Ok so this is for the website challenge in the Young Justice Challenge forum, hope it isn't too bad… yea.

Standard Disclaimer, if you don't know what it is then boy I feel sorry for you.

Fan what?

The team was bored; they never thought that looking up their superhero names could lead to this. It all started in the morning when the team caught Robin and Kid Flash on Robin's laptop laughing their heads off.

Earlier that morning

Kid Flash walks into the common room to see Robin typing on his laptop with an evil look on his face.

"What are you typing?" Robin laughs, stops typing, and closes the laptop with a guilty look on his face.

"Nothing." He says it with such a nonchalant voice that Wally instantly knows he's up to something.

"Tell me what you're doing Dick or so god help me, I will take that laptop and throw it off of the top of Mount Justice." Wally says playfully but with a serious tone added in.

"You don't want to know trust me…" Even though that was an obvious hint that he wasn't going to tell, Robin opens the laptop and pulls something up. He hints to Kid Flash to come and look at it. Wally speeds over and looks at the page.

An Hour Later

"Dude! Those people are seriously messed up!" Wally shouts at Robin who was laughing so hard his face had turned red.

"Hey, you're just jealous because I'm the butch and you're the bitch!" Robin says smugly.

"What are you guys arguing about now?" Artemis walks into the room to see the boys fighting with each other.

"Oh nothing… just a little something I like to call the glorious humiliation of Fanfiction." Robin says laughing all the while.

"Fan what?" Artemis' eyebrow's furrow in confusion.

" Robtanna, SuperMartian, and my favorite Spitfire shipping otherwise known as Wally and Artemis sitting in a tree K-I-S-" Robin is tackled by Wally to slams a hand over his mouth.

"Nothing Artemis, just some sight that people write stories on." Wally says blushing, Artemis looks suspiciously at him and picks the laptop up and looks at it.

"Uh I wouldn't if I were-" Robin starts, then Artemis begins to laugh.

"Robin, I think Batman needs to give you the talk… since when are you and Baywatch here a couple?" Wally blushes, and Robin looks horrified.

"Don't even say that, it was mentally scaring once, but twice, I'd have to quit being Robin!" Robin says looking downright freaked out. Artemis knew that most people thought Batman was scary, but she couldn't imagine what it was like if he tried to be a normal parent and give Robin the Talk.

"I- He- We- I'M NOT GAY!" Wally shouts, just at that moment Black Canary walks into the room.

"Glad to hear that Wally." She states, causing Wally to blush even more in embarrassment, Robin laughs, and Canary leaves the kids to whatever mischief they were up to.

'I do not want to know, so I'm going to pretend I didn't hear him say that.' She thinks to herself after leaving the three teens to the internet.

Two hours later, with Artemis Trolling RobinxWally

"Give it a break Artemis, besides, you and Wally were meant for each other." Robin says stifling a laugh the best he could.

"Oh yea, says the Boy Wonder, who has been paired up with Superman, Batman, Kid Flash, Superboy, Red Arrow, do you want me to continue, it's obvious that you are most defiantly in a relationship with one of those people and that you must be gay or your fans think you should be." Robin gasps for breath in horror and because he had been laughing at the various stories Artemis had read and had trolled Wally about.

"Robin is in a relationship with Superman?" Conner at that very unlucky moment had chosen to walk into the room.

"GAH! NO I'm not!" Robin answers the clone.

"The internet says otherwise Boy Blunder!" Wally teases Robin.

"Shut it, the internet pairs you and Artemis together, because the internet saw it before you did and you don't have the guts to ask her on a date already!" Robin shouts. Conner picks up the computer and looks at some of the stories.

"What is Yaoi?" He asks, causing everyone in the room to shut up and stare at him.

"You are the one who started this, so you get to explain it." Artemis says staring at Robin.

"Uh… Yaoi, is a paring of two guys with feelings for each other." He says quietly.

"Nice going Rob you got Supey involved, nothing is going to go right after this!" Wally shouts back at the raven.

That night at dinner

"So did you guys have an eventful day?" Megan asks, she had been out with her uncle doing a Martian thing.

"Robin is dating Wally, the computer said so." Conner states bluntly, everyone stares at him.

"What? I believe I may have misheard you, did you say Robin is dating Wally?" Kaldur asks, he had also been out, but he was visiting Atlantis.

"GAH SUPEY, WE TOLD YOU NOT TO TEL ANYONE!" Wally shouts, Robin blushes at the response.

"So you are dating? Congrats, that is most wonderful!" Megan says cheerily, Wally and Robin both stare at each other then inch away.

"NO, I am not dating Wally, I am not gay, never have been. Supey doesn't understand the concept of Fanfiction." Robin explains while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fan what?" Megan asks. Artemis, Wally, and Robin all face palm themselves.

"Oh boy here we go again, and Robin you had better not show them any SuperMartian parings, or they might have mutant Kryptonian-Martian kids."* Wally says, Robin gets out his laptop and opens the page…

The End? Or is it?

Ok so again, sorry if it seems plagiarized, it is not, I did name the person's story I got this from… I am not insulting Yaoi lovers, in fact two of my friends are obsessed with it, just it's not my type of reading, I have nothing against Gays , Lesbians, Bisexuals, or Transgenderals, so do not go accusing me of that or else I will send Batman to eliminate you, MUAHAHA!

*That last bit is a quote based off of another story, sorry don't remember, but if you're the author of that story you know what I'm talking about.