Disclaimer: Yup, don't own Lie to Me or anything.

Author's Note: Wooooooow...it's been a really long time. But, hey, good news: I finally graduated with my bachelor's in English! Perhaps I'll be back a bit more consistently than I've been for a very long time. Other good news: I've returned to work on an Eli whump story again. I miss Eli, but my mind has also wandered to other characters in other shows... Plus, I don't really want to recycle ideas. I think I'll be writing Eli whump until I run out of stories to tell about him.

This particular story could possibly be seen as following "Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails", but it could probably stand alone. I brought Liam back because I like him...I don't usually like major OCs, but Liam is just so fun to write with. I hope he's as entertaining to you guys as he is to me. I also hope that there are still people willing to read Loker fics. If not, I guess it'll be time to hike over to the next show with an under-appreciated fellow just begging to be popped into a whump story. Or maybe just some character that will make an entertaining story with such whumpage, since that is what I write.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this story. Let me know what you think! It's been awhile and I'm probably rusty, but I did my best. Don't forget to review, or updates will most likely be delayed or possibly stopped altogether...if that's any incentive. Okay, that was cruel. Just leave a review because I like them and I really do appreciate them. :)

1. There's No Place Like Home

Eli only wanted to visit his family. Now that his brother, Liam, was getting his life pulled together, the family had decided on a nice family weekend. A time to bond, relax and just…reestablish what they had a decade or so ago. This was the weekend that a fractured family would be made whole…hopefully.

But, after begging for time off from Lightman, getting a weekend approved and finally getting in his car for a long drive, his trusty steed had given up on him. His car tire had suddenly gone flat, urging Eli to get off the road as the vehicle limped along. The worst part was that he was stuck in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing but steep mountainside up one side and a slightly less steep hill of trees on the other. To add the finishing touches to the pile of crap, it was starting to push past dusk. Eli wasn't a big fan of changing a tire in the dark.

Now, he was standing on the edge of road, staring vindictively at the flat tire.

"Of course." Eli sighed. He clenched his teeth in frustration, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets with extra force. He glared at his car, as if it would shake in its tires by his intimidation. At the lack of response, Eli growled angrily and kicked a tire with a hearty swipe of his foot, only to send rockets of pain up his entire limb.

"Oh, for the love of-!" he grunted, holding the one foot with both hands and bouncing on the other. He hopped towards the front of the car to get out of the road, narrowing his eyes at the headlights. "This isn't over yet, Sparky." he snarled.

After his foot had dulled into a slight ache, Eli popped the trunk and lifted up the flooring to reveal the spare tire. He sighed as he gave it a solid glare. Unfortunately, tires didn't change themselves.

Eli lugged the tire out of the trunk and set it on the ground, rolling it towards the offending tire. He walked back to the trunk and grabbed the necessary tools, facing the problem with determination. After an agonizing battle with the jack, the flat tire and some stubborn lug nuts, Eli finally managed to put on the spare tire. All he had to do was put the lug nuts back on and tighten them properly, but it still seemed like a never-ending chore. He just wanted to be at his parents' house being waited on by his abundantly kind mother. She would make him hot chocolate just the way he liked it and feed him delicious leftovers. Yes, he actually liked his mother's leftovers. They were delicious and he had no shame in saying so. He would always be her biggest fan.

As he let out another sigh, he noticed a truck pulling up behind his car. He would've stood up for a polite greeting, but he was desperately trying to finish his task. It was now dark and he was squinting in an attempt to see his work clearly.

"You need some help there, buddy?"

Eli heard a door slam and looked up at two approaching fellows.

"No, I think I've got it handled. Thanks for the offer." Eli replied quickly, feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable in the darkness. The truck headlights streamed through the black, almost blinding in the inky night.

"You sure?" the man asked. Eli squinted against the lights to get a better look at him, but could hardly pick out any defining features. Although, now that he was paying attention, the two looked somewhat young, probably not much older than himself.

"Yeah, I'm just about done here." Eli answered, tightening the final lug nut with a hurried urgency. He didn't like the body language of the two. It scared him. He wasn't sure if it was some kind of male tendency to look stronger than his opponent, or if these men intended to harm him. He sincerely hoped it was the former.

Eli watched the men closely, who were staring at him somewhat suspiciously, causing Eli's breath to quicken. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. All he wanted was to be at his parents' house, eating, chatting, and whatever else happened to turn up.

But something was very, very wrong. His gut seconded the motion.

"Look, I don't want any trouble." he said quickly, holding his hands up. He was done with the lug nut, but it seemed like some distant memory now. Eli stood up slowly, his hands still raised. "I don't know what you're planning to do, but I don't want any trouble."

The two glanced at each other, an eerie silence flickering through the air like static.

Please, Lord, don't let them be serial killers. he prayed, his heavy breathing scraping his ear drums as his heart bounced sporadically around his chest. I take back all those nasty things I thought about Lightman. I mean it; just don't let them be serial killers.

There was a frighteningly familiar click. Eli hoped to high heaven that it wasn't what he thought it was.

"Then give us the keys and everything in your pockets." the first man growled, aiming a loaded gun in Eli's face. Eli wasn't actually sure if the gun was loaded, but he wasn't the type to gamble with such high stakes.

Eli dug into his pocket, clasping his hand around cold metal.

"Here's the keys." Eli said carefully, fishing the key ring out and holding it up for the man to see. Immediately, the keys were snatched from him and examined, but the gun wasn't removed.

"Everything in your pockets?" the man hinted, taking a step closer as Eli stared down the barrel with muted fear.

"I don't have anything in my pockets." Eli swiftly answered. "My wallet is in the cup holder and you just took my keys." The man sighed heavily and glanced at his partner.

"Check him."

The other walked around the car, coming up behind Eli and patting him down. He stopped at Eli's jacket pocket, reaching a hand within to pull out a cell phone. Eli began to panic. He forgot about his cell phone. He had been too caught up in his frustration and subsequent fear. The leader didn't say anything, but something in the air changed. Eli knew he had made a mistake. The gunman took three quick steps forward as his arm rose with the gun and came down in one, powerful chop.

Eli barely made a sound as the gun's handle collided with his head.

He dropped to the asphalt with a groan, finding it hard to stay conscious. Suddenly, the world went foggy and the darkness seemed fuzzier than before.

"Throw that crap in the trunk. I'll go dump this guy off the edge."

The voices sounded strangely muffled, as if smothered with a very thin, ineffective pillow. Eli was trying to remember what was going on when he felt his legs being lifted and his body being scraped across the asphalt. He was confused. Sharp pains were assaulting his back as tiny rocks and scratchy highway road clawed at his skin. But he was confused. Something was happening, something important.

The last thing Eli remembered was rolling unceremoniously down the rocky and tree-infested hillside.

Liam awoke with a start. He was camped out on his parents' couch, his body arranged in such a way so he could watch the front door with uninterrupted diligence. His little brother should be popping up any minute now. He couldn't afford to doze off.

Liam Loker stretched out his slender body, pushing his fists as far as they would go. A yawn dug its way to his mouth, prying his jaws open with surprising power. Liam pulled his limbs back towards his body, scrubbing his face with his hands and rubbing his eyes heartily.

Then it hit him.

It was morning. Eli was supposed to be here by now. His little brother was supposed to be here hours ago.

Something wasn't right.

"Honey, did Eli turn up yet?"

Liam twisted around to stare at his mom.

Author's Note: Now, remember to review! Sorry it was a little short, but if any of my regular readers are still out there, you know how much I seem to love cliffhangers. Thanks for reading!