the side to see Allen Walker, the black dye washed from his hair with the water, dripping wet on the head of a level two dragon akuma. He shook his head, splashing water and the rest of the black dye everywhere. "Good bye, Exorcists. And good luck...tell your God that his reign will end soon. Cross is dead. You will soon join him."

"Allen!" all of the exorcists cried in rage as they watched him chill on top of his small Akuma mount, watching the crew members die and then return to life by Miranda's innocence. Both Lenalee, Krory, and Lavi moved to attack him...but Allen waggled his finger at them lightly. "Shouldn't you be protecting the crew at the moment?" he asked.

He was right! Angrily shooting him looks, the exorcists leapt into battle. Krory, Bookman, and Lavi took on the akuma attacking the ship while Lenalee...oh Lenalee tackled the level three Akuma on her own. With a smile, Allen turned his mount towards Edo, waving casually at them before setting off. Today was a good day. He leaned into the Akuma slightly, removing his eye patch into the wind. "There's a good girl," he cooed slightly, petting the dragon akuma lightly with his non-innocence hand. "I'm sorry you have to abandon such tantalizing prey, Mimi."

"Not to worry, Allen-sama~!" the slightly robotic dragon chirped pleasantly, almost purring in delight at the touch. Lulubell sometimes petted her on the head when she had done well...and it was quite enjoyable from Allen as well, even with the lingering knowledge that there was an innocence user on her back that a small fraction of her wanted to kill. Allen was off-limits, though. The Earl made sure all Akuma knew that. "How long do you think they'll last, Allen-sama?" she asked, starting up a conversation on their journey back.

"I give them a good ten minutes before they finally fall," Allen guessed with a shrug. "I'll never know...but I really wanna see Rhode and the Earl again. I haven't seen them in days."

Allen's deduction about ten minutes or so seemed about correct. The Akuma were dealth with...with the entire crew save for a few dead, but still alive because of Miranda. Lavi, Book, and Krory surrounded a glowing green crystal in shock. "The Innocence..." Lavi stated, his eye recording it for later. "It protected her..." A moment later, the crystal shattered and a short-haired Lenalee collapsed from the crystal, unconscious on the ground, her legs in an odd condition...something none of them could begin to understand. This was interesting. Very interesting.


A/N; This chapter was kind of short, I think, compared to previous chapters. I hope you all enjoyed it though. Komui's finally found out about a Noah being the Prime Minister of…I dunno what country.

I really love Mimi from the anime. I know she's not a real character in the manga…but I like her. She's cute. Don't judge.