Chapter 1 . prologue

This is like a new crossover of Killzone and Gears of war series . I hope you will love .

The series takes places during Gears of war 3 and Killzone 2 and 3 .

What if Adam's Fenix's anti lambent weapon has send out a SOS beacon from Sera and the signal from Adam's weapon had intercepted and attract the powerful Helghast Empire fleet and the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance ( ISA ) fleet .

However the signal has caused a major interruption in the middle of the Second Extrasolar war . Both fleets of the ISA and the helghast arrived at Sera at the same time and found an unlimited source of fuel called the imulsion .Soon both sides will determine the fate of Sera in a heated battle but sparked a new war on the ruins of Sera to fight for the fuel.

The helghast and the ISA were willing to sacrificed anything to bring the locust and the lambent war to an greater end . If the helghast takes over the planet Sera . They will used the imulsion for their war effort and turned the raw and unlimited fuel into massive super weapons of war in order to destroy the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance . Then the galaxy will bow down to the Helghast Empire if all fails to save Sera from dying.

If the ISA armies were able to retake Sera and put an end to the brutal war then the ISA will restored order and peace around sera and it's surviving people but the ISA were willing to pay the price to end the war for the good of humanity. Then humanity on Sera will be able to rebuild their homes with the guidance of the ISA, the Serans will forged an unbreakable alliance with the ISA and then the people of Sera will join them in their fight against the evil Helghast Empire .

It will change the Second Extrasolar war forever. Is this war for the imulsion worth for the ISA and the helghast armies to save a planet from complete extinction ?

" Keep firing delta ! " yelled Marcus Fenix firing his lancer as the rest of Delta squad . Cole , Baird and Anya were unleashing a barrage of lancer bullets at Myrrahs Tempest as they were protecting the Anti-lambent generator . The battle raged on endlessly .

" Marcus use the hammer of dawn while you can it was the only way to kill it " yelled Adam Fenix in his ear piece .

" Adam! Don't do this! Do you want another genocide on your conscience?" Myrrah screamed over the battle and the locust queen was the one to blame for the war that cost Sera everything .

" It aren't going happen you bitch ! " yelled Baird firing his machine gun at the flying locust creature

There was a war that lasted 15 years between the human race and the locust horde made up of genocidal reptilian humanoids and creatures from underground . But a new threat turned the tide of war attacking both the COG and the locust - The lambent are creatures infected by imulsion – a liquid that to be a fuel source, but a COG professor Adam Fenix discovered to be a deadly parasite that infected anybody or the locust causing them to turn lambent or preferred glowies

Now Marcus and a small band of gears was going to put an end to this bloodshed and peace into Sera

"Ignore her, Dad. Keep going." Marcus Fenix assured his father, holding his Lancer rifle up high blazing rounds at the skies . "We cover you professor , we going buy you some time ." called Lieutenant Anya Stroud in her radio as she sided behind the pillars

The wasp like beetle unleashed it heat beam from its mouth causing the squad to take cover behind the pillars.

"Cover me Marcus , I need a few minutes."

It happened after when Marcus found out that Adam Fenix was alive and he claims that he had a solution to the lambent . A machine that was designed to destroy Lambent cells in everything and everybody all over Sera, finally putting it all to a stop and bringing peace to their burning planet .Also , it would put an end to the war .

On the way to Azura , Dominic Santiago Marcus's best friend and brother gave his own life to save Marcus and the rest of Delta squad from the combine forces of the locust and lambent forces during their mission to Mercy allowing them to continued their journey to Azura

They fought their way thought Azura , killing hundreds of locust as they successfully rescued Marcus's dad Adam Fenix and it was their only chance to save Sera . Once the machine actives , it was destroy the lambent , the locust horde and the imulsion.

But this time everything went wrong .Dark clouds clustered together creating thunderstorms and sparking lighting

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! MY PEOPLE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO LIVE!" Queen Myrrah screamed again from atop the back of her Tempest, its mouth opening for another flaming attack .

Suddenly a strange looking airship with multiple wings with strange looking cannon in the bottom came out of the smoking pummel of darkness from the skies . It appeared over the cloudy skies but Myrrah and the rest of the Delta squad weren't look due to their battle.

