Disclaimer: I do not own any of the licensed and copy written material use in this story. All copy written material belongs to their respective owners.

Prologue: Accidents

The land of OOO was rather prosperous country, and despite being on a planet ravaged by nuclear war and magical fallout, It has thrived. Its relationship with the neighboring Equestria has been a solid foundation of trust and diplomacy since the Dark Reign of Discord and The Mushroom War. However, the world has fallen under a dark veil.

In the land of OOO, there is a place known as the Candy Kingdom. It is considered to be one of OOO's most popular kingdoms,known for being made entirely out of candy and for its kind, but firm ruler, Princess Bubblegum. Bubblegum had always been seen as someone who did not conform to every convention of being a princess. Her temper was known far and wide as being fiercer than a raging fire, yet she treated all of her citizens as her loving family. Aside from having a beautiful appearance, her intelligence and skill in science made her shine across OOO as a master scientist. Unfortunately, her luck would not last.

One day the princess was working in her laboratory when the a great tragedy occurred. She was working on a new formula, when some chemicals spilled, causing an explosion. The accident had left Bubblegum in critical condition. She managed to survive but not without consequences. The accident had caused Bubblegum to revert to her thirteen year self. Because she was viewed as unfit to rule, control of the kingdom was given to her uncle, Lemongrab. On the day that the crown was supposed to be passed, the earl never appeared. Instead, a letter appeared in his place. The letter had read, "To whom this may concern, I have found conditions in the Candy Kingdom to be UNACCEPTABLE! I will not RULE A KINGDOM THAT IS SO UNACCEPTABLE! Until the kingdom is in acceptable conditions, I will be ruling a different kingdom. Signed, the earl Lemongrab."

Unable to find a suitable replacement, the princess had suggested a that an old friend of hers rule in her stead. Juniper Lee was selected because of her know track record of keeping order as the Te Xuan Ze. She had been on a training journey for years before returning to her friend. However, upon her return Juniper had started to act differently. Her first act was to keep the princess confined to the castle, for fear of an assassination attempt on her life. Soon after, roving bands of thieves, barbarians, and bandits started to become more bold in their attacks around the kingdom and Juniper had shown an uncharacteristic indifference toward the issue. Finally, Juniper had decided to name herself queen, so that the citizens would have a figure to rally behind. Unfortunately, her ascension to the throne would serve as a harbinger to the dark times approaching.