Kazue: Hello. This is Joy speaking. I'm changing the name I put up here. After all my character Kazue is me in character. Anyway. This is for Spindlegal. I told her I'd write a story for her with Yugi topping, so here you go. This is chapter one.

Kaede: I'm coming out to say Kazue will be writing this based on her requests but if you have any ideas you want to be in this lovely baby, let her know. We will run them by her before the they brainstorm some ideas. So hope you like and it's just an introduction to the story.

Kazue: Warning I am terrible at writing more than four people in a conversation so don't hate me, okay? Shounen-Ai. I haven't gotten prepared for yaoi but hey, maybe I'll go there. So watch for when the rating shoots up. You'll know why. YugiYami is the main pairing. With YUGI TOPPING. Don't care for that, get off this story. Be mean and I be mean too. (that counts as a warning)

Kaede: Find any mistakes? Tell Kazue. She'll fix them and even thank you personally and publicly for the heads up. Kazue loves you.

Kazue: READ THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF EACH CHAPTER. Please. I spend a good amount of time doing this for you. You. Yes you, the one with the glasses that make you squint to read the fanfiction. I am doing this for you. I also want my readers to get to know me and understand where we are. This is all done for you. So it would be appreciated if you actually read this along with the story.

Beginning Summary: Yugi and Heba, the twin princes of the Millennium Empire, are betrothed to Yami and Atem, twin princes of Egypt. They have met of course. But that was when the Egyptian princes were tiny babies and the Millennium duo were five years of age. Yugi and Heba have a very strong bond that tends to scare people off. They speak in unison and don't have to speak to know what the other is thinking. A passing glance, a twitch, a flick of a finger, a nudge of the head, anything is communication between them. Yugi is technically Emperor but he is referred to as prince until he is married and officially given the throne. Heba is his twin brother as aforementioned. Jounouchi (Jou) is their cousin and high priest. Ryou is the head councilman. Malik is the general and Ryou's older brother. Yami is Pharaoh Aknankanon's second son. Atem is the third and Yami's twin. Seto is their cousin and one of the priests also engaged to Jou. Bakura and Marik are the princes' bodyguards.

Your new home

A young man, as pale as skin color could get, sat on a large throne, but there was still an even larger throne to his left. He sat up straighter when the throne door was pushed open. His purple eyes narrowed slightly but they widened back out when his general and friend, Malik, was beckoned out of the throne room by the person at the door.

"Yugi, the Egyptian Royals will arrive momentarily," Malik relayed the message from the guard that had called him out. He stepped all the way inside and walked over to his spot beside the doors.

The pale man on the throne stood up, "Thank you, Malik." Yugi smiled and looked at his brother who stood up as well from the throne on the other side of the largest one.

Heba looked at Malik, "Keep the prisoners under lock and key at all times. They are to stay in their cells until we call for them." He looked at his brother and both men nodded swiftly.

Malik bowed at his waist, his hand on his chest, "Of course, Heba." He stepped from the room to make sure everyone was secure and to welcome the royals to Millennium.

Yugi looked at his cousin, "Jou, don't let your stomach growl." His voice held a menacing tone but his eyes were chuckling lightly.

Jou pressed a hand to his stomach and scowled, "But my stomach has been growling all morning…" He rubbed his stomach and glared at the wall.

Yugi shook his head and sat back down to wait, his eyes could not be deciphered as either amusement or anger. He looked at his brother.

Heba sat down as well and both looked at Jou when a loud growl erupted in the large room. They spoke together, "Don't growl, Jou."

Jou sheepishly brought his headdress further down on his head. He grumbled, "I didn't make it growl. I'm hungry."

The twins sighed, "You're always hungry. Can't you deal with it every once in a while? Especially when the Egyptians are almost here?"

Jou scowled again, "Fine." He rubbed his stomach and the growling stopped. Moving his hand down to his side he stood still.

The guards opened up the throne room door with a deep bow.

Malik stepped into the room and over to his spot beside the doors. He bowed with his hand on his chest, "Prince Yugi, Prince Heba, I present the Egyptians."

Both addressed men stood up as their names were called and moved over beside each other, speaking in unison, "Welcome to Millennium palace."

Aknankanon smiled, "Thank you Prince Yugi, Prince Heba." He turned to the five he had brought with him and lifted his right arm slightly, "My sons, Yami and Atem."

