A/N: Hello everyone! So unfortunately I have been having some writers block with Forever with You and I'm not even that far ahead in the story :/ I'm sorry if I disappointed you, I'm trying my best to come up with some ideas for FWY so hopefully a new chapter will be up soon. Anyway I've had this idea stuck in my head for a while, so I decided to share it with you all hopefully you will enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

The lights dim as the fog starts its descent onto the unoccupied stage. As the strobe lights flicker around, the crowd starts to cheer. The announcers voice echoes through the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen the wait is finally over! Now I introduce you to the new top charting boy band from Grimoire Heart Records…Give a warm welcome to FROST!"

The crowds cheering gets even louder as five extremely handsome young men run onto the stage. As the young men take their places the spotlight focuses on a raven-haired man who grabs the mike and starts to speak to the crowd.

"Helloooooo Magnolia!" The young man yells and flashes the crowd a sly grin which makes the girls go crazy. "My name is Gray Fullbuster and I'm the lead singer of the band FROST. Now let me introduce you to the rest of the crew. On drums we have Natsu Dragoneel!"

The spot light shines on a salmon haired young man. He bangs his drums with the drumsticks a few times which makes a killer beat and throws his drumsticks into the air, catching them with skill. He then flashes the crown a toothy grin that make the fan girls squeal.

"On keyboard, my brother Lyon Fullbuster!"

A silver haired young man hits a few keys on the keyboard, then looks up and smiles a mega watt smile. The fan girls squeal in delight once again.

"On lead guitar, Loke Stellar!"

A dark orange haired man wearing tinted blue sunglasses strokes a few cords on his guitar which makes a melodic sounds. He then looks up and gives the crowd a wink, then adds a charming playboy smile. Some of the girls in the crowd melt.

"Last but not least, on base is Gajeel Redfox!"

A dark haired man covered in piercings strums his base and looks at the crowd with a serious, expressionless face, but the girls squeal anyway( they seem to be doing that a lot).

The spotlight focus back onto Gray and he speaks to the crowd once again. "Now enough with the introductions let's get this party started! Are you ready Magnolia?!"

The crowd's cheers become even louder.

"Alright! Hit it Loke!"

Loke nods and begins playing the up tempo beat. The crowd starts jumping up and down as Gray sings the lyrics.

"I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in. There a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen."

Natsu, Gajeel, and Lyon soon join Loke by playing the instruments for the song. They all begin to bob their heads to the beat. Loke then begins singing the second verse.

"When the lights go up I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm. The way you wrap those boys around your finger. Go on and play the leader 'cause you know it's what you're good at; the low road for the fast track. Make every second lassssst."

The crowd goes wild. Some people are dancing and putting their hands up in the air while others are singing along. Gray goes to the edge of the stage and touches the crowd's hands while picking up with the chorus again.

"'Cause I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen. Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out. 'Cause it feels like stealing hearts calling your name from the crowd."

Natsu begins the next part of the song , throwing his sticks up in the air and catching them from time to time.

"Live and let live. You'll be the showgirl of the home-team I'll be the narrator. Telling another tale of the American dream, I see your name in lights. We can make you a star girl, we'll take the world by storm
It isn't that hard.

Gray walks over to his brother and leans on him. Both of them start up with the chorus this time.

"'Cause I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen. Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out. 'Cause it feels like stealing hearts calling your name from the crowd. Whoaaa"

Gray walks back to center stage and yells at the crowd. "Everybody clap your hands!" The whole crowd starts clapping their hands above their heads as Gray begins to sing again.

"Take a breath don't it sound so easy? Never had a doubt now I'm going crazy, watching from the floor."

"Your turn!" Gray then points his microphone to the crowd and they start to sing.

"Take a breath and let the rest come easy. Never settle down 'cause the cash flow leaves me always wanting more."

Gray then holds up a hand for the boys to stop playing their instruments. The crowd becomes confused but then Gray speaks again. "You guys sound fucking awesome right now." He smirks as the crowds cheers reach beyond the heavens. The band smiles and continues on playing, with Gajeel singing the chorus.

"'Cause I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen. Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out. 'Cause it feels like stealing hearts calling your name from the crowd."

The music then becomes softer as Gray sings the last verse of the song.

"'Cause I got your picture I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle..."

