Please read- I had posted this chapter the other day but after a few negative pm's and lack of reviews after 600 of you read this I took it down. I have decided however to repost.

I enjyed writing this chapter as well as this entire story and those of you that did leave reviews I am grateful as you made me realize I should post it no matter what others think.

So if you have already read this yesterday just ignore as the chapter is the same.

Thanks again and please let me know what you think.

One more chapter for all you amazing, wonderful readers that were requesting a bit more for Kol/Elena. Not to mention a ton more Klaroline!

Enjoy and please review

2 years later

"Up! Now!" Caroline demanded her hands on her hips. She was in no mood for his tantrum tonight.

Klaus looked up from his sketch pad to find his wife glaring down at him.

"Love, I am not going to be involved in a night of debauchery with them." He replied looking back down at the sketch he had been working on.

Caroline had asked him ever so nicely to draw a lovely photo of Kol and Elena for a wedding gift and after a friendly round of four play he happily agreed.

"They are all down stairs and are not leaving until you get your ass up, mister!" She stomped her foot with a pout growing on her lips. He chose to not even look back up at her which left her with only one more option.

"Fine! You guys can all stay in then and me and the girls will go out instead." She smiled sweetly turning to walk back to the door. She had planned a girls night in mainly because the men were too jealous to let them have a proper bachelorette party.

"I am sure there are plenty of men at Chip-n-Dales to keep us company." She grinned knowing what to expect next.

In a flash he was in front of her, blocking her way out the bedroom door.

"I will kill each and every man there!" he hissed.

"Not if I run off with them all before you can catch us." She chuckled seeing his resolve falter.

With a deep loud sigh he shook his head. "Fine, you win love."

She gave him a long, passionate kiss before slipping under his arm and out the door, giving his ass a hard smack. "Now, go out and enjoy some slutty strippers. But if you so much as touch even one of them-"

"Never." He whispered placing a soft kiss on her neck as he walked passed her down the stairs.


"Finally!" Damon shouted jumping up from the couch where he had been waiting.

"Don't get too excited!" Rebekah scowled.

"Relax baby, I'll be thinking of you all night." He purred into her ear.

She smiled, biting her bottom lip as his hands ran down her thigh.

Elijah loudly cleared his throat, reminding the couple they were very much not alone.

"Right, so let's get going." Damon said giving one last kiss to his wife.

Caroline watched as Kol gave Elena a soft tender kiss followed by a whisper in her ear. She loved to see Kol this happy, she never thought he was the type to settle down but watching him with Elena you would never know it.

"Be good." Caroline yelled as the men walked out the front door.

"What fun would that be?" Damon yelled back just as they disappeared into the darkness.


Caroline called for the butler to bring in a round of champagne and took a seat around the living room with her best friends.

"So, you excited, Elena?" Katherine asked taking the glass from the butler.

"Very, I just… I never thought we would actually get married." Elena replied.

"Me neither." Rebekah chimed in. "Sorry, I just mean that Kol has never been the type to fall in love and now he is whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Always going on about, protect Elena or else I will drive a stake into your heart."

The girls laughed but Caroline could see a hint of worry in Elena's eyes.

"What is it" Caroline asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I just can't wait till tomorrow." Elena replied taking a big swig of her drink.

"Hey, we're all family here." Katherine said sweetly. "You can talk to us."

"I just wonder if… it will hurt?" Elena asked looking down shyly. "Tomorrow night, I mean?"

"You've had sex with him already, right?" Katherine laughed lighting the mood.

Elena blushed nodding her head. "Of course, I mean when he turns me." Elena turned to look at Caroline before asking. "He said he talked to Klaus about how he turned you. So, did it hurt?"

It was now Caroline's turn to blush as she remembered that night. "No, I felt a lot of intense feelings that night but none were painful. Kol loves you, he would never hurt you."

Elena nodded her head and took another sip of her drink.