The twins stepped up side by side to their father's right and bowed.

The Egyptian Pharaoh clasped his hands before him, "I also bring my nephew, Seto, who is engaged to High Priest Jounouchi and my sons' bodyguards, Marik and Bakura."

The three mentioned moved over to their designated spots, Seto on Anknankanon's left, Bakura behind Yami and Marik behind Atem.

Yugi stepped down the stairs, Heba right beside him. They stopped on the bottom step and Yugi gave a small smile, "It is a pleasure to meet my betrothed once again." He stepped down the last step and bowed graciously.

Jou stood slightly behind him to the side, managing to look extremely serious.

Heba stood beside Yugi, his smile brighter and broader, "We haven't seen you since we were five years old."

Yami and Atem stood still, fighting down minor blushes and watching the foreign princes' every movement.

Seto was watching the blond with nothing in his eyes.

Yugi moved his hand in a summoning motion, "Malik, I trust there were no problems."

Malik stepped up to his prince, "No Sire, no problems as of yet."

Aknankanon frowned a little at Malik's words, "If I may ask, what is wrong?"

Yugi nodded to Malik and brought his gaze back to Aknankanon, "We have a trial to hold." He bowed at his waist and his tone grew very serious, "I sincerely apologize. I had prepared for this speedy trial because of the problems it could cause if any of them got loose." Yugi stood up, his eyes sparkling with something that was quickly buried deep within.

Marik and Bakura instantly stood straighter.

Their two charges were still relaxed but their eyes were slightly wide.

Akankanon's frown deepened a little, "It's no problem. I am sorry if we came at the wrong time." As a king himself, he knew just how frustrating a trial could be.

Yugi only smiled, "No need for the apology. I should have dealt with them earlier this morning."

Aknankanon nodded, "It is fine."

Looking at his brother, Yugi nodded. Both brothers bowed their heads, "We are sorry to cut our meeting short. But there is a trial to hold and a problem to deal with-"

The throne room doors burst open, "Prince Yugi, Prince Heba, there are prisoners missing!"

Yugi growled loudly, everyone in the throne room could tell he was unhappy. He then turn to his general and spoke with a serious voice with a undertone of a growl to it. "Malik, show our guests to their rooms. You are not to leave them until the prisoners have been found and are trialed. I want nothing to go wrong for our guests. After they have settled their things in their rooms, meet us in the lounge."

Malik bowed, "Yes Sir."

Yugi looked at Aknankanon, his eyes narrowed and his tone rumbly, "I presume you know why I am proceeding with such measures."

Aknankanon nodded, "I do." He looked at his sons and nephew, "Let's go."

Malik led the way from the throne room just as Jou growled, "They better be found. Or I will be on hunting duty."

Malik walked down a few halls, around a couple corners before pausing at four doors on one wall. He indicated to the first door with his left hand, "Pharaoh Aknankanon, this is your room." Then the second, "Prince Yami, this is yours. Bakura's is connected to yours and then connected to Marik's." Then the third, "This is Prince Atem's. Marik's room is connected to yours then connected to Bakura's. Only way out of both bodyguards' rooms is through Prince Yami's or Prince Atem's doors." Then the final door, "Priest Seto, this is yours."

Aknankanon nodded and walked up to his door then pause as a thought accrued, "Has someone checked our rooms after the prisoners escaped?"

Malik swore under his breath, "Damnit. I'll do it." He walked up to the door. Just before he could open it, a dark hooded figure shot out of the room across the hall and slammed into him.

Malik had spun around when he heard the footsteps so he landed with his back curved between the floor and the wall.

Aknankanon stepped away from them.

Bakura and Marik moved before the other three royals.

Malik growled so deeply, the sound ripped through his throat even more menacingly, "Who do you think you are to attack me, the general?" He flipped them over on the ground so the man was beneath him.

The guy lifted his leg and kicked Malik in the gut, trying to get him off.

Bakura and Marik stood before their charges, their bodies poised for attack. They were perfectly firm, just in case Malik couldn't handle him and the prisoner escaped to attack the royals or in case there were more hiding somewhere.

Malik forced the pained haze out of his eyes and jumped to his feet, taking the figure's arm and yanking him up. Malik twisted the arm in his grip firmly and grabbed the other arm, holding both wrists behind his back with one hand.

