
I was sitting on the windowsill, looking out at the stars. The past month had been the best of my life; I finally felt safe and whole again. I had Zayn and I had Niall, and I didn't need anyone else. The other boys were my family now – I never thought about my 'parents' back in Australia. Niall had agreed not to tell mum on his irregular visits, thank god, but there was still a tiny problem.

Once me and Zayn went public, there was no way Mum wouldn't find out. And she'd want to find me, that's for sure. Apparently she didn't know that I had started the fire, just blamed it on a gas leak, but she would still want to reunite with her 'long-lost' daughter. I certainly didn't want to, but I had come to the conclusion that I would just let her find me. If she did, then I would deal with that when it came. But for now, I was happy just to live my life here, in London with Zayn.

"Hey boo, whatcha doing?" he asked quietly, snaking his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Just thinking," I replied, turning my head to kiss him on the cheek.

"Really? Me too. And I was thinking, maybe it was time we told the world about us. It's been, what, a month since you came back, and the paps are already getting slightly desperate in trying to find out who you are since that picture back in December, so we might as well just do it. Do you think you can?" he asked delicately, obviously still cautious about the whole 'family' thing. I turned around and look him in the eye, smiling.

"Yes. Do it." I said, leaning in to kiss him. He smiled, got out his phone and typed quickly, showing me the final product.

There was a picture of us sleeping on Zayn's bed, our foreheads touching and both of us smiling in our sleep. Louis had taken it one day when he had walked in on us taking a nap. Underneath it read,

I'd like you all to meet the most special girl in my life, Georgia Harper. She's the light of my life, and I hope you all love her as much as I do - xx