Disclaimer: I do not own any of the plots, characters, or places from Merlin. I only own the character of Morgan le Fay Smith as depicted here.

This takes place after Season 4 Episode 9 and before Episode 11.

I woke up with a pounding headache. I lay still, hoping it would disappear. Thankfully, the universe was on my side, and the headache gradually subsided. Opening my eyes and sitting up, I took note of my surroundings. Luckily, I'm in the same place my fight had transpired. Seeing the grass and blood stains on my t-shirt and blue jeans, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to keep my fight a secret from Dad. I reached into my pocket, feeling for my iPod, which remained intact. My backpack with my laptop was nearby. Hearing movement behind the bushes, I closed my eyes, listening and feeling the vibrations in the air and through the earth. I analyzed the movement.

A human is approaching, male by the gait, about 5'7 and at 200 lbs. A bit stocky. Given this, he probably belongs to the middle class.

Sure enough, a male entered the clearing. I gave him a once over. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and an athlete's build. He was not stocky; he was wearing medieval style armor which, whether authentic or not, would still weigh him down considerably. His broadsword was drawn; and the ornate hilt defiantly placed him in the upper class.

It was a funny thing to see in the 21st century. He probably belonged to Comic-Con or some such. He had a shocked look on his face that told me he noticed my strange appearance. My white hair and green and violet mismatched eyes tend to have that effect on people.

"Hello," he said, lowering his sword.

"What's up?" I asked, jumping to my feet.

Confused the man looked up.

"Nothing's up, besides the usual."

I noticed his accent. It sounded British.

'Maybe he's not used to American slang,' I thought.

"No, it's just an expression. It means hi. It's kinda like saying que pasa in Spanish. "

This seemed to confuse him even more.

"'K' what?"

I heard another person come towards us.

"Sire," said the new guy.

I observed new guy; no armor or sword, somewhat normal clothing, lean build, dark hair, and brown eyes.

"Who's this?" asked new-guy.

"That is a good question," replied sword-man.

I stuck out my hand.

"My name is Morgan le Fay Smith."

New-guy shook politely. Sword-man just nodded, then said, "I'm King Arthur of Camelot and this is my manservant, Merlin."

I felt like laughing and had to cover it up with a fake coughing fit. They were defiantly Comic-Con geeks. Trying to keep my composure, I said I was pleased to meet them. 'Merlin' seemed to take it well enough, but 'Arthur' seemed annoyed, like he thought I was being rude.

"Are you hurt?" 'Merlin' asked, noticing my stained shirt and jeans.

"You should see the other guy," I smirked. "I'm fine, thanks. Could you point me to the nearest telephone?"

"What's a tela-ma-whatever-you-called-it?" 'Merlin' asked.

I started at him like I would stare at an idiot. Then, thinking he must be joking I said, "Very funny, you almost had me there. Now seriously, do you have a cellphone I could borrow?"

'Arthur' joined in the conversation at this point.

"First you want a telephone, now you want a cellphone. Which one do you want?"

My patience was waining.

"Look, I don't care if it's a telephone or a cellphone. I need to call my Dad and get home."

"We can take you to your father," 'Merlin' said.

"I'd really rather call him."

"I don't think he'd hear you. There's no one around here for miles."

"I mean I want to call him on the phone." This deliberate ignorance was starting to get on my nerves.

"Again, what's a phone?" asked 'Merlin'.

"What are you, sheltered or something?"

'Arthur' put in his two cents. "For most of his life, yes."

"I was not!" 'Merlin' cried indigently.

I sighed. "Look guys; I would really, really like to get home."

"We can take you. Where do you live?"

I gave in. "Hartford, I live in Hartford."

"Never heard of it," 'Arthur' stated. "Is that in Lot's Kingdom?"

"It's not in a kingdom, it's in Connecticut."

"Where's Connecticut?" asked 'Arthur'.

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of more men outfitted in armor.

"Sire, the bandit's camp is empty," said one, apparently the leader.

I cocked my head at the middle-aged, dark haired, and dark eyed man. He looked shifty. I immediately decided that I didn't like him. No feeling between two persons has ever been more mutual; as soon as the man took notice of me he turned to 'Arthur'.

"What is that?"

"A human like yourself," I retorted.

Shifty did not take kindly to this comparison.

Arthur made the formal introduction. "Morgan, this is my uncle, Lord Agravaine. Uncle, this is Morgan le Fay Smith."

I recognized the name Agravaine as another knight from the Arthurian legends. I didn't say anything out loud, nor did 'Agravaine'; but our glares spoke volumes. If one of us had been struck dead, the other would have muttered, 'Good riddance'!"

"The bandits must have headed north," Arthur told the other men gathered there. "They're in Lot's Kingdom now. Let's head home."

I grabbed my backpack and jumped on a horse behind a man who identified himself as Sir Leon. Still think they're trying to pull a fast one on me, I observed,

"Let me guess, the rest of you are going to claim to be Sirs Gawain, Percival, Elyan, Galahad, and Lancelot."

This cause a bit of commotion as men whispered and looked at Arthur nervously. One of them, who seemed less groomed than the others, spoke up.

"Look here, how do you know our names?"

I gave him a sideways glance. "Are you people really going to play this game?"

"Forward!" called Arthur and the company left.