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" Ad, Babe, wake up?" Archie's voice was soft as he swept his hand over her hair. She half moaned, half sighed as she forced her eyes open.

" What's wrong?" She asked.

" I need you to get up, please." The hard look on Archie's face, pulled Adriana completely awake.

" Archie, what's wrong?" She asked as she sat up.

" Well, well, well, pregnancy agrees with you." Raphael said as he stepped into the room. Adriana's face went pale. She snatched the blanket up to cover herself since she was only wearing panties and a tight top.

" What the hell are you doing here?" She snapped.

" Well, I was owed another week with you but Ike and your boyfriend refused to allow me to be paid. Then you died but image my surprise when Ike gets a picture in the mail with no name on it. And what is that a picture of? A ultrasound picture of that sweet, little baby inside you. I knew Archie disappeared from the fair but I never thought anything of it. I figured he had just moved on but when Divana found that picture, she brought it to me and the rest, as they say, is history. Now, come on down and see who I brought to see you." Raphael said.

" Get out so I can get some pants on." Adriana said which made Raphael laugh.

" I have seen everything you have so don't pull the modest card on me now." He said. Archie reached down and grabbed her pajama pants.

" Here, Babe." He said as he handed them to her. Adriana narrowed her eyes as she slipped the pants under the sheet and pulled them up her legs. She pushed the blankets down then slipped from the bed. Archie took her hand and stepped in between her and Raphael, who laughed.

" Come on, you two. Walk in front of me." He said, waving his gun towards their stairs.

As they passed them, Archie switched their position again. He put Adriana in front of him so Raphael was at his back. He placed his hands on her hips. She reached her left hand up and covered his hand. He spread his fingers so hers could slip down in between his. He slowly started working his fingers so they were rubbing hers. He hadn't agreed to sending Ike a picture of the baby's first ultrasound, the one they had done when she was 12 weeks pregnant, but it had been important to her. She loved Ike and Archie was powerless to not give her what she wanted. They hadn't signed their names or included a note or anything. She had been both excited and sad about the pregnancy and wanted to be able to include Ike since her parents were dead. When they reached the downstairs, they saw that Ike was tied to a chair with his head down.

" Ike." She breathed out. Archie noticed Divana's eyes went right to Adriana's belly. Adriana's shirt was tight so her pregnant belly showed through. Divana held her baby closer to her. Ike looked up at Adriana and shook his head.

" I am sorry, Darling." He said. Adriana pulled away from Archie and rushed to him. She went to her knees in front of him and reached up to touch his forehead.

" It's okay. Are you okay?" She asked. She turned and glared at Raphael. " What did you do to him?" She accused. Archie was standing back by their book case, his eyes moving from Raphael to Adriana.

" Ike didn't seem to want to tell me where you were so I had to help him along." Raphael said. He walked forward and grabbed Adriana by her arm, making both Ike and Archie yell. Raphael put his gun to her head. " Both of you shut the fuck up, right fucking now." Archie put his hands up quickly.

" Just relax, Raphael, please." He said. Raphael smiled and pushed Adriana towards Archie. He caught her when Raphael let her go. " Are you okay?" He asked quietly, his hand going right to her stomach.

" It's fine. I'm okay." She said. He put his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him while his right hand rubbed their baby's home. She put her arms around his waist.

" Well, I think we should do some introductions here." Raphael said with a grin. Adriana let her head come to rest against Archie's chest.

" We know everyone here." Archie said.

" Do you? Do you really, Archie? Because I'm pretty sure you don't know that little man in Divana's arms." He said. Adriana rubbed her cheek against Archie. He looked over at Divana who smiled. "Seems like you should get to know him since that baby inside our Adriana will be his half sibling." Archie's blood went cold. Adriana raised her head up.

" What?" She asked. Archie's arm tighten around her.

" Oh you didn't know that Archie and Divana slept together?" Raphael asked. It was Divana's cue to come forward.

" This is your son, Archie." She said. Adriana looked at him.

" You slept with her?" A lump shot straight up into his throat as his eyes went right to her face.

" Only once. I was at the fair for three weeks. I didn't know she was Ike's girlfriend. You and I weren't anything, you hated me." He said. Adriana frowned and looked at the baby.

" How old is he?" She asked.

" Five months." Divana said. Adriana's eyes unfocused for a minute. " He's yours, Archie." Archie felt Adriana slip away from him. He shook his head at her.

" Ad, don't. Please." He said. She narrowed her eyes at him.

" You should have told me." She said.

" I didn't think about it. After it happen, I found out she was Ike's, I went to him. I told him what happen and that I didn't know about her. Then things started to happen between you and I and it was so intense, I just didn't think about it." He said.

" We slept together more then once." Divana said.

" That's not true, you lying bitch!" Archie spit out to her.

" Whoa, whoa." Raphael said quickly. " Archie, chill out, man. There is a baby in the room. When Adriana pops out that kid, are you going to let people go swearing in front of it? By the way, are you having a girl or a boy?"

" None of your business! Leave her alone!" Archie yelled as he reached out to Adriana but she side stepped out of his grasp. " Ad." He said, his voice dropping right away while he looked at her.

" Remember, Adriana, Archie is an excellent con artist." Raphael said.

" That baby can't be his." Adriana said. Divana narrowed her eyes.

" What are you talking about?" She snapped.

" Archie and I have been gone a year. He was at the fair for a month and half before I left it. You said the baby is 5 months old. You were pregnant before he came to the fair." Adriana said.

" That's not true!" Diavan yelled.

" Yes it is. You might not have finished school but I did. Your math doesn't add up, Divana. And I know Archie didn't sleep with you more then once as long as I was there or afterwards. I talked to Ike after I left, I know how upset Archie was when he thought I was dead. When things started between us, Archie and I were together all the time. We took our breaks together, he slept in my trailer, he went to my mom's at night. There was no way he could have slept with you without me knowing." She said. Archie wanted to grin as he looked at his woman. Damn, he loved her.

" You're a lying!" Divana yelled.

" No. It's simple facts but the again, you won't know anything about facts. You were always stupid." Archie loved it when Adriana's hard ass attitude clicked into place. Adriana's arms crossed under her filling out breasts, pushing them up slightly. Another thing he loved about her pregnant body. " My guess is that that kid belongs to Raphael." Raphael barked out a laugh.

" Don't pin that evil on me!" He said, coming forward. He put his arm around Adriana's shoulders, making both Ike and Archie tense up because he still had the gun in his hand. Divana looked lost for a few minutes, finally she looked at Ike.

" He's yours, Ike. She's right. I was pregnant before Archie came to the fair. I just said it was his." She said.

" It isn't mine. I'm fixed." Ike said, making Raphael laugh again.

" Oh Divana, poor, whorey, Divana." He said as she backed away from everyone. " Anyway, that's not really why we came. It was a perk but not the reason." He let go of Adriana and pushed her towards Archie who caught her quickly.

" I should have told you about her but it was one night." He whispered to her. Adriana shook her head and faced Raphael. Archie's hands came to her hips.

" Then what are you really here for?" Adriana asked. Raphael grinned.

" Payment but I'm going to need interest." He said.

" How much money do you want?" Adriana asked. She and Archie didn't have a lot of money saved but they some set aside. Archie's hands slipped around to front of her.

" Oh Honey, I don't want money. I will take my payment by being inside you." He said. Their baby choose that moment to let Archie feel it kick for the first time.