It was a dreary morning. One of those mornings where it seems the world is blanketed in a musk of wet, humid depression. This is at least how Kyo felt about the rainy weather. He was up earlier then everyone else so he could jog. Of course, this kind of weather wears down his energy and he wasn't feeling to good, but he felt as though he had to go out on this run.

The clouds only let out a sprits of water, but enough to make Kyo uncomfortable as he began to jog his way out of the Sohma residence. The jog was a way to clear his mind. The house was a bit hectic with him living under the same roof as that rat boy. That kid would not quit when it came to getting on Kyo's nerves. One day though, Kyo planned on showing the precious Prince Yuki exactly what it's like to be the inferior, weaker outcast of the family.

Over the course of the jog, Kyo was developing a ragged cough. He was feeling more lightheaded as he progressed. The idea of turning around and going home, but with all the dizziness, he wasn't quite sure where he was.

Soon enough, Kyo stopped running. Rain was pouring now and Kyo was having trouble catching his breath. He was so angry at how stupid he was for getting himself sick in the middle of training that he murmured a few curse words as he passed out and transformed on the wet concrete of the sidewalk.


A look of longing spread on the girl's face as she looked out the window to see the pouring rain. Her favorite way of jogging was always in the rain… Actually, let's repharse this. The ONLY time she'd jog was in the rain. Yes, she had some chores and duties to attend to, but how often did she get to cleanse her mind?

After changing into a pair of worn out shorts and baggy red top, the girl stepped out into the rain and embraced its cooling feeling. She jogged away the negativity of the past week or so. The rain washing away every infectious, harmful thought that plagued her mind with every drop of water that struck onto her delicate figure.

With her mind blank, she had almost missed the pile of clothes lying in her path. She stopped running and caught her breath as she crept up slowly to the clothes to make sure nothing would harm her. Her black hair stuck to her face as she bent over the pile of clothes and poked it.

The pile moved slightly causing her to shoot backwards only hyperventilating for a brief moment. Trying once again, she moved the black shirt slightly to find a panting, slumbering ginger cat underneath the clothes.

"Poor thing," she wasn't one to bring home stray animals, but she always did have a soft spot for cats, "I'm sure I can hide you from him. Don't worry, you'll be safe from now on."


Kyo groaned as he stretched on the black and grey bed… Wait, this wasn't his bed? Where was he and why was everything so much bigger then him? Kyo caught a reflection of himself in a mirror across the room. He was still a cat.

"THE HELL!" Kyo shouted as took note of the collar on his neck. He looked around the dimly lit blue room, but before he could explore his surroundings, the door began to open.


