They All Turned Their Backs on Her; Left her to the Wolves: the Devils, Hybrids, Black Magic and Monsters. But NO Witch with the Love of the Devil is a Witch Left Asunder.



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"I HATE YOU!" Caroline's cries echoed throughout the hollows of Mystic Falls like a death call. "I hate you!"

Hatred, the deepest loathing for the blonde Vampire's oldest friend plagued the town under a raging storm. Harsh sheets of rain slammed into ground without mercy. Mud puddles formed on the ground, built impenetrable trenches and watery graves along the roads. If one wasn't careful the ground would swallow them whole. Yet petite feet stumbled into the dark forest on the outskirts of the falls. Her body swayed, struggled through the bushy thicket around her. Wild thorns scrapped bare arms, ushering blood from her in thirst. Crimson drops slipped down her arms but the little witch pulled forward in tears.

Haunted branches seemed the grab her hair. Twigs wrapped in the soft, soaked tresses angrily. They tugged hair from her scalp. Winces filled the air but she would not stop running. Large oaks and pines hovered overheard in grand omnipotence. Judging – yes, judging the witch with the countenance of nature. Mother earth thrust lighting bolts from the heavens at the witch. Big jolts plowed to the earth in punches. Bonnie raced through – barely aware of the water rising from the earth's surface. Perhaps she would drown in her own misery…

"AGh!" Burning tears sprang into large green eyes and she pleaded, "Caroline, please! I had to tell you the truth! I needed you to know about Klaus and Tyler." Bonnie studied Caroline's stiff body. "I had to decide what to do. I had to either chose between the people I love to die or-"


Caroline's hand slammed into Bonnie's face with the force of a hurricane. Anger and Hatred tightened the muscles and joints in the feisty vampire's hand until the blow resembled a car crash. Sharp curling nails released from the fist and stabbed into the witch's face. Upon contact the savior turned enemy's head whipped to the side at the speed of light. An influx of vibrant russet curls flung in the air whilst searing pain rippled from ear to ear.

A diagonal slice split Bonnie's bottom lip open. Blood gathered into a small puddle over narrowed lips. Reflexively, the small witch grabbed her face with both hands and cowered back. Long, thin legs stumbled backwards against the wall, barely missing the large bookshelf wrapping around the room. POW, a skeletal back collided into the wooden paneling of the Salvatore study.

Caroline had hit her. Her best friend, the one she risked her life to save. The thought was too much to handle. Bonnie cried harder, more intense. Where would she go? What would she do? Guilt rose from the pit of her belly and spread through her veins. Her blood was ice cold. Every emotion was tight and heavy. A burning itch trailed her spine. The feelings were overwhelming and pulled a blush over caramel flesh. Only more irritating was how the rain suctioned cotton material to her form.

"I don't deserve this." The last of the Bennett line cried herself through the flood. Without noticing the rain formed into a knee length pool. Bonnie dragged through the water with all her strength. Her muscles contracted painfully with each step. Mud caked around her ankles until she was glued in one place. Images crowded her pretty little head. Imagery seemed to appear in her vision past the landscape before her. Tearful orbs came face to face with her blonde tormentor.

"My boyfriend is dead." Hazel irises narrowed with utter disgust. Bonnie attempted to disagree, but Caroline's two hands flailed up in surrender. The curl of the blonde's lip quivered to fight back tears, "Just shut up! It's my, my Boyfriend and you never even asked me! GOD, Damon was right! You really are worthless."

"I, I, I, I didn't mean to hurt you." Sobbing and whining, Bonnie's mouth dropped open. Her supposed best friend's sickeningly thin fingers guarded her frail cheeks. "I love you…"

"And you lost me." Caroline shook her head. "I never want to see you again."

Suddenly, she dropped into the water face first. Splashes shot up against the night before filling her ears. Wide eyes flicked as panic set in. Death. Dying. She wanted to scream. Rushing water plowed into the little witch's heart shaped face fast and loose. Gallons of liquid swarmed her body, a strong current pushing her body deep into the pool. Every muscle within her body struggled to escape but a force bore on her back. Mouth open, liquid crammed down her throat. Dirt and grim cut into her esophagus, found its way into her lungs.

Pain, exploding cuts stabbed into each lung and her arms flailed. Panicked hands grabbed at anything. Pushed, pulled but air left her body even still. Veins began to burst in eyes and all the air in her body bubbled from her mouth. More water compounded upon her already crushed body. The force of the waves buried her alive. The currents assaulted her with invisible punches. Transparent fist pounded her face relentlessly. Tears of red floated from her eyes.

"Gurrugh!" cries for help died amongst the flood. Stiffness crept into her bones. All of her limbs ached all over. Blood drained to the tips of her fingers and toes. The rest of her body was covered in Goosebumps. Death wrapped Bonnie in a cloak of hurt. More than once she wished for death. "Puh, puh-llleash!"

Another powerful wave flipped Bonnie onto her back. Above her head nearly 5 feet of water loomed. Green irises flickered, taking in the last sights before her death: ridged trees, black clouds, and the damning moon. Light blue moonlight spotlighted her cemetery plot with glory. It made her angry. Rage clawed at her breasts like a mad tiger. Made her wish to fight but energy was fleeting. Every wave destroyed her resolve; lead her to a peaceful death.

"BLOODY HELL!" An American and British accent oddly combined. "WITCH! YOU FAVOR A DROWNED BUNNY RABBIT!"

The shout startled her only less than a large male body swooshing into the flood waters. He was fast, almost invisible to her eyesight. Large, python arms swung out to her body. SWOOSH! Water rippled as brawny biceps captured her in his grip. The large male tugged her body upward. With a quickness, her body soared into the air. Atmosphere and speed shock knocked the water from her lungs. Liquid sputtered from blue lips onto the male's face.

"AHsssp!" Dark lashes fluttered franticly. Despite the loss of feeling in her limps, both arms latched around his neck. Involuntarily, Bonnie nuzzled herself against the male. He pulled her closer into his arms. Thick fleece material rubbed her bare skin from his form fitted sweater. It almost chased away the beating of the rain… Almost. Unusual warmth existed where their bodies connected but his accent wouldn't abandon her thoughts: Klaus.

"Really little girl." The hybrid couldn't help the roll of his eyes. How the hell had he found himself saving Bonnie Bennett – his attempted murderer by day and sometimes victim by night. "If you must commit suicide, do so after you have gotten me from this dreadful body."

Bonnie stared up into the face of her savoir. Nearly blinded eyes caught sight of unruly blonde curls, pinched pink lips. Blue eyes darted from her to the flooded ground before him. He side stepped trees and branches. The blonde original moved with the grace of a swan and the speed of cheetah. But as he moved, his body transformed into a dark tanned football player. A man who was once her friend, a comrade in arms…


"You…" rawness scrapped her throat raw. The sound was raspy and rough. She wanted to thank the enemy but to make him aware that this meant nothing. He'd only saved her ensure his body would come back in one piece. Hate thrived inside her corpse-like frame. Yet, she was thankful, sort of. "You saved…You..."

Klaus hushed her with the parting of his lips.

"May thank me later, silly rabbit."