Hello everyone! :] This story is a modern day version of Jack and Rose's love story! I have a bit of everything in here—violence, romance, fairytale love—and I hope you all like it! Please review :]

Chapter One

"God, you're so lucky, Rose! I wish I had a boyfriend that handsome!" A melancholy sigh escaped Miranda's ruby lips as she and Rose watched Rose's boyfriend Cal walk down the hall and turn into his chemistry classroom.

Rose offered no reply; instead she slung her Chanel bag over her shoulder and started down the hallway. Miranda hurriedly grabbed her own purse and scampered after her, nearly falling over herself and her hot pink stilettos. She caught up to Rose and followed her into their calculus classroom, taking a seat beside her so she could spend the next fifty minutes gossiping with her friend instead of paying attention to the teacher.

"Can I ask you something, um…personal?" Miranda twirled a lock of blonde hair around a manicured finger and studied Rose's face, hoping for a positive expression and not one of annoyance.

Rose met Miranda's gaze and shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

"Okay!" Miranda looked around cautiously at the other students trickling inside the room before leaning closer to Rose and lowering her voice to a barely audible whisper. "Is Cal good…in bed?"

Rose winced, but Miranda didn't notice. How was she supposed to respond to that? Tell her the truth—that she hated it, that she despised having sex with Cal—or pretend that she loved it like any other teenage girl?

A forced smile crossed Rose's face. "Yes."

Miranda squealed, receiving several weird looks from the students sitting around her, but she didn't see.

Rose rolled her eyes and groaned inwardly—why were high school girls so…odd?


"I dunno, I mean, he's cute, yeah, but not cute enough to make out with."

"Really? I'd love to kiss him!"

The loud voices of her friends became a low buzzing noise in Rose's ears as she ignored them and focused her attention on her food: a school salad with dried-out carrots and old, withered lettuce. She forced herself to chew it and swallow it so she wouldn't be hungry during her last few classes; plus, it gave her something to do besides contribute to the mindless conversation her friends were having.

Every day it was the same thing—boys they thought were hot, what bikinis they wanted to wear in the summer, and makeup tips they read in magazines. Nothing new; nothing different. And none of them bothered to notice that Rose hadn't participated in their brainless chatter in months.

To her, that showed how much her "friends" cared about her. They obviously didn't think anything of her presence, or the fact that she never shared her opinion on anything. Occasionally they asked her to go shopping or how her dates with Cal were, but none of them were interested in music or art the way Rose was.

And Cal—Cal, he was something else.

And not in a good way.

Miranda, Elizabeth, and Anna swooned whenever Cal came up to talk to Rose and give her a kiss. In fact, nearly every girl in the hallways stared at Cal longingly, like he was a Greek god sent to Earth to make their dreams come true. As far as Rose was concerned, any one of them could have him.

But that wasn't the case. Rose couldn't get rid of him so easily.

She could only wish.