"So, why did none of hire a stripper tonight?" Katherine asked.

"Because our men would rip him to shreds." Rebekah laughed.

Elena watched her friends laughing, thankful the subject was changed as she did not want to ruin her time with her best friends tonight.


Caroline awoke on the couch where she must have passed out, looking around she saw Rebekah on the couch across from her and Katherine curled up in the pile of pillows on the floor surrounded by the scattered glasses and empty wine bottles.

They had stayed up most of the night reminiscing and joking about their men. They could be so sweet and loving behind closed doors with their girls but they were the most feared, manipulative men with anyone else. The girls would never say it aloud but they all loved it that way.

Caroline quickly noticed Elena was know where to be seen and throwing the small blanket off of her, she quietly stepped around Katherine and out of the room.

It took her a few minutes but she finally found Elena sitting in the back yard where the ceremony would be taking place in a few short hours. She was looking up at the stars filling the night sky.

"Hey, couldn't sleep?" Caroline asked softly taking a seat beside her.

"No." Elena whispered keeping her gaze on the sky.

"I know you're worried but trust me, you'll be fine." Caroline told her.

"What if I'm not enough for him?' Elena asked turning to face Caroline.

"Don't be silly. Kol adores you and he has spent the last ten years proving that to you."

"I know, he is just such a flirt." Elena laughed but her worry was heavier than ever.

"So is Damon but he has never been unfaithful to Rebekah. Trust me, Kol will love you till the day he dies. Which will means you will have forever with him." Caroline chuckled.

"You're right. I love him so much, more than any other guy and I know he loves me." Elena said finally feeling her old confident self. "I wish we could see each other more often. I miss you."

"I know, me too." Caroline smiled. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you'd like. Our home is always open."

"Thanks. Maybe after this crazy honeymoon Kol has planned we will come back and stay here for awhile. It is so beautiful here."

"Ya, Klaus and I never stay away too long. It is our home here."

The girls sat quietly for a few minutes enjoying the cool breeze and calm night. The men were planning on staying at a hotel in town and would not be back until the afternoon tomorrow for the wedding.

"Can I ask you something?" Elena spoke up breaking the silence.

"Of course."

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a mother?" Elena asked.

Caroline frowned and looked away, back up at the stars. "Sometimes. When I see a woman with her children I wonder how I would have been at it but I know that it was just not part of my destiny."

"So you never think about adopting or anything?" Elena asked choosing her words carefully.

"What?" Caroline gasped. "No, never. Could you imagine such a thing? A child being raised by vampires. The harm that child would be in on a daily basis. No, I have never even thought about it and never will. I am very happy with my life here with Klaus. I do not need anything more."

Caroline noticed the look on Elena's face and quickly tried to comfort her friend.

"Elena you have to be honest with yourself. What do you really want? Kol loves you and he will give you everything you could ever need but a baby… Elena, just think about what you are saying."

Elena let out a loud sigh before speaking. " a while ago I asked Kol for some time alone. I left for two months and went back to Mystic Falls. Kol was so supportive. He knew I needed to say my goodbyes, not just to my friends and family but to my old life as well. I know I will see everyone again but still this is a big change for me."

Caroline nodded her head in agreement and let Elena continue.

"I had my eggs frozen. I've been giving myself shots for a while to prepare my body and last week I had the retrieval."

The words hit Caroline like a hammer to the gut.
"What?" She slurred.

"I know what you are thinking and I am not saying I am ever going to use them, I am just not ready to walk away from that option. Not yet."

"But you do know vampires can not carry a baby to term. You're body will be dead, Elena!" Caroline exclaimed stunned this conversation was happening.

"I know! I would use a surrogate and maybe Kol could pick a sperm donor. I haven't figured it all yet, ok!"

"You have to be joking." Caroline spit the words out without thinking. She just could not believe this was happening.

"God Caroline, I thought out of everyone you would understand." Elena yelled.