"We are getting closer, almost there." yelled Adam programming the monitors as the machine shoot a blue beam at it shot off high into the sky, breaking the barrier of Sera's atmosphere, and heading far off into space .

At the same time , the ship fired its cannon and unleashed a a deadly lightning bolt at the anti lambent generator , the bolt hitting the machine so hard . The structure collapsed instantly .

"Eat this you bitch! " he cursed as he aimed the hammer of dawn at the bug like beast while his team mates are busy fighting off the queen guard , the lambent and the war beetle . "This is for Dom."

Suddenly an explosion echoed behind him. The blast send a shock wave suddenly knocking him and the others to the ground . Marcus spin around to the fallen machine and horror hits him . His father

" Dad NO ! " Marcus screamed as he watched with horror as the generator burst into a fireball of orange flames and the tower collapsed into rumbles of concrete and metal to the ground .

" No ! DAD ! DAD ! Dad , I am coming ! " he screamed rushing towards the wreckage pulling himself from the ground rushing towards the fire/

Anya tried to stop Marcus from running towards the rumble . "Marcus !" she plead in fear but Marcus wouldn't listen , Now Dom and his father he wouldn't let anyone die for him now

Suddenly a white light blind him and another blast knocking him out in the process .


Myrrah suddenly looked horrified at the new threat from her war beetle , glancing at the dead bodies of Delta squad at the ship from the sky . She signal her reaver next to her and the beast rider nodded for her to speak.

" Order Retreat , we must flee away we can . Some day we will fight for vengeance , gather what is left of my children . " she roared as she speeds away from the hotel along with what is left of the locust horde as they retreated from the island .

Myrrah's eyes began to fill with tears of relief but she didn't look back as her creature rushed towards the ocean away from harms way . She have a horde to look after .

COG Base : Anvil Gate .

Colonel Hoffman's eyes wide in horror and surprise as a fleet of helghast ships hovering over the skies . Bernie rushed up to him "This isn't happening Victor. This is the end ." A sign of worry formed on her face.

" What in blaze is going on ? " he yelled at the skies " You are you ? You air basterds ! "

Bernie next to him gave a cold look and she began to bark orders as gears rushed to the battlements .

" Man the machine guns . All personal to battle stations . " she yelled in her ear piece .

" Whats going to happen Colonel ? " asked one of the gears called to Hoffman

" I got no dam clue . " replied Hoffman ready his lancer ; added another lancer clip into the weapon. It was one hell of a fight and the COG had no idea what they are against . " Get your ass up there Son. "

" What the hell happened to you Fenix ? You said this will be our only chance. " he groaned in frustration.


Marcus kept on losing consciousness after he wakes up, his first sight was to see a machine like humanoid creature with red eyes holding a strange-looking gun at his face before the trooper held the scanner on his face .

His body was covered in black armor next to him are three soldiers wearing gas masks and air processing tank on their chests and the soldiers had red triad symbols on their shoulder armor .

They weren't gears or the locust / the glowies . They were the helghast .

" Open your eyes . " The helghast solider commanded deeply as he held the scanner on Marcus's face before Marcus fell unconsciousness again .

" Contact the admiral and High command , its him. We have a positive ID on Marcus Michael Fenix and members of Delta one. " said the trooper to his partner .

" Yes Sir . "

The two soldiers carefully dragged Marcus off his feet . A squad of troopers aimed their rifles carefully before a squad cuffed the man with handcuffs.

" Keep your weapons train on him at all cost . We need him alive ." the armored solider ordered to his squad as they threw Marcus into overload dropship .

" Marcus , Marcus . " it was Anya's voice .

Marcus's eyes snapped wide open to see two assault soldiers dragging Anya towards one of the dropships and he saw the ruins of the generator surround by soldiers in black masks and body armor . " Dad ! " screamed Marcus at the ruins as he was pulled towards the dropship. " DAD ! "

" Marcus , Marcus . " it was Anya's voice .

