Festival of the flower.

This is from the Yugioh Pocahontas world I created, there are lots of really good celebrations and Idea's that are mentioned but not written about in my other story. I've decided to write them up seperately.

I take requests.

My sister wanted a flower themed celebration so here it is! Alverna requested a wedding between Atem and Yugi. I think it'll be good when I can finally find a spot in all this revision to write them. Damned exams.

I'll get on that one eventually, I can do oneshots that are centred around other pairings and not just Yugi and Atem. I can do puppyshipping and Tendershipping, Brozeshipping. I may even put an alternate ending to the main story here...


Enjoy, I don't own Yugioh, (Not sure if I should still say Pocahontas as it's not really much to do with it anymore, but I don't own that either)

The portal glimmered as someone passed through. Yugi fanned his face with his cheeks blown out, expecting the sudden heat change but not used to it yet, it had been just over a month and a half since the strangers had arrived and everything was working out swimmingly for both the Japanese and the Egyptians.

Yugi looked around with a smile, Winged Kuriboh and Iru following right after him "That Atem" he sighed then skipped through the doors, he smiled at Honda. "Morning Honda" he greeted with a large smile. Iru sitting on Yugi's shoulder and smiling too, yet always on her guard, Yugi wasn't entirely safe here…

Honda smiled, his pointed brown hair standing up and his guard uniform as a portal guardian making him look important. "Good morning Prince. Why are you here so early?" the other five guards were both impressed and amazed at Honda's familiarity with the Prince from the other world.

Yugi smiled, Winged Kuriboh bouncing around behind him. "It's the Festival of the Flower back home, Atem promised he'd be there. I knew he'd be late so I've come to get him" Yugi's arms crossed behind his back, his violet fire tattoo's on his wrists and around his neck giving away his inner spirit. His skin was pale as the clouds next to the Egyptian's he was surrounded by, his clothes were simple and almost entirely white tough cotton, around his waist was a thin rope belt and on his wrist was a wooden bracelet that Atem had crafted for him, hieroglyphics instead of Kanji's on the inscription.

Yugi knew what is said off by heart: For my dearest Yugi, the eternal keeper of my third heart. Love always, Atem. He bounced on his heals as Honda smiled fondly at him.

"I think the Prince is with The Pharaoh, I'll escort you if you want"

Yugi nodded eagerly "Yeah, please, I don't know how you manage it but I get lost easier than Jounouchi does"

Honda chuckled, he had become good friends with the hyper blond, the two having lots to talk about and both getting into the pranks that they could cause with Bakura, Malik and Marik. Vivian and Rebecca were their favourite targets when they were around.

Kuriboh waved at Honda from Yugi's shoulder. Honda smiled at him "Follow me, then Prince"

Yugi rolled his eyes "How many times have I asked you to call me Yugi?" Iru was trying to fix Yugi's crazy hair, Kuriboh not helping as he was so clumsy.

Honda smiled at the little Prince "Always one more time, Yugi. It's just a sign of respect"

Yugi followed him through the maze "I don't get anything like that at home, everyone just calls be Yugi. Prince Yugi sounds weird somehow…" he flapped Iru off him "Iru, I'm not getting any prettier" he complained, covering his hair with his hands and making sure that they wouldn't be able to fuss over him anymore.

Honda chuckled as he paused by a door "I'm sure she only wants you to look your best for the Prince"

Yugi smiled, a blush tainting his cheeks "Yeah… he likes me just as I am though, thank you for this Honda"

Honda nodded, trying not to bow as Yugi asked him not to do that. "My pleasure, see you later"

"Bye" Yugi called after him, opening the door a little and smiling as he entered, shutting the door behind him, Atem and his Father, and most of the counsel and Priests were all sitting having breakfast at a long curved and high table "Morning Everyone!" Yugi greeted.

Atem looked up and smiled widely, standing up and rushing to meet him, Yugi let Atem hug him with a wide smile "Miss me?" he asked.