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't!" Caroline shouted back. "Do you even hear yourself? You're being selfish!"

"How is this selfish? I would love the child and so would Kol."

"I am not disagreeing with you on that but what kind of life would the child live? I love Kol like a brother but he is still a murderer. Not to mention he has many enemies. The entire family does and bringing a child into this would only leave us with a giant weakness. You can't do this!"

Elena jumped to her feet shaking her head. "You sound like Klaus! My child will be a weakness for only myself and I am just fine with that! You may not understand this just please do me a favor and keep your mouth shut. I don't want Kol to find out about this yet since I have not even made a final decision and maybe I never will. I just wanted the option!"

Caroline watched as Elena stomped back into the house. She was stunned at what had just happened but even worse was the idea of Elena bringing a child into this world that was in know way fit for a child.


Caroline needed to talk to someone right away and since Rebekah and Katherine would freak out and possibly tell Kol that only left one person she could trust.

It was just past four in the morning as she strolled down the street near the grandest hotel in the center of town.

She had sent a text to meet her out front and as she approached she saw him standing, leaning against the side of the tall building, hands in his pockets smiling at her.

"I'm happy to see you, love." Klaus grinned. "I knew you couldn't stay away even for a night."

She smiled as he kissed her tenderly his hands running down her back to pull her closer into his arms as he squeezed her bottom.

"Do you want me to get us our own room or shall we just go down that alley over there?" He smiled raising his brows.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but neither. I only came because I needed to talk to you."

Klaus let out a small breath as he stepped back slightly. It was then that he saw the look of worry clouding her beautiful face.

"What is it? Has something happened?" He asked tensely. "If you are here because you had a stripper at our home and have come to beg for his life, well consider him already dead."

Caroline let a small chuckle spill from her lips as she pulled him back in for another quick kiss. "No, it was just us girls, drinking and talking about our arrogant men."

"Well, then what is bothering you?"

"Walk with me." She smiled taking his hand.


They strolled down the street quietly as Caroline debated even telling him. She needed to vent before Elena's big day tomorrow and she knew Klaus would listen. As they stopped by the river not far from the hotel she finally turned to face him.

"Before I tell you, I need you to swear you will never repeat it." She demanded.

"Of course, love."

"Never! Never, ever know matter what! I'm not supposed to say anything but you are my husband and we are one so that allows me to tell you everything."

"Sweetheart, I will never tell a soul. Now what is it?"

"Elena had her eggs frozen."

"What eggs?" He asked furrowing his brows in confusion. "If this is a girl thing you really need not tell me, love."

"So she can have a baby someday."

"But Kol is planning on turning her tomorrow." Klaus said dumbfounded.

"Yes, well she is thinking of using a surrogate to carry the baby."

"And who the hell will be the father?" He asked.

"I don't know." Caroline shrugged. "Maybe she can go back in time and steal some of Kol's sperm?"


"Sorry, I just needed a good laugh. This is all a lot for me to deal with." She said feeling the weight of worry hit her once again.

"So, Elena will have a child." He said as the realization sunk in.

"Seriously, you can at least try to hide your excitement. What happened to the annoyance you had a few minutes ago?"

"Sweetheart, you know I have no intention of breaking my curse or creating hybrids but…it would be nice to have that option back on the table."

"Seriously!" She yelled. "Argh! This is not happening. She can not have a baby!"

Klaus was lost in thought as he continued thinking aloud. "Plus, we know a lot more about the spell so she could always go back to collect Kol's… you know. He would be far more receptive to the idea if the child was his."

"Stop!" She yelled louder pulling him out of his thoughts. "Even if she has a baby it will be centuries before there is another doppelganger. And what, she finds some woman off the street to carry the child for her? I will never allow it!"

"Caroline, this is not your decision to make." Klaus reminded her.

"I know!" She pouted throwing her arms around his shoulders. "It is just so wrong for the child. Plus Kol will never go for it so I don't even know what she is thinking."

