Hey guys, gotta get this out of the way so... DISCLAIMER IS RIGHT HERE! No law suits for me please, I'm to lazy for court.

I do not own the Gallagher girl series, nor do I own any of the characters. However if Ally Carter (The real owner and amazing writer) doesn't mind sending me a signed book i'd be extremely happy :3 I also do not own any brands e,g Holisters, Asda. So on, and so on used within this story.

Now that, that is over and done with A) Don't sue my ass. B) Enjoy and don't be afraid to send a review my way. I don't bite, and i would appreciate any and all input :D


The name's Cameran Morgan, but my friends just call me Cammie. I attend the Gallagher Academy for girls... Or rather girls and a boy school. Zach Goode the only male student here and my boyfriend.

Speak of the devil...

"Cam you ready yet?" Zach asked knocking on the bedroom door. "Nearly. You can come in and wait" I replied briskly putting my notebook/diary into a secret pocket in my skirt. Old tech i know and best done with a hoop skirt but if it works it works usually the old stuff is the best. Exactly 3 seconds after knocking Zach, opened the door and strode over to my bed flopping down on the bottom as I got up and headed to the bathroom.

"So are they all waiting outside in the van?" I asked, heading into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror making sure my make up looked good, so as to avoid Macey dragging me back here and re-doing it.

"Yup, Macey said that they would give us a couple of minutes alone time. You know, before we're both under the watchful gaze of both your mom and Joe for the summer" I sighed thinking about how my mum had said that Macey , Bex, Liz and Zach along with his friends Grant and Jonas could come along to grampa and grandma's. I have to admit though his voice sounded muffled considering that the bathroom door was open, I didn't take too much notice though. I looked in the mirror one last time before i walked around the door frame and jumped back. I know I'm a spy and we're trained to expect the unexpected and everything. However zach had been leaning against the door frame, waiting for me to go around the corner and he kissed me! Bang on the lips. I stepped back towards him. With it having taken me less than a second to process what happened. Placing my hands on his shoulders I leaned in as he placed his hands on my hips.

The kiss started off slow, but it didn't stay that way long. Me and Zach are after all teens. The kiss became hungrier, I opened my lips giving his tongue access and soon our tongues where exploring each other's mouths. Our breathing started speeding up and became more ragged. His hands started wondering one moved to the small of my back pulling me closer to his body as the other hooked in the waist line of my mini skirt.

"Zach" I whispered against his lips. "Remember... The girls... My mum... Joe" I whispered between kisses. I know we really should've stopped, but his smell, the feel of his lips against mines... It was just so intoxicating. It also didn't help that his hand was creeping from my skirt waist line down to the hem and lifting it up slightly, slowly, agonizingly.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Zach asked pulling away slightly so he could look at me. He gave me the smirk, the one I've grown to love so much. He did have a point though, I really didn't want to stop. My body was on fire. I pushed up even closer to him, feeling something pressed against my inner thigh. It sent a wave of heat through me. I didn't need to look down, to see the inevitable bulge in his jeans. 'Perfect' i thought recalling what Macey said about 'always leave them wanting more'. I leaned in and kissed him, before stepping away and heading through the door and out into the hallway. I made sure to sway my hips, for once i wanted to make sure he noticed me.

"No fair Gallagher girl" Zach growled in a low voice, leaning his head against the wall before following me. I silently laughed as I looked in a reflection and noticed him trying to 'readjust' himself. I couldn't help but giggle at that. Zach must of heard me, because he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. Pulling me towards him he pressed his lower body against mine. "See what you do?" He asked in a husky voice before he started kissing my neck. I let out a small moan and tilted my head, encouraging him to continue. He knew how to get me going, and I loved it. His hand brushed against my breasts, while his other hand moved down from my waist to my upper thigh. I moaned again, pushing back against his boner. Suddenly, he pushed me away from him. "Now now Gallagher girl, everyone's waiting for us. Remember?" He let go of me and started walking down the hall again. I stood there mouth gaping, as I tried to figure out what just happened. 'Did he just... THAT BASTARD!' Pissed off, did not begin to describe how I was feeling. He just left me hanging, I was meant to do that to him. 'He is so, going to pay' I thought as I jogged to catch up with him, taking his hand in mine. We walked through the front doors, and walked over to the van. It was so quiet. Being the headmistresses daughter, it usually requires staying until everyone else has left for summer vacation.

Opening the van door, we came face to face with my three best friends. It was kind of disturbing, because they were giving me and Zach knowing smiles. I honestly have to say, that terrified me. Had they all planed this? I ignored them, and looked over at my mum. She smiled "Heya kiddo you two ready to go?" I smiled before looking at Zach who just smirked at me before turning to my mum "Yeah. I think we're both good to go. Thanks again, for letting me come along" My mum smiled at him as we both climbed into the very back row, and closed the door behind us. When I sat down in my seat I noticed that Joe was staring at me. When I looked him in the eye though, he smiled before turning his attention back to the front. 'That was kind of weird' I thought as I leaned my head against Zach's shoulder as he draped his arm over my shoulder. This was going to be a nice journey I smiled inwardly as Joe said "Right, here we go then" He turned the key in the ignition, and the engine Liz had built silently started. He drove through the front gates, and started the journey to my grandparents farm.