Atem smiled, crimson eyes shining and tan skin glowing, his red tipped spiky hair slightly similar to Yugi's but it was different. Atem had twin double stripes on each cheek, tattoos showing the world that he had a inner spirit; The Black Magician of Chaos. Atem kissed Yugi on the forehead as he answered him "Only entirely, love"

Yugi smiled and kissed him back. Iru and Winged Kuriboh hugged Atem's shoulders, interrupting their moment a little. Atem chuckled and smiled at them both "Hello, Iru, Kuriboh how are you both?" they answered him in their own ways.

Isis smiled at Yugi "Good morning little Prince" she greeted him.

Yugi waved at her "Morning, Isis, hey Mahad where's Mana?"

Mahad smiled, he looked the same as he did before but he was awakened too, as both Atem and himself had been awakened late they didn't have as many tattoos as they would have if they had gone through the ritual at fifteen. "Not sure, most likely terrorising the guards" everyone laughed, knowing her tendency to use the palace guards as her test dummies for her spells.

Yugi giggled, Mana and Dark Magician Girl where the best of friends now, always cooking up wild spells and mischief of some sort no matter what world they stayed in. "That's true, Girl asked if she could come for today, she wants to celebrate today with her, I think Girl just wants to show off again" he rolled his eyes playfully.

Aknamkanon smiled at the little Prince from his seat "What is so special about today, Yugi?" he asked warmly, liking the boy as much as he liked Atem.

Yugi blinked "Didn't I say? It's the Festival of the Flower today" he smiled widely "Everyone got up really early to get everything ready before the sun came up, I just came to get the guests of honour" he opened his arms as Kuriboh jumped at him, catching him with ease.

Aknamkanon looked interested "The Festival of the Flower? What happens on this day?"

Yugi thought for a moment "It's really fun. All the flower spirits wake up and come to the meadows, we make things out of flowers and sing, dance, tell stories and, it's also a day on nonsense. Today is happiness and romance" he smiled, "That's their saying"

Isis smiled "It sounds fun, but I'm afraid most of us are busy until the afternoon"

Yugi smiled "That's alright, it lasts all day until the flowers fall asleep for the night, if you're lucky you can still catch their best songs before the day ends, they wait all year for this, it's got to be special, they're always practicing but they never let anyone hear"

"Kuri!" Kuriboh snatched some fruit off Mahad's plate and jumped around with his prize. Mahad looked shocked, he was so absorbed in Yugi's stories that he had completely missed Kuriboh stalking his breakfast.

"Hey!" the Magician protested, Kuriboh already back in Yugi's arms and smiling cheekily.

Yugi laughed "Kuriboh, where are your manners?" he asked him, both shocked and giddily giggly from the little stunt his friend had pulled.

Aknamkanon laughed "Haven't you heard of; use it or lose it?"

"Kuri!" the spirit agreed cheekily.

Yugi pinched him lightly "Kuriboh's very sorry, Mahad, aren't you?" he said sternly to the cowering fur ball.

Kuriboh pouted and nodded. "Kuri, Kuri…" he nodded with his eyes on the floor.

Mahad chuckled "It's alright, better than Bakura stealing it, he'd mock me forever"

Yugi looked up "Bakura's at my village with Ryou at the moment" he turned to Atem "They're all waiting for you, and Seto and Mana"

Atem smiled and squeezed Yugi's hand "Let's go find them then, can I go to the Festival Dad?" Atem asked, smiling a little.

Aknamkanon pretended to think about it, he chuckled and nodded "Go on, you'll just have to have a rundown of the events later, have a nice day you both"

Yugi smiled "We will, come on Atem" he pulled the taller along behind him, Kuriboh snatched some of Isis's dates then followed, Iru scolding him the entire way for being so rude.

Yugi leaned over the balconey when he heard a shout of terror, he smiled and waved Atem right next to him "Mana! Mana up here!" he called down to her.

Mana looked around for a moment before spotting them, she smiled widely, she was about twelve years old and was very happy-go-lucky "Princes!" she greeted with a giddy curtsy "Good morning!" she waved.

Atem grinned "What are you doing?" he asked.

Mana looked at the guard who suddenly looked a little blue, literally blue skinned, "Nothing…" she smiled innocently.

Yugi shivered "Beware that look" he whispered to Atem who laughed "Dark Magician Girl is waiting for you! Come along!" Yugi said.

