Hi, I wanted to try writing a wrong bwl/gwl/sibling/alive JL/different sorting story because I've read countless of them and I love them all!

Bashing ahead for Dumbledore (major bashing on this guy; sorry Dumbles), Molly, Ron, Percy, and Ginny Weasely, slight Potter bashing.


Summary: Harry goes though life with his twin brother by his side. Despite the fact that his brother is known as the 'Boy-Who-Lived', with that as a factor things are not as they seem.

Chapter one: Prolong

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Albus Dumbledore has just been informed of something dreadful but at the same time, a blessing. His spy, Severus Snape has told him that Voldemort, also known as the Dark Lord, also known as He-Who-Must-Not–Be-Named has heard the prophesy about two children, twins.

There were two families who just had a pair of twins. The Longbottoms, Frank and Alice Longbottom have been blessed with fraternal twins. A boy, named Neville and a girl named Michelle. The second family, the Potters has been blessed with identical twin boys. Harry James and Isaac Remus Potter. Both set of twins are now 11 months old. Albus listened for the hundredth time that day to his recording of the prophesy being told. He was trying to figure out who the prophesy was talking about well, other than Voldemort.

The prophesy:

Twins born to those who thrice fought against the Dark Lord.

One is thought light, while the other is thought dark.

Beware the one thought dark for he will seek revenge to those who wronged him.

Both must work together to bring peace and light back into the world.

If the chosen ones don't work together the world as we know it will be destroyed forever.

Beware the one thought dark for he will seek revenge to those who wronged him. 'Well it seemed that the Longbottom twins were out.' Thought Albus as he sat in his office, the reason he thought this was because the Longbottom twins were a boy and a girl. Dumbledore believed that boys were more magically powerful then girls and the prophesy said that the one who is believed to be dark is a he, so it couldn't be the Longbottom twins. Then he got up and went to the fireplace but hesitated for a second. Should he tell the Potters that he guesses that their sons are the ones the prophesy is talking about? And that Voldemort may be after them?

The answer came to him at once. Yes. James and Lily needed to know the danger and keep their family safe. What's important to the Potters is family, of course. Plus this is for the greater good. What's important to Albus Dumbledore is having someone who can finally end this war, a pawn if you will. Finally making a decision he put floor powder into the fire place, stepped into the fire place and called "Potter Manor". To tell the Potters the news.


Potter Manor

James and Lily were depressed. Albus Dumbledore has just came over for a visit to tell them about a prophesy that, according to Albus, involved their twin boys.

They didn't know what to think about all this. Albus told them that they need to hide. They couldn't go out anywhere until it was safe. They were told that Voldemort was after the boys. The three adults started to work out a plan where the family would live in a safe house, have Sirius Black as their secret keeper and hopefully be safe.

A month later the family of four was celebrating the twins' first birthday. Their friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were the only ones to attend the special event.

The group of friends and the two boys, sat in the living room, the one year olds sat on the floor, surrounded by wrapping paper from their presents. The little boys crawled around the room, giggling with glee as they made the room messier then it already was.

After birthday cake and ice cream, the two one year boys fell asleep. Their parents carried them upstairs to bed. When James and Lily came back to the living room, things got serious.

"We need to tell you three something very important." James said looking at his friends sadly.

"What is it Prongs?" Sirius asked who exchanged worried glances with Remus.

"We had a visit from Albus a month ago and he told us that we need to go into hiding." Lily answered.

"WHAT!" Sirius exclaimed. "Are you serious? Why on earth do you guys need to go into hiding? Is Voldemort after you or something?"

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" Peter yelled. Everyone looked at Peter like they haven't seen him before. It's surprising that Peter's yelling didn't wake the twins.

"Are you alright Wormtail? You seem rather pale?" Remus asked Peter, who looked from Remus to Sirius to James and back to Remus.

"F...fine Remus…why d…do you ask?" Peter stuttered.