"Did she say when she was planning on doing all this?"

"No, she said she just wanted to keep the option open."

"Understandable although I can not imagine Kol allowing a man to donate his sperm to create a child with his wife. Even if there will be no sex Kol is not that reasonable."

"Well, time travel it would have to be then." Caroline said sarcastically rolling her eyes at the whole situation.

Klaus laughed as the idea was unimaginable.

"Let's not worry about this tonight, love. She may never even go through with it, so until that time comes I want you to promise me you will not give it anymore thought." He insisted.

"Alright. Thank you for letting me vent and for being so good to me." She smiled as they walked back to the hotel.

"See you in a few hours at the ceremony, love."


"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Caroline watched as Kol took Elena into his arms and kissed her with a fiery passion that left Elena blushing. Caroline glanced over to Klaus who was the best man and smiled as he was staring right at her.

"I love you." Caroline mouthed to him and he smiled sweetly repeating it back.

"Congratulations!" Caroline said hugging her best friend as they finally had a minute alone. "I am so sorry for last night. I was just so surprised by it all. Please know that I love you and I will support any decision you make."

"Thanks, it means a lot to me. Like I said, I have not told Kol or anyone other than you and I may never even do anything with the eggs. I am just not ready to give that part of my life up, not yet." Elena smiled softly.

Caroline nodded understanding before giving her a big hug.


Night was finally among them and Caroline watched as the bride and groom left to take a walk around the grounds while the guests slowly left the party.

Klaus took Caroline's hand placing a soft kiss on her knuckles as he led her up the stairs towards their bedroom. The house was now empty besides them and Kol and Elena who would be staying down the hall in the large guest room. Elena wanted to be turned on her wedding night and thought it best to do so here before leaving for their honeymoon.

"What do you think they are doing?" Caroline asked as she laid in bed next to Klaus.

"Do you really need me to tell you?" Klaus snickered.

"Right." Caroline replied shaking her head slightly embarrassed.

"Although I would enjoy showing you, love." He smirked as he positioned himself closer to her.

She giggled as he slid his body over hers and hovered above her.

He leaned down and ran his tongue over her bottom lip causing a moan slip out. She reached up and wrapped her hands around his neck biting his tongue softly before deepening the kiss.

She felt his left hand run down the outline of her face, down her neck and caress her full breasts.

"You know better than to wear clothing to bed, love." He smirked.

"Well, we do have company in the house." She reminded him.

She felt his body shake as a small chuckle left his mouth just as his left hand ripped the red satin gown smoothly from her body.

She watched as he ran his lips down her shoulders and kissed her breast, taking the nipple into his mouth as his eyes locked with hers.

His hands roamed down her body and stopped at her hips where his tongue moved and outlined the circle of her navel.

She kept her eyes on him as her body waited in anticipation for what she knew was about to come.

He settled himself further down the bed, his hands gripping her thighs gently as he parted her legs further. He smiled as he leaned down and placed soft kisses on each of her knees and continued up till he reached her sheer red panties.

He placed a soft wet kiss on top of her core before hooking each side of her panties and slowly pulling them down her long creamy legs.

"I think that is the first pair that has ever allowed to survive." Caroline smiled watching the panties fall to the floor.

"I like them." He grinned as he leaned back down and ran his tongue down her inner thighs, teasing her as her body began to quiver.

Just as she was about to beg she felt his tongue run down her folds, causing her hips to spring forward and her eyes to roll back.

Her hands flew to the back of his head as he continued to ravish her in ways only he could. He had ruined her centuries ago for any other man. She felt her body shutter as his finger slid inside of her but was quickly pulled from her bliss by a loud thud.

"What was that?" She asked pulling her hands free from his hair and gripping the mattress.

"I am sure it is just the happy couple." He replied nonchalantly as he continued his ministrations, inserting a second finger.

She let out a loud moan as she relaxed back down on the mattress.