Marik look at the general, "What is he doing here?"

Malik didn't look up, growling at the man in his grip. Using his free hand, Malik pulled the man's hood down. Malik growled, "Damnit." Momentarily, he looked at Marik and caught his eye. He shouted down the hallway, "Honda."

A young guard came flying down the hall, "General?"

Malik shoved the man into Honda's quick acting grip, "Tell Prince Yugi we have a runaway. I'm stationed in the East wing."

Honda bowed to his general, forcing the man down as well, before taking the man down the hall towards the throne room.

Malik touched his back and hissed, "Damn, I hit that wall hard." It was quiet and only trained ears could possibly hear it.

Aknankanon asked, "What was that about?"

Malik ignored the pain that shot up his back when he stood up properly, "That was an escapee prisoner." He receded into his thoughts, "I'll have to get on my guards' cases if they are letting prisoners loose. All guards on cell duty are going back to-"

"Why are there prisoners in the first place?" Atem cut through his thoughts.

Malik bit back a wince as he replied, "A group of level one traitors attempted to attack Prince Yugi, most likely the reason why the escapee was in the East wing." He moved over to Aknankanon's door, "Let me check each and every one of these rooms before you enter them." He slipped into the room.

Seto's mask remained cold but his blue eyes held an ounce of concern when he looked at his pharaoh.

Atem looked at his brother and they remained still.

Marik and Bakura stood on opposite sides of their charges.

Aknankanon looked at Seto and nodded almost imperceptibly.

Malik flew out of Aknankanon's room when his extremely trained ears heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

All six guests were slightly surprised at his action.

Malik started in the direction of the footsteps but didn't get far when Honda came flying around the corner.

"General! Prince Yugi will be heading to the lounge and would like to speak with you."

Malik nodded but frowned, "Only time he calls for me is when there is a security problem." His frown deepened as he looked at Honda, "Is it urgent?"

Honda skid to a stop before Malik and bowed, "He didn't mention urgency but for you to come to him as soon as possible."

"I now have two confliction orders." Malik frowned. Oddly enough this wasn't the first time he had faces such a difficulty but difficult it was.

Aknankanon looked over at the five he had brought with him before looking at Malik.

Yami looked at his brother and cousin then Malik, "General Malik, we could always head down to the lounge if it would benefit you any."

Malik eyes washed out smoothly, holding only a hint of pain and relief, "It would do wonders for me." He kept his shoulders tensed to keep the pressure off his lower back and turned to Honda, "Have all the guards on cell duty placed on status. Bring in the next shift now."

Honda was mildly surprised but he had suspected such would happen. He smiled, "Yes Sir." He quickly walked back down the hall.

Malik bowed to Aknankanon, despite the horrific pain it shot up his back, "I am aware that you brought a small bag. I suspect you are returning within the day?"

Aknankanon nodded with a smile, "I am returning later this evening. I am a Pharaoh. I cannot spend much time visiting. I shall be preparing myself for dinner and my return. My boys can head down without me."

Malik nodded as Aknankanon entered his room even though he was currently on a different train of thought. He grimaced openly and his hand automatically shot to his back and he frowned. He was no healer but he knew just what he needed to know about bones, bruising and wounds to know that he wouldn't be doing much with his back for a couple of days.

Marik frowned at the grimace, "What's wrong with your back?"

The question genuinely shocked Malik as he had honestly thought he'd masked it. He fumbled over his thoughts but quickly replied, "I landed on my back awkwardly. The added weight added to the position." He gruffly mumbled, "I've seen worse." Malik turned and started down the hall Honda had gone down, "The lounge is this way." His voice was even gruffer now than it had been before from the raw pain pulsating in his back but he walked as if it wasn't there.

The five younger men followed after him swiftly. Marik and Bakura kept their eyes on Malik's back, assessing the damage through the armor, which was hard because he made it seem as if it wasn't there. The twin royals were looking at each other, a confused expression on their faces. Seto just stared ahead, following after Malik.

Malik moved through the empty halls into the busier halls where the servants froze on left and right to bow to the visiting royals and general. Malik continued without a falter in his step to the emptier halls on the other side. He opened up a door and stepped into the large room. Looking up, Malik instantly reached a hand up to stop his younger brother, "Ryou, my back."