As the music ends, the crowd cheers once more, with an occasional shout coming from a fan girl.

"Gray-sama marry me!"

"Loke-Kun I love you!"

"Natsu-sama smile for me. KYAAAAAA."

"Lyon-sama look over here!"

"Gajeel-kun you're awesome!"

Gray looks at his band members with a knowing smile. They look back at him with smirks on their faces. Each member puts down their instruments as Gray counts "1…2…3!" On the count of three, all five men jump into the crowd.


"LUCY!" Echoes the shrill voice of Ami Lustic. Ami Lustic is a petite thirty year old women. She has chin length black hair and chubby cheeks. She has a very bad temper and own a little café called Heavens Peak. Ami is Lucy's boss.

'Oh dear lord, what did I do now?' thought a young blonde girl. Meet Lucy Heartfillia, or should I say Lucy 'Unlucky' Heartfillia. Yep, you guessed it, Lucy is extremely unlucky. In fact, she is probably one of the most unlucky girls in the world. You know what the ironic part is? Her parents had a store called Love & Lucky. Lucy was named after the 'k' in the word 'Lucky' fell. Kinda ironic huh?


"I'm coming Lustic-sama!" Replied Lucy.

However, Lucy hasn't always been unlucky. In fact, it started when she was around the age of ten. When she was ten years old, her beautiful, caring mother died from a terrible sickness. After her mother died her father went into a deep depression. Pretty much ignoring Lucy, he unfortunately died two years later. When her father died, it was discovered that 'Love & Lucky' had become bankrupt, so Lucy had no money to inherit from her parents' death. She had to live on the streets and try her best just to survive a day out there at the age of twelve. The only lucky thing that ever happened to Lucy was that when she was begging for food in front of a grocery store, a frail old man came and saved her.

His name was Makarov and he took Lucy in and raised her as his own. He was also raising another little girl who goes by the name of Erza Scarlet. Erza also lost her parents at a very young age, but she was taken in by Makarov. Although Lucy was lucky enough to find a new family to love her, the other things going on in her life weren't so lucky. In school, tons of bad things would happen to her. Such as having the water fountain squirt water at her, missing the bus, tripping over thin air, and embarrassing herself in front of the guys. The other children were even scared to go near her, fearing that the bad luck would rub off on them. They would always call her 'Bad Luck Lucy' and make fun of her on a daily basis. However the good thing was she had Erza to defend her, and Erza can be pretty damn scary when she wants to.

Fortunately, Lucy is blessed with a gorgeous body and great looks. She has the perfect curves and breasts. Not to mention golden shoulder length hair and porcelain skin. On that porcelain skin she also has the most beautiful milky chocolate eyes. Even with her goddess like looks, she finds a way to hide them, with baggy clothes that curtain her curves and glasses that hide her beautiful eyes. Also, she always wears her hair in a ponytail instead of letting down her luscious locks. On the outside, Lucy is the definition of a nerd, always reading, fantastic grades, and nerdy looks. However, beneath all that she is a goddess waiting to be discovered.

Recently, Makarov has been feeling very ill. Lucy and Erza have been trying their best to support him, but since Lucy can't hold up a job it's very difficult to raise money to pay for his medical bills. Erza does make a good amount of money working at her job as a kendo trainer, but it's still not enough. So here is Lucy now, working as a waitress at Heaven Peak. It's not the best job in town, but it will have to make do. 'I need to help outo-san, he's done so much for me!'

As Lucy walks over to Ami, she silently prays to the heavens that she won't get fired."Lucy, what is this?" She hands Lucy a stack of paper.

"Uhhh it's… paper?" Lucy knows exactly what this is. It's a list of all the complaints she's gotten from the customers. She tries to smile sheepishly hoping it will get her out of trouble.

"Paper? PAPER?!" Yells Ami

It doesn't.

"This isn't just any paper, these are all the complaints you have received from the customers! There are five freaking pages of these complaints! Its either you're too late bringing them their food, you spill food on them, or you bring the wrong check to the table. The list goes on and on! You're bringing down my business here Lucy! I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to let you go.

Lucy is on the verge of tears, how will she ever find another job that is willing to accept a person like her? "B-but Lusttic-sama I n-n-eed the j-j-job! No o-other p-p-lace will t-t-ake me!"

