This has the possibilitiy to be a real story, but I doubt it will be. This is just to satisfy myself, because I feel that this is what REALLY was happening. Or maybe because I'm #teamdelena, I was reading too much into it? I still like Stefan, but who wouldn't want a Damon in their life? :D Enjoy. The dialog is the same as the show, word for word, except for a few lines I've added that changes EVERYTHING. I hope you like it!

**UPDATE: THIS STORY HAS RECEIVED ALOT OF POSITIVE REVIEWS, AND PEOPLE BEGGING ME TO CONTINUE. So, I've decided to continue writing this MAINLY because we don't have any more VPD to look forward to for the next few months and I need something to keep me sain.! :) ***

Chapter 1: Go back or move forward

The look on Matt's face said it all. Jeremy was giving him bad news.

"Alright, I got it Jer." Matt sighed as he flipped his phone shut. I knew instantly what had been said.

"We have to go back." I said in a low voice. If it was true—if Klaus was really dead—I couldn't leave everyone to die while I ran away. Matt did not answer.

"We have to go back!" I said more firmly. "Matt, listen to me. If Klaus is the one who turned their bloodline, then they are all going to DIE!"

"Look Elena," Matt broke his eyes off the road to glance at me before he continued, "Damon isn't with them."

"What?" I was thoroughly confused. What was going on? How long had I been drugged and unconscious? When had Damon—?

"He's 100 miles out of town," he sighed heavily before returning his eyes to the road. "I can keep driving to him, or I could turn around and go back to Stefan. It's your choice."

My choice. Something I'd never been good with. Making choices always ended up in disaster. It was because of me that everyone around me had to be where they were now. My choices led everyone here. My choice…I could not think straight. I hated making choices. When you make a choice, you lose the ability of having an option. Because you will have already chosen, and there will be no other options.

Suddenly my mind shifted into high gear: Damon. If Klaus was really dead…he was 100 miles away from civilization. Away from town, from friends, from his brother…from me. I tried to ignore the overwhelming urge I had to demand Matt to speed up so that we could get to Damon faster.

I can't do this. I'm not going back just for Stefan. I have my life, my friends, my family…My mind tried to rationalize, but I couldn't shake the feeling of leaving Damon to die, with no one.

"So what do you want me to do?" Matt had slowed down, and was waiting on my response.

"I…uh, I need minute. I need to call him."

I flipped out my phone and pushed talk. Damon's voice was on the other line within seconds.

"Let me guess, calling to see if the grim reaper has paid a visit?"

His dark and idiotic sense of humor even in the face of potential death was absolutely unbelievable But then again, it was Damon. I smiled, despite the fear growing in my stomach.

"How are you feeling? Are there any symptoms?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I'm sure we'll have a laugh when we find out that Klaus is a big fat liar."

"Yea, um, I'm sure we will." I had no idea what to say.

"Hey where are you?"

I sighed. "Matt's taking me home." I whispered. I had to fight back the tears as I said this. It was the right thing to do. There were so many people I was leaving…instead of staying with Damon as he died. My heart was torn.

Damon was silent for a few moments before replying on the other line. "To Stefan."

I closed my eyes and sighed again. "No, not just Stefan, Damon." I tried to think of some other people that were worth me going back for. "To Tyler, to Caroline—"

"No, I know, I get it." His voice was somber. "So…since I'm possibly a dead man, can I ask you a question?"

"Yea, of course." I said, but I was afraid of what his question would be, though a part of me already knew what it was.

"If it was down to just him and me. And you had to make a choice. Who got the goodbye? Who would it be?"

I hated when I was forced to make a choice. With no other people to go back for, all that was left was Stefan. Stefan and Damon. Damon and Stefan. I had no answer for a choice I refused to make. Now was the time to make it, though.

"I love him, Damon." My heart fluttered a bit, but my mind formed an image of the man I was on the phone with, and not his brother I had just said. I shook this off as I continued to carry through, "He came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for him instantly."

He's dying, and you're already killing him? My mind viciously spat at me. I felt horrible. "No matter what I feel for you…I never unfell for him." Instead I fell for the both of you.

"Hey, I get it." He said softly. "Stefan. Hmph. It's always gunna be…Stefan."

Damon's words stung me. "I can't think about always. All I can think about is right now. And I care about you Damon…which is why I have to let you go."

I tried to control the tears that were now pouring down my face. Matt glanced at me with a worried look on his face. I turned my body so I faced away from him as I continued. "I mean, maybe if you and I would have met first…" I was grasping at straws. What could I say? There was nothing else left to be said.

"Yeah. Maybe." He whispered.

"You're going to be fine. You hear me? You're going to be okay, and I'm going to see you soon." I sniffed.

"Real soon. Goodbye Elena."

The moment my phone clicked, I felt like I'd lost more than just the telephone connection.

Matt was quiet for several moments before looking at me.

"Do you still want me to turn around?"

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and sniffed. "I don't know. I don't know what I want."

"Yes, you do." He said. "You're just afraid to say it."

I smiled. He sounded so much like my mother. I sighed. I knew I was making a mistake.

"Keep driving."

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