She tried to focus on her body and the wonderful feelings his tongue and fingers were sending through her but she was slowly becoming more and more concerned with what the noise could have been.

"Do you think he killed her yet?"

"Caroline!" He complained pulling his mouth away but leaving his fingers in place.

She stared at the bedroom door debating if she should go check biting her lip as she thought it over. His fingers working her in all the right spots made it near impossible to peel herself away.

"Relax love. Forget about them for the night."

"Your right, sorry." She smiled innocently as he licked his lips and leaned back down to finish what he had started but before his tongue could taste his wife another time she sighed loudly.

"What now?" He asked no longer hiding his growing annoyance.

"Do you think she is ok?"

"Caroline! Argh!" He yelled pulling his fingers free and climbing back up the bed to throw his body down beside her.

"I'm sorry. Really I am, I just can't focus knowing my best friend is being killed in the room down the hall."

"She is not being killed, love. He is turning her as she requested may I remind you."

"Ugh, I am a horrible wife."

"It's fine, sweetheart." Klaus said placing a chaste kiss upon her cheek. "Get some sleep."

"No. I am truly, very sorry." She said giving him a mischievous grin as she moved so it was her that was now hovering over him. "Allow me to make it up, my dear (kiss on his lips) sweet (kiss on his chest) understanding (kiss over his navel) husband."

Klaus raised his brows, excitement dancing across his eyes at where this was going as he looked down at her. She was sitting down at the end of the bed, bent over on her knees with her creamy white ass in the air as she slowly pulled down his black boxer briefs.

"If you insist, love." He smiled watching her as she placed a soft kiss on the tip of his erect penis. She smiled as she ran her tongue down his entire length before taking him fully into her mouth.

Caroline enjoyed watching Klaus as he came undone so easily by her simple touches and relished having him vulnerable, trusting only her to enjoy his body so completely.

He let out a soft growl as she bobbed her head up and down his long shaft. Her hand firmly cupping his testicals as she hummed around his cock.

"Caroline, oh. I can't hold back much longer." He purred as she continued pumping him with her wet mouth.

In a flash he was off the bed and standing behind her. She had no time to react before he sank his throbbing length into her soaking core.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands holding her breasts as he pumped into her. He refused to go over the edge until his wife did first but he was slowly losing that battle.

As he moved a hand down to rub his fingers over her swelling bundle of nerves there was a loud crash in the hall.

"Son of a bitch!" Klaus growled as Caroline quickly pulled away and threw on her robe.

She turned back to give him a sympathetic smile before rushing out into the hall to find the source of the disturbance.

Klaus sank down on the bed, his erection nothing but a distant memory as he ran his hands threw his hair.

Klaus slowly sat up, taking his time finding his boxer briefs and trousers before leaving the room.

As Klaus walked down the stairs he found Caroline sitting next to Kol, her arm around him as he sat slouched down on the floor like a child.

"What happened?" Klaus asked stopping in front of them.

Caroline looked up and shook her head before mouthing, "He's just worried."

"She'll be fine, brother. I take it she is upstairs lifeless at the moment?" Klaus asked walking across the room to pour himself a strong drink.

"How did you do it?" Kol asked. "I mean when you were waiting for Caroline to awake."

"It's rough, I remember that feeling." Klaus replied taking a large sip of the bourbon. "Did you do it as I recommended?"

"Yes, it seemed the only way." Kol replied.

Caroline blushed knowing he had done to Elena what Klaus had done to her. Oh, how that was a wonderful night, she thought biting her bottom lip to hide her grin.

"I should go get everything prepared. I have a woman for her to feed from when she awakes; I want her to have the freshest blood for the transition. I will give her the blood bags after." Kol said standing up and smiling at Caroline.

"No problem. We love you Kol and so does she. Everything will be perfect in a few short hours." Caroline smiled.


"So, I guess I owe you a-" Caroline began as she stood behind Klaus, wrapping her hands around his waist.