Marcus's eyes snapped wide open to see two assault soldiers dragging Anya towards one of the dropships and the ruins of the generator surround by soldiers in black masks and body armor .

Cole was busy fighting with the other soldiers " Get your asses off me ! Let go of Marcus , Anya and Baird " yelled Cole . Cole swing a punch taking out the first soldier , he broke free from his captives , then landed a gut punch at the helghast soldier .

" Don't you fucks lay a finger on Anya and Marcus " Cole yelled as he charged forward as he grabbed a soldier using the man as a shield before knocking down a group of assault soldiers .Cole was a real fighter and a trashball player , Cole was about to overwhelmed the mysterious soldiers . But a soldier smashed his rifle into the back of Cole's head , the trashball player collapsed down hard and Cole was knock out cold .

" Eat shit and die . " the solider laughed as they kicked his body for fun . " Cole no . You god dammed bastards " screamed Baird as he thrown into the dropship he just woke up from the head banging explosion . His hands cuffed and Baird gave Marcus a look of confusion and horror before the doorship shut his face from the outside before taking off.

" Stop we need them alive . Get that thing out of here . " barked the armored solider at his comrades

" What the fuck are you doing ? " he screamed as he tried to throw himself towards the soldiers without noticing his hands all tried up . He was punched in the face in seconds knocking him into the ground

" This planet is ours , we have a tomorrow . " the armored solider had his pistol at the ready and his foot on his chest .

" Who the fuck are you ? "

" All hail Helghan ."

Marcus then look horrified at the creature like machine . " GET UP NOW . " he roared as more soldiers in combat form surrounded him with their machine guns at the ready. " This can't be happening ! This is not happening ! " Marcus screamed in the air . The war has just turned to a living nightmare of red and it was beginning .

" On your knees . "

" What the hell you done with my father ? " he snared in return back at the helghast officer .

" You are about to find out . " the solider replied before one of his squad smack his rifle on his temple knocking him out .

" Get him out of here . " the solider barked to his men as they carried out the order . The dropship took off to the skies and headed for the nearest flag ship.

A lone assault helghast soldiers raising a red Triad flag on a flag pole at the edge of the roof. A group of helghast assault soldiers gather around the flag before smacking their fist to their chest plate in salute of their victory .

" For Helghan ! " they all shout at once.

The red triad flag was Helghan and the helghast came across Sera to find an unlimited fuel for helghast war machine when the anti imulsion weapon intercept the helghast battle fleet . Adam's weapon lead the helghast fleet to Sera .

Across the planet , dozens battle cruisers and warships landed on the ruins of Sera deploying thousands of helghast soldiers on the surface of the scorch planet with weapons the COGs or the locust had never seen; All of them cad in their armor and helmets with red eyes armed wielding all kinds of advance weapons.

Then came the helghast war machines such as tanks , artillery and robots along with the machines.

The helghast were now marching arcoss Sera destroying everything in their path and killing standard , COG gears and the remnants of the locust horde with their untameable thirst of blood. They were killing survivors for the fuel. The helghast were unstoppable, merciless and an invisible invasion force . They came in a storm of blazing lead and fire and there is nothing to do to stop their inexorable advance.

Sera was lost to the helghast and hope was lost again . Sera will be never the same for the Coalition of Ordered Governments .


ISA command centre Vekta

Forward Operation Base

Officers and technicians monitoring communication channels on their screens and other field officers were checking on the radar systems on large rows of monitors and flat screen TVs . A mysterious blink appeared to be on the screens .

" General , Sir , I am picking up an unknown signal from sector 111 . " yelled an tech officer to the nearest general in the communication centre . The officer point to the monitor in front of him " The signal is appearing to be an emergency distress call . Whoever send it must be in real trouble sir.

The young officer continued " What are your order sir? "T he ISA general frown and he stared at the screen then he made his choice.

" You " he ordered an officer " Alert command ! Tell them we need to send the 60th battle fleet to this unknown location. We going find out who send that signal . "

The officer saluted and rushed to complete his orders as his other co-workers began tracing the signal on the space map .

Now the ISA and the helghasts got themselves in a struggled war to determine Sera's survival.