Ryou nodded with a drastic frown. His brother had read his question yet again. He pulled Malik inside and over to the side where he proceeded to lift Malik's armor and shirt up so he could look at his back. The ugly black bruise had started to show and was open for everyone to see.

Everyone in the room cringed at the nasty coloring and it was still growing darker with each passing second.

Ryou looked up at the guests and chuckled at the look on their faces. He smoothed out Malik's clothing with a stern glance that clearly said, "Go see her."

Malik growled, his voice still gruff making him sound angrier, "I'll see her after I've been given my orders for the day."

Yugi stood up and smiled gently at his guests, "Now I can introduce myself and the key people on my court."

Yami fought down a blush, "You probably already know I'm Yami but my bodyguard is Bakura."

Atem uncaringly shrugged a shoulder even though he had a hint of a blush on his cheeks from when Heba had smiled at him, "I'm Atem. My bodyguard is Marik."

Seto spoke icily, something that Jou picked up instantly and put a downer on his day, "I'm Priest Seto."

Yugi smiled, "Heba." His hand flexed at his side and his brother walked over.

"I am Heba, Yugi's twin brother."

Jou frowned at Seto, marching over and scowling, "I'm Jounouchi, call me Jou, the High priest and cousin to Yugi and Heba."

Malik rumbled from where he stood, "I'm General of the guards, Malik."

Ryou stepped up beside Jou with a gentle smile, "I am Ryou, Malik's younger brother and the head councilman."

Bakura's blush was one of the easiest to see for his pale skin but he covered it up with his hair. Marik was simply concerned for the general. Seto was glaring at the High Priest. Yami chuckled at the other three and then looked at his brother, "Atem."

Yugi looked at Malik, "How bad is the pain?" His tone left no room for argument as he was simply concerned.

Malik shrugged but his voice had lowered a few more degrees, "It's getting up there."

Yugi looked at Malik with a ferocious look, "Go see Ishizu. If you don't see her within the next few minutes, I'm suspending you."

Malik flinched at his sister's name and pointedly looked at Ryou before marching out of the room, grumbling as he went.

Ryou chuckled at his brother and looked around, "Let's have a seat."

Yugi sat on one side of the room with Heba on his right, Jou on his left and Ryou on Jou's left. Yami sat across from Yugi, Atem on his left across from Heba, Seto on his right across from Jou. Bakura stood behind Yami and Marik stood behind Atem.

Jou grumbled and leaned over to Yugi, whispering something.

Yugi frowned, "Jou, deal with it."

Jou frowned and shrunk back into his chair.

Seto watched the action with confusion and amusement.

Yami and the other guests watched as Jou pouted and frowned with his head titling downward.

The door to the lounge opened up and Malik stepped back inside. He nodded to the guests, chuckled at Jou and walked over to Yugi, "I'm removing all the guards that were on cell duty. They're going back to training. Is that acceptable?"

Yugi looked up at him and nodded, "As long as they are doing something for letting that prisoner go. He could have done something. I want mine, Heba's and Jou's chambers checked as well as each of our guests'. I don't want my prisoners running loose in my palace like they own the place."

Malik nodded, "Of course Sir. I will not let them on cell duty again. They will be put through training again before being placed on Door duty."

Yugi smiled, "Do as you see fit. You are my general for a reason."

Malik gave a quick bow, once again ignoring his back, "I will have Honda and Otogi check all the rooms in the East wing. It is best not to take a chance."

Yugi chuckled, "What did Ishizu say?"

Malik cursed, "Damnit. I thought you'd forget about that."

Yugi looked at Heba, Jou, Ryou then Malik again, "Sense when do I ever forget anything?"

All four men chuckled, "Never, Yugi. Never." Much to the confusion of the guests.

Yugi nodded, "Now, go see your sister or I'll have Ryou walk you down for me."

Malik hurried to the door, "I'll go see her now, or after I inform Honda and Otogi."

Yugi barked, "I'll be paying her a visit before dinner to see if you really went and Malik, if you don't go, I really will suspend you."

Summary so far: The betrothed have all met each other and the escapee prisoner has been captured at the cost of Malik's lower back.

Kazue: Review if you have any ideas or just want to tell me something. Have/Know of a similar story? Let me know so I can read it and make sure it doesn't follow after yours.

Remember: to smile every day, everyone. It does wonders for your self esteem and for simply feeling better.

Next chapter: Another one?