Klaus grabbed her roaming hands before they reached their destination heading south and turned to face her. "I have had enough for tonight, love." He placed a chaste kiss upon her lips and headed back up the stairs to bed.

She could see he was not mad but slightly annoyed.

"Klaus!" She called after him rushing up the stairs. "Come on, just let me make it up to you. I promise, no interruptions."

Klaus turned around to face her outside their bedroom door and she could see he was already caving in.

She licked her lips and stepped closer towards him as her hands crept under the waistband of his trousers. She leaned in running her tongue over his ear and whispered. "Tell me what you want."

"Oh Caroline, I want you down on your knees and-"

"hey sorry to bother you guys but do you mind sending the woman in the kitchen up?" Kol asked stepping into the hall.

Caroline nodded and turned back to Klaus.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Klaus said as he pulled her hands away from his trousers and placed a quick kiss on her forehead. She watched as he flashed into their room and shut the door behind him.

"Damn it!" She huffed stomping down the stairs towards the kitchen.


Caroline watched anxiously as Elena finally came down the stairs. She had waited all day to see her friend and besides Kol running in and out of the room with more blood bags, Caroline was completely in the dark as to what was happening.

"She's fine, love." Klaus said sitting next to her on the sofa.

"I know. I just worry."

"Kol says they are leaving within the hour."

"Why so soon? I get it he wants to take her away on some romantic honeymoon but she was just turned. Give the girl some time to adjust." Caroline pouted. She hated that her time was already over with her dear friend.

"Don't worry about her so much love. Kol is taking her to an island we own. There are very few humans that occupy the land. He will keep her there until she is ready. He loves her and would never let her do anything she did not want to do." Klaus reassured her.

Caroline let out a loud sigh, slouching further into the sofa as she nodded her head. She looked up a few minutes later see Elena finally coming down the stairs.

Caroline flashed off the sofa and pulled Elena in for a tight embrace.

"How are you? Do you feel alright? Kol gave you the blood bags, right? Do you need more? We have plenty for you to take with you. You know you do not need to feed from actual human's? Tell Kol if you have any weird pains or-"

"Caroline, relax." Elena grinned. "I'm perfect."

Elena looked up at Kol who was standing next to her and reached out for his hand.

"We will come visit soon, I promise." Elena said. "Thank you for everything. I love you."

Caroline gave her one last hug and then one to Kol before walking over beside Klaus.

"Be safe." Klaus said as the happy couple stood in front of the door.

Kol nodded and replied "We'll be in contact soon."

Caroline watched as Kol held open the car door and helped Elena in. She smiled as they drove off, ready to start their new life together.

"Do you think she'll tell him about her eggs back in Mystic Falls?" Klaus asked standing behind her with his hands wrapped firmly around her waist.

"When she is ready."

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a child?" Klaus asked afraid of her answer.

"No." She answered without hesitation as she turned around to face him. "I have you and that is all I will ever need."

Caroline leaned in and crashed her lips to his, pulling him in closer than ever as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She giggled as his grip on her ass squeezed tighter.

"Now, let's finish what we started last night." She grinned.

"With pleasure, love."


So, what did you guys think? Please leave a review as I am DYING to hear your thoughts.

I am sure a lot of you are surprised to see another chapter but a lot of you asked what was going to happen with Kol and Elena and I have been planning this out for a few weeks and finally just sat down tonight and the whole chapter just wrote itself. I love when that happens.

What do you guys think about her freezing her eggs? For the record I know it is silly and I would never write a fic with a vampire giving birth although the idea of them picking a surrogate and watching them be all protective of her would be a lot of fun.

I like the idea that Klaus could someday have another doppelganger and break his curse if Caroline allowed it of course.

Again thank you all for your lovely reviews and loyal support to this entire story. It means the world to me, truly.

Also please leave a review I am sooo curious as to what you all think.

Take care everyone big hugs to you all!