Mana looked excited "I'm coming! Just give me a moment!" then she waved her wand and flew up over the balcony, landing badly on her bottom. "Ouch! Yeah, I'm here! Let's go!" she shouted and grabbed their hands, towing them along with her.

Yugi laughed "You don't know where Seto is do you?"

Mana nodded "He went to the portal this morning, I saw him while I was looking for a good tar- assistant" she changed her mind at the last moment.

Atem rolled his eyes "You mean target"

Mana looked cross "No I don't!"

Yugi raised his hands "Hey, calm down, it's the day of fun not for fighting"

Atem blinked "You have a day for that too?"

Yugi shrugged "We call it War" he said simply. Iru stood by the portal and waved them in. Her voice trilling about being late. Yugi tapped her on the head with a single finger "Stop being such a mother" he told her before jumping through the unwet waterfall.

Atem smiled as Yugi lightly scolded his guardian for being too mothering, Yugi's parent's had died when he was quite young and so he grew up without a sturdy Mother for Father figure, Mystical Elf was his Mother Figure after a few years as she was around him a lot and she took care of him, and everyone else, as if he was her own.

Yugi pulled Atem through the portal and they appeared in the new world, newly named Japan for quick reference, Atem shivered lightly as he adjusted to the cooler temperatures, the portal opening out into a valley with large rock formations and beautiful colours of endless green.

Yugi sighed and smiled "Now this is a temperature I like" he said, nodding to himself.

Atem rolled his eyes "You always say that" he said, an arm wrapping around Yugi's waist and his other hand capturing his chin for a kiss. Yugi moaned slightly into the quick kiss he was gifted with then blinked blearily when the taller pulled back. Atem smiled at the blessed out expression and then began to lead him forwards "So where is this celebration?" he asked to help wake Yugi up.

Yugi blinked and looked at him with an innocent smile "in the meadows, I'll get us a ride" he clasped his hands together and a brilliant bird made of the earth, plants and metal appeared before them, rumbling deeply, Atem was never anything less than awed when Yugi summoned one of his six Element Birds. Yugi patted the noble head "Can you carry us to the meadows?"

The Bird lowered his head to let them on. Atem helped Mana up as she was the youngest. "Hold on tightly" he warned her. The girl's arms wrapping around his waist, Atem in turn holding onto Yugi.

Yugi sat comfortably then the bird took off and flew into the sky. Earth was a low flyer but the bird knew everything there was to know about the terrain. Yugi waved at his friends as they saw a meadow stretch out before them.

Ryou and Jounouchi spotted them and waved, Bakura was in the middle of a group of children, all younger than fifteen as they didn't have the tattoos, Ryou rushed up to the Earth Bird and offered a hand to Mana as he greeted them all "I'm so glad you could make it" he smiled gently but honestly.

Mana landed clumsily, Winged Kuriboh hopping onto her back for a piggy back ride, Atem slid off the Bird and Yugi quickly followed. Atem smiled at the albino "Hey Ryou, I'm happy to be here"

Mana looked around "Where's Girl?"

There was a poof of magic and Dark Magician Girl stood beside her, smiling happily "I'm right here!" the two hugged like old friends. "Let's go! There's so much to do!" Girl and Mana ran off hand in hand towards the middle of the meadow.

Yugi laughed "How's Bakura doing?"

Ryou giggled, making Atem wonder what was going on. "He's coping" he said with a grin.

Jounouchi waved "Get over here you both!" he called with a grin, the children around him all crowding Bakura and Seto, Atem just noticed him, Seto was frowning as three girls crowded his head and shoulders, threading flowers and necklaces over his head, making him 'pretty' for the Festival.

Atem chuckled as he sat beside him "Having trouble?"

Seto grunted but didn't stop the girls. Bakura smirked and pulled Ryou into his lap "It's your turn in a minuet, Ry"

"K-Kura" Ryou stuttered as Bakura squeezed his waist.

Yugi smiled then gestured to a couple of the kids and whispered in their ears, Atem has never been to a Flowers Festival either, he needed help getting ready. The girls all squealed in delight.

Iru smiled and sat in a tree to talk to the birds, her charge wasn't in any danger here. Kuriboh went off to find something to eat.