"Sorry Lucy, but my decision is final. Now please leave." Ami answers bluntly and walks off.

The tears fall out of Lucy's eyes. What is she going to do now? 'I need the job! I need to help outo-san! He's done so much for me!' Lucy walks out of the cafe and sits on the curb wallowing in self pity. 'Perfect. This is just freaking perfect. Isn't my luck just amazing?' She thinks sarcastically.

"LU-CHANN!" Lucy looks up as she hears someone calling her name. It's none other than Levy, and with her are Lissana, Juvia, and Erza. Levy, Lissana, and Juvia were the only ones nice to her throughout high school. They didn't care if she had bad luck or that she was a nerd. They liked her for who she was, but right now she can't stand to look at them. She feels like a big disappointment to herself, otou-san, and her friends.

She gives them a weak smile while trying to wipe away her remaining tears... "H-hey guys. I thought you were at the FROST concert?" Lissana, Levy, and Juvia were huge and I mean HUGE FROST fans. They were obsessed with the band and the guys in the band. That's all they talked about and listened to. Erza wasn't that big of a fan, but she tagged along since the kendo stadium was closed for the day, and she wanted to make sure that they were safe. Lucy however, never really cared for the band. She thought their music was ok (although she was in love with one of their songs called Remembering Sunday) and if it wasn't that they were snobby celebrities that only cared about themselves then she might have liked them more.

"Oh yeah the concert was awesome! But we can talk about that later. Now tell us why you were crying" said Lissana in her sweet voice.

"Lucy is crying? Tell Juvia your problems." said the bluenette.

"Who made you cry Lucy? I swear on the heavens I will make sure they don't see the light of day." said Erza, with fire burning in her eyes from rage. Lucy couldn't help but smile at the over protectiveness. 'She's always there for me no matter what, even Lissana, Juvia, and Levy'

"No Erza it wasn't anything like that. I just got fired….again. Hehe I guess bad luck Lucy strikes again." Lucy gives a half-hearted laugh and her friends frown. They all know the difficulty Lucy has with her bad luck.

Hating the sad atmosphere, Lucy tries to change the topic. "S-so how was the concert? Did you guys get to meet your future husbands?" she gives a sly smirk as all of them (besides Erza) blush.

"L-l-Lu-chan!" blushes Levy.

Lucy laughs. Each one of them has a crush on one of the band members. Levy has a crush on the basest Gajeel, Lissana has a crush on the drummer Natsu, and Juvia has a crush on the lead singer Gray. Lucy even heard that Erza might have a slight bit of a thing for the bands manager, Jellal, although people never brought that up, unless they had a death wish.

"Natsu looked so dreamy tonight." Lissana says dreamily. Soon realizing what she said out loud, she puts her hand over her mouth and blushes ten shades of red.

"Now now Lissana, there nothing to be embarrassed about, they are a group of good looking young men I must admit, especially that Jellal. He's so mysterious and alluring, not to mention hot." said Erza. They all stare at her in shock. Did Erza just say she thought the manager of the boy band was 'hot'?

Noticing the stares she's receiving, Erza starts to turn the color of her hair. "W-what it's only the truth." She splutters.

Lucy and they gang all burst out laughing and Erza turns an even darker shade of red. "S-shut up."

"Wow Erza to think you would ever call a boy hot. I always thought you would call them something more formal, like proactive or something." Lucy starts to laugh again.

"Tch, this is the 21st century you know. It's not like we're living in the eighteen hundreds."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say Milady." Lucy bursts out laughing again from Levy's comment.

"Okay guys I think that's enough embarrassing Erza, now Levy I did see you staring at Gajeel a little more than usual." Lissana lifts an eyebrow and gives Levy a sly grin.

"U-u-ugh w-well y-y-y-you see." Stutters the bluenette, "well u-uh J-Juvia was staring at Gray a lot t-t-to!"

Everyone starts to stare at Juvia. "Well Juvia can't help it. Juvia thinks that Gray-sama is just so attractive." She said very straightforward.

'Tch that Gray is the only one I can't stand in the group.' Lucy thinks to herself. 'He thinks he's so cool just because he's good looking. He's probably an asshole and a playboy.' She keeps this thought to herself though, not wanting to hurt Juvia's feelings.