"Because you yelled at the top of your lungs when Sirius said Voldemort's" at this Peter shuddered "name like everyone else who's scared of him." Lily pointed out, a little suspicious, ok very suspicious.

"He is after us Padfoot." James said, getting back on track. "Albus told us of a prophesy that involves him" James said as he looked at Peter who didn't shudder or yell. "And, according to Albus, Harry and Isaac."

The room was filled with silence for a moment, and then the adults could hear crying from upstairs. "I'll take care of them, it's probably Isaac." Lily said as she got up and left the room to tend to her babies.

As soon as Lily was out the room, Remus and Sirius started to question James. Peter, on the other hand, pretended to be invisible

"Can we hear the prophesy?" Remus asked.

"Why does Albus think it's the boys?" Sirius asked, thinking that for once Dumbledore could be wrong.

"Where are you going to go?" Remus questioned.

"What about work?"

On and on the questions came from both men, they never even took a break in order for James to answer any of the questions. "Guy, relax!" James finally said, making Remus and Sirius quiet. "Albus, Lily and I made a plan for the family. We are going to live in a cottage in a small community where Dumbledore grew up." James explained.

"Where Dumbledore grew up?" Peter repeated. This made the other three look at Peter like they have never seen him before.

"Are you alright Peter?" James asked, worried that his friend has lost his head.

"Great James why do you ask?" Peter answered, forgetting to stutter (on purpose). The other three noticed this and exchanged looks.

"You didn't stutter…" Remus pointed out.

Peter looked at the others. "I'm fine guys really, so what if I didn't stutter. Isn't that good?" Peter asked, trying to convince the other guys that he was fine. He convinced two of them however. "You were saying James," Peter said, getting James to continue the talk they were having before that got off track.

"Oh right, anyway we had a plan that Albus would put a charm over the house that Lily, the boys and I would live in and we need a secret keeper." James finished, looking at Sirius expectedly.

Oblivious, Sirius looked at everyone in the room, "me?" He said surprised, "You want me to be the secret keeper?"

James nodded. "You are the first choice, since you are Harry's godfather and all."

Sirius smiled and puffed up his chest proudly. "I will be honored." Then Sirius stopped for a moment and had a serious (no really!) look on his face. "Wait a minute. Why me?" He asked again, "I'm the first choice which means the Death Eaters would come to me first because I'm your best friend. You need to pick someone else, someone who the Death Eaters wouldn't think of." Sirius paused for a moment, and then looked at Peter. "Someone like Peter."

"WHAT!" Everyone exclaimed, at this point Lily came back and heard Sirius' speech.

Lily didn't make a sound after hearing what Sirius said. It seemed to make sense that the Death Eaters would think that Sirius would be the secret keeper because he's James' best friend. What's important to Lily is to have her friends and family together and safe in these hard times. Even though she thought that Peter was up to something, she had to agree with Sirius; Peter would be the best person to be the secret keeper because no one would think of Peter Pettigrew.

"I think it's a great idea." Lily said, walking into the living room and giving James a kiss on the cheek.

"You d..ooo?" Peter stuttered, he couldn't believe that Lily would agree to this. Out of everyone in the room (even Remus) Peter thought that Lily was suspicious of him.

Lily nodded with a smile. "Yes, what Sirius said made sense; we need to have the one person that the Death Eaters wouldn't think of. Sirius being the secret keeper would be too big of a giveaway since he and James are best friends."

"So…you want me as the secret keeper?" Peter asked.

Lily nodded, "Please help us Peter. You are also Isaac's godfather, please help the boys." Lily pleaded. James, Sirius, and Remus all waited for Peter to respond.

Peter sat there for a minute, staring at the pleading faces of Lily and James Potter. "Alright, I'll do it." Peter finally answered. Everyone was relived, but they didn't expect anything to happen in the upcoming months. Then three months later on Halloween night of that year, everything changed.

A/N: There you have it Chapter 1. Hope you have enjoyed it! Please review!