Yugi smiled as a boy held his wrist up. Yugi attached the braided flowers around the pale wrist and then he himself was assaulted with necklaces and sashes. Yugi laughed and tried them all on, letting little one's climb in his lap and pull at his hair and sit on his shoulders.

Atem smiled when he saw Yugi so surrounded by those who loved him. Bakura saw three girls sneaking up on the unsuspecting Prince and smirked, the guy didn't know what he was getting himself into…

Atem yelped when the tree girls all latched onto him and giggled, they were only young things so he relaxed at once "Hey there" he greeted them warmly. A girl with green eyes reached up into his hair and eased a necklace over his head. Atem smiled "Thank you" he told her. She squealed again and then her friends were pulling his arms and hair, making him as 'pretty' as the others needed to be.

Jounouchi had finished putting on all his and he was covered in flowers of red and black, hair and clothes and jewellery. Ryou had flowers of pink and blue, Bakura had lilac and a dusty purple, Seto was covered in forget-me-nots and blue themed flowers, Yugi was now covered in violets and honeysuckle, making him look cute and smell sweet.

Atem winced as his hair was pulled on harshly, the three girls threading flowers of red and gold into his hair now.

"Well don't you all look pretty" a female voice laughed.

Yugi smiled up at her "You look good Mai"

Mai stood by Anzu, Shizuka and Mana. Mai had red roses all over her, Anzu was adorned in pansies of all different colours, Shizuka had every flower of blue all in her red-brown hair and over her dress. She smiled sweetly "Mana enjoyed it"

Mana was covered in almost every colour, looking nice but mismatched. Girl equally crazy and hovering slightly off the floor with a large smile. "Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!" she squealed.

Mana echoing her and the two quickly were ushered away to spare the rest of a headache or two.

Yugi laughed "I knew she's like this" he stood up and offered a hand to Atem "Hurry up, let's follow their lead"

Anzu and Shizuka smiled and picked up their flute's and Mai held up a harp. "Grandpa should be here any moment" she assured the little ones.

Sugoroku appeared as if summoned, Mystical Elf and Pegasus, complete with flowers and his normal followers and the Millennium Eye. Sugoroku smiled at his Grandson and his fiancé, the two holding hands amidst the crowds of villagers. Seto and Jounouchi where standing close, hands hand when no one was looking. Bakura had both his arms, lazily, draped around Ryou's shoulder, the smaller looking very happy with that arrangement.

Sugoroku smiled and nodded at everyone "Well, here it is at last, the Festival of the Flower!" everyone jumped up and down and cheered, the old man chuckled "I would like to welcome our Egyptian guests who are about to witness their very first Flower Festival" Atem waved in a friendly way as everyone shot smiles and some gasps his way. Sugoroku nodded "Let's make this day very special for them, let this Festival begin!" he declared with raised arms.

Yugi was ecstatic and was jumping as energetically as the others. Atem smiled and was caught up in their infectious moods, letting himself copy and be swung around like Yugi was with others.

The flowers in the fields all started to move, they stretched and moaned and then smiled and waved, Atem stared at a rose that was waving at him for about three minuets. Seto smiled "You're not seeing things, honestly, after Ishizu are you really that shocked?"

Atem laughed suddenly "I can see why today is so special now"

Yugi pulled at his arm "Let's dance!" he shouted over the gradually growing noise. Anzu and Shizuka were playing amongst a small band of drummers and stringed instruments that respelled harps, guitars and violins.

Bakura looked as a young boy ran up to him, he placed a flower to his lips and blew it, the flower opened with a brass trumpet sound in Bakura's face, spraying pollen lightly everywhere. Bakura spluttered and Ryou laughed, he pulled a few from the soil and blew one right back at the cheeky boy. He squealed as he was covered in yellowish pollen then ran back to his laughing friends and family.

Bakura blinked and held one up "The hell is this?"

Ryou smiled "We call them trumpets, try it, it's fun, later we split into teams, different colours and we've got to get as many people as possible that colour" he laughed and hit another child on the back of the head as he ran by.

Bakura tried it out and suddenly couldn't wait for that game to begin.