'I wish we could've met them though." Says Lissana "I heard that after the concert was over, the fan girls went wild and started to chase them around. I mean I know we are pretty obsessed with them, but I wouldn't chase them around like a pack of wild animals."

"It must suck to be famous." replied Levy.

Getting tired of the conversation on the band, Lucy stands up and yawns. "Well I'm pretty beat, I think I'm gonna head home and take a nice hot shower. It's been a long day.

"You want me to walk you home?" asked Erza.

"No, you and the girls go have fun talking about your boy band crushes. I'm gonna talk a walk to cool my head, it's been a pretty stressful day."

Erza is hesitant about letting Lucy walk home knowing how much of a klutz she is "okay….but be careful. And if anything happens just call me!"

"Me too!" answered the other three girls simultaneously.

Lucy giggles and replies with an okay before waving goodbye to her friends. She then starts the 30 minute walk towards her house. In no time she was at the front door of her apartment. 'Wow.' She thought 'I went a whole thirty minutes without something bad happening. Not bad. Not bad at all.'

She guessed to soon.

As Lucy digs in her purse for her house keys, she doesn't find them in their usual spot. She frantically dumps out the contents of her purse, and tries to find her keys with no anvil. 'Great. I just had to open my big mouth.'

Defeated, she sits on her front steps and puts her head in her lap. 'I just can't seem to catch a break can I? Now I have to wait for the neighbors to come so they can let me in, and that's not for another two hours. Just my freaking luck.'

As Lucy sat there, she decided to do what she always does when she's stressed. She sang.

Since her friends were talking about them so much today Lucy began to sing the song Remembering Sunday by FROST.

"He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes, started making his way past two in the morning, he hasn't been sober for days."

If you look at Lucy, you would think that she has no talent at all, boy would you be dead wrong. This girl has some mean set of pipes on her. Her voice sounds like one of an angel. It has the perfect pitch and she can hit high notes perfectly. Lucy never sang in public though, she's way too shy to.

"Leaning out into the breeze Remembering Sunday he falls to his knees. They had breakfast together, but two eggs don't last like the feeling of what he need."

Her voice carries out through the wind and sounds melodic. She's on perfect pitch and since no one is around, she gains a little bit of confidence and skips to the most difficult part of the song. The women's role, which was sung by the famous Cana Albarn. Cana and FROST teamed together to write a song a few months back, and this song is the one that Lucy is singing right now (hey a girls gotta do some research on her best friends favorite band). The part is really difficult though because it goes really high, but that's not a problem for our Lucy. Little did she know, five pairs of eyes were peaking at her through the alleyway, which the group of boys were hiding in from their crazed fan girls. All listening closely to her singing.

"I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible I'm terrified to speak the truth you'd expect that from me. I'm mixed up; I'll be blunt now the rain is just washing you out of my hair.
And out of my mind keeping an eye on the world, so many thousands of feet off the ground.
I'm over you now I'm not home in the clouds towering over your hair."

Lucy hit the high notes perfectly. 'Yes, I finally hit the high notes! Singing always makes me feel better.' Lucy thought to herself. While in the midst of her celebration, she did not notice a handsome raven haired young man approach her.

"Oi blondie."

Lucy's head snaps up, horrified that someone just heard her sing. 'How embarrassing!' Lucy's eyes then widen in realization as she stares at the young man in front of her. 'Could it really be him?' No impossible.' She thought to herself.

"Oi are you deaf? I just asked you something." Said the voice of the man slightly irritated now.

'Oh my god it is him. There's no doubt about it. The same cold glare, the same cocky smirk, the same handsome looks, the sam-'Lucy's train of thought was cut off by the man's next words.

"I said do you want to join our band?"


It was none other than Gray Fullbuster.

A/N: Done with chapter one! Sorry I had to do a cliff hanger I could resist. Anyway I hope you guys liked it! I stayed up till 4 in the morning on a school night typing this because I couldn't get it out of my head. So what did you guys think good or bad? I'd love to get your feedback. Constructive criticism welcomed.

Please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own the songs Dear Maria, Count Me In or Remembering Sunday. Those two beautiful amazing songs belong to the one and only All Time Low.

*Just in case you are wonder here are the character ages.

Lucy, Loke, Natsu, Levy, Lissana, and Juvia are all 19

Gray and Gajeel are all 20

Erza, Jellal, and Lyon are all 21