Best kept Secret

Rated: M

Warning: Use of swearing, violence, underage sex/drug use, sexual scenes/references.

NOTE: This chapter is in Sasuke's point of view.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or characters.

Italics are Sasuke's normal thoughts

This is when Sasuke speaks in vampire form

"This is when Sasuke speaks normally"

Chapter 1 (kinda like a prologue).

It was 11:58 p.m and there was a hushed whispers around every corner. Cars knew better than to drive through the down town roads at night... for even humans could hear drunken slurs and smell the sex and drugs in the air. Icy wind washed over Sasuke's undead form as he walked down the lamp lit streets, his watchful gaze roamed over the huddled group of homeless and he felt a sneer curling on his lips.

Pathetic... humans are such pitiful creatures.

The breeze ruffled his midnight locks, obscuring his eyes as his long bangs swayed from side to side. The slight golden hue emitting from the lamp gave a warm shine to his cold onyx orbs, which shone like well polished jems. The time of night and the weather fit in well with the pale skinned, toned man's body and calculating personality.

Sasuke stood at a height of 6 foot 5 and adorned a large black trench coat and black jeans. His dark blue dress-shirt was hidden beneath the thick jacket. His polished, black leather shoes made no sound on the dusty streets, he was as graceful and nimble as a cat. His eyes however, was what made the drug dealers and drunks stay away.

Sasuke's cold onyx eyes were indifferent, looking straight ahead with no feeling... his cool gaze had an underlying preditorial gleam that shot shivers down the spines that dared look into them for even a second.

Sasuke was just taking in the silent last few seconds of the day, ignoring any hushed conversations around him. But his peace was broken when his amplified hearing caught brazen shouting by a group of drunkards in the distance. He scowled deeply and focused on the sound that dared interrupt his cherished silence... then... there it was.

Soft crying mixed with light, hiccupy-sobs and harsh panting. Sharp foot steps could be heard as well, thudding quickly on the gravel streets. Her voice sounded like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze mixed with a siren's alluring charm. With peeked interest, the 27 year old couldn't help but shimmer to where he heard the harmonious tune.

In mere seconds Sasuke appeared on the dirty rooftop of a motel, over looking the streets. He looked down to see a girl... a teen. Sixteen maybe? Her striking candy pink tresses was easy to spot, even in this time of the night and Sasuke could spot her luminescent jade orbs a mile away. She stood about five foot, four. Her creamy white skin was speckled with goosebumps from the chill of the air. Her soft lips were parted, blowing out tufts of steam as she breathed heavily.

The mysterious beauty was running away from a group of five men... who ran quite fast... and straight for the amount of alcohol Sasuke could smell on their breath. She was scantily clad in a red and black lace corset and black leather shorts that clung to her ass, barely covering the entire expanse. She was dressed for a club, which Sasuke wasn't surprised by. The kids these days enjoyed disobeying rules. Idiots... and what is that insufferable sound?

Sasuke's ears twitched and his gaze slipped down to his point of irritation. Her shoes were black leather steel heel stiletto boots, which were not helping her with the racket they made... or Sasuke's hearing for that matter.

How does she run? Sasuke mused, staring down amusedly at her panic-stricken form. There was a layer of sweat coating her body and it made her clothes stick tighter to her curvaceous frame. Sasuke found his tongue sliding across the chapped surface of his lips.

So I'm attracted to her? How annoying. Sasuke sighed as he watched her run into an alley way. Foolish child. He followed her, jumping from roof to roof without missing a beat. Great. Now I want to fuck, what is most likely, used goods.

There was no such thing as innocence in this god-forsaken world.

She looks somewhat easy, so that should not be a problem... unless she screams...annoying.

Sasuke turned his head towards the oncoming inebriated barbarians. To think I have to sully my hands with such disgusting filth... but I suppose I can't let them live, they're not worth the trouble.

So, without further ado, Sasuke jumped down from the roof and landed a few steps away from the shell-shocked pinkette. He turned and raised a brow at her shaken form, before returning his gaze to the poor, smashed humans in front of him.

"Trash should not be left lying around."

Sasuke's demonic voice cut through the icy chill of the night as his eyes bled red and his canines extended into razor-tooth fangs. 12 inch claws grew out of his fingers.

"It should be piled up."

Sasuke raised a hand, and the paralyzed mortals came crashing into each other, until they were lying in a heap, on the ground.

"And incinerated."

Then, with a click of his fingers, they lit up like a bonfire. The flames of the burning corpses danced in Sasuke's glass like rouge pupils. They're screams rang out for many to hear in the dead of night... but for none who cared.

"Such a waste of my time." Sasuke spat out harshly as they finally turned to ash. He turned swiftly to the girl behind him. She was down on her knees, bottom on the floor, with her hands covering her mouth.

Her back was leaning against the grimy wall and her bright turquoise orbs shined with fresh tears, the others of which had fallen only moments ago, dried by the fires of purgatory, marring her cheeks with melted mascara tracks. Her body wracked with silent cries and her wide eyes stared at Sasuke in horror.

Sasuke walked up to her form, which was pressing fruitlessly against the wall for distance. Finally Sasuke had arrived mere inches away from her. He crouched low, movements slow, as if she were a rabbit about to jump at the slightest shift in movement. His eyes finally level with her's, if a bit higher, locked on and held her terrified gaze.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Sasuke took her hands in his and slowly moved them away from her widened mouth. Her eyes did not stray from his own however, and her mouth opened and closed, trying to form words.

"Who..." she finally managed... before passing out cold.

Here you go! My spontaneous new story! You like? ;D

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