Yugi spun around again then fell onto his back into the flowers, they all laughed and began tickling him, Yugi squealed and tried to roll away but there were more wherever he turned to. Atem saw his struggling love and scooped him up into his arms. "Be more careful love" he warned with a smile.

Yugi smiled and kissed his lips chastely "It's only in fun, Atem" he told him with a smile.

Hours later when everyone was covered in pollen and mostly tired out Mystical Elf raised her hands for their attention "Everyone, please find a seat" she smiled widely.

Yugi sat close to her, pulling Atem and Ryou right behind him "It's the nonsense hour" he whispered to them both.

Ryou clapped his hands "At last!" he cheered. Bakura sitting beside him.

Atem pulled on Yugi's locks "Spare the explanation?" he asked with a wide smile, flowers all passing fruits and honeyed treats to those who sat near them.

Yugi rolled his eyes "It's a time when everyone can present a poem of nonsense or admit that they like someone, it's meant to be lucky on this day" he leaned into Atem's arms as a young girl stood up and said clearly.

"This is for… A-Ash" she stuttered shyly. Then pressed on "Poppies are red, nots are Blue, jasmine is sweet… but not as sweet as you" she sat down blushing redder than the red roses in her hair. Everyone laughed and aww-ed while Ash blushed just as badly then stood up with a determined face.

"Honey is sweet, and it's just like you, what I mean is; I like you too" Ash ran over to the girl and they held hands and smiled amongst all the chuckling adults.

Shizuka stood up with a smile. "There was an old woman who sowed a corn seed, And from it there sprouted a tall yellow weed. She planted the seeds of the tall yellow flower, And up sprang a blue on in less than an hour. The seed of the blue she sowed in a bed, And up sprang a tall tree with blossoms of red. And high in the tree-top there sang a white bird, And his song was the sweetest that ever was heard. The people they came from far and near, The song of the little white bird to hear"

She bowed as everyone clapped and giggled at the complete nonsense of the little rhyme she's made up.

Atem smiled at others, mostly children but some adults, even he felt like having a go. Yugi smiled as he stood up and everyone listened intensely. Atem chuckled at his own idea "Trees are full of holes, between the leaves I mean, but if you stand away enough, the holes fill up with green"

Many laughed good naturedly and some clapped at his good attempt. Yugi hugged him and smiled "That was funny" he told him, Atem smiled.

Mana leapt up before anyone could stop her "I'm a magician and as you can see, there is another who looks like me, we are the best, don't need the rest, except when cleaning up the worst of the mess" Everyone roared with laughter as Girl nodded and Dark Magician sighed at the truthfulness of the simple line.

The roses all started humming and Mystical Elf once again raised her hands for quiet, "Hush everyone, our friends have something to tell us"

The flowers smiled and then stretched up to their tallest heights "We all have a gift for you" they told the humans "We call it the golden afternoon"

Red Rose winked at them "It's about all of us" Yugi and Ryou nestled into their loves warmly and she raised a leafy hand and tapped the bit of wood before her. "Sound your 'A' Lily" she told the waiting flower and the white flower at once started the melody.


She sang lowly.


All the pansies echoed as her note stretched.


Hummed the marigolds.


Completed the snapdragons.

"Pom, popom, pom, pompompompom..."

The rest of the flowers all joined into the delightful chorus.

"Little bread-and-butterflies kiss the tulips,

and the sun is like a toy balloon."

Yugi looked around as every flower in the meadow joined in, his hands clapped the rhythm and soon everyone was bouncing along to the music.

"There are get-up-in-the-morning glories,

in the golden afternoon. Ohh!

There are dizzy daffodils on the hillside,

strings of violets are all in tune,

Tiger lilies love the dandy lions,

in the golden afternoon, (the golden afternoon.)

There are dog and caterpillars

and a copper centipede,

where the lazy daisies love the very

peaceful life they lead..."

Many people stifled a yawn at the lazy tone that seeped into the singing, almost like a lullaby. Red Rose yawned a little then tapped her conducting staff and urged the others on and to wake up a bit.

"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers,

for especially when we sing in tune."

White rose sang by herself, her impressive and amazing voice drowning out every little harmony that tried to seep through

"Ah-ha-ha-ha! There's a wealth of happiness and romance,

all in the golden afternoon."

Everyone looked around as the bluebells and harebells danced to sound their pretty music. Trumpets and drums sounded around them and Atem's jaw was open in a wide smile of wonder as the entire forest rang with music and magic, it was truly a Festival today, no one realised the sun was nearing the horizon.

Mana smiled from beside Girl then she was surrounded in little butterflies, the little critters pulling her towards the flower chorus and she suddenly stood scared silly in the middle of the song, everyone expecting her to sing.

"All in the golden afternoon, the golden afternoon..."

Red Rose nodded gently, encouragingly, at the young girl. Mana took a steadying breath and quietly, unsurely began to sing the main verse she'd picked up.

"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers,

for especially when they sing in tune.

There's a wealth of happiness and romance,


Her hands clasped over her mouth when her voice cracked, not being able to reach any higher. Red Rose and all the friendly pansies smiled at her, letting her know she did very well. White Rose finished with her high-pitched voice that rang the hills.

"The golden afternoon!"

As the song ended everyone clapped. Girl jumped up "That was lovely!" she declared and many echoed her compliments to Mana and to the flowers around them.

Yugi looked up sadly as the sun began to sink below the horizon. "And now we have to wait another year to hear that again" he sighed as the flowers began to yawn.

Mana knelt by Red Rose "Please don't go! I loved today!" she protested.

Mystical Elf smiled gently "Don't worry, young one, they'll wake up again next year" she clapped her hands and smiled "Farewell dear friends, until next time"

Atem sat in his room while Yugi pulled out all the flowers from his hair, he was humming the song that the flowers had sung. Atem smiled at his little love "You're always happy" he said with a smile.

Yugi blinked then grinned "No reason to not be" he replied as the last of the red flowers fell to the floor "All done" he chirped and hugged Atem's shoulders warmly.

Atem leaned back into his touch "Yugi…" he held up a Larkspur and pressed it into his hands. Yugi stared at the beautiful deep purple flower, holding it delicately and smiling with sparkling eyes.

"Do you know that flowers have meanings?" Yugi asked softly.

Atem smiled up at him "No I didn't" he murmured.

Yugi blushed and pressed a yellow tulip into Atem's hands. Atem arched an eyebrow "What meaning does this hold?"

Yugi smiled and knocked heads with him lightly "Hopelessly in Love" he answered with a cheeky grin.

Atem smiled and pulled Yugi into his lap "And what does yours mean?" he asked warmly.

Yugi blushed and then said "Beautiful spirit"

Atem sighed and kissed Yugi's cheek "Fitting, my little Prince"

Yugi blushed and whined "I'm not that short"

Atem held him close, and laughed "Shorter than me and I'm the shortest my age" Yugi pouted, but quickly forgot he was talking when Atem swooped down and stole a kiss, lightly nipping on the tempting lower lips his love had.

Yugi moaned when Atem ran his tongue lightly over the little love bite. Atem let Yugi breathe and contented himself with kissing and nipping at Yugi's pale neck. Yugi giggled and moaned and squirmed as Atem worked. Yugi finally pushed him back with a quick kiss to his lips. "Grandpa's waiting for me" he warned Atem softly.

Atem sighed and pouted, everything seemed to be keeping them apart when Ra had set. He leaned back it his seat and played with Yugi's locks "Tomorrow? Stay with me tomorrow?" he asked, not thinking of seduction at all, just wanting him near.

Yugi blushed and nodded "Yeah… I love you"

Atem smiled and stole yet another kiss from the smaller boy "And I love you"

Yugi: What a nice day!

Oh Hi Yugi, I didn't see you come in.

Yami: We just wanted to know why your not revising, you've got science on Monday.

WAI! Science can go to hell!

Yugi: Don't worry, you'll do great, you test really well even if you don't revise.

I have an uncanny memory... please review, any and all requests will be examined and wirtten eventually. I may message you with some questions relating to your request, if I get stuck for idea's which I won't too often.

Yami: Review so this afternoon of writing wasn't for waste, she should have been revising Biology.

Science and go F*** it'self! Goodbye!