I own no rights to the film.


Settled kneeling on the cushioned bench-seat built beneath the windowpane of her family's drawing room, fifteen-year-old Frances intently watched the water droplets hit the glass, running in little streams down to the sill below. Her worn-out copy of Pride and Prejudice rested forgotten bedside her. "You know...rainy days aren't so bad."

"You're right." Cornelius replied from his spot on the floor with his back pressed up against their coffee table nearby. The fire of the lit hearth framed his face with a soft red glow. This week he was busy reviewing the newest edition of The Rare Arts of Cybermen, which now laid open across his lap.

She blinked at him. Usually, he seemed to truly revel in reading by firelight whenever they were granted the opportunity. And before, it hadn't taken long for Frances to notice that he did prefer days lounging at the library (or drawing rooms) over spending free afternoon hours at the beach with the rest of her peers from school.

Frances continued her humble musings, almost absent-mindedly. "Many think rainy days bring gloom over the city...but they really just make the moments you share with a special someone indoors so much more significant."

"You're right."

"And rain is actually one of the most common sound from nature used in music."

"You're right, it is."

With this, she tipped her head curiously. "Cornelius..."

"Hm?" His clever blue eyes finally lift from the pages to meet hers directly.

There suddenly came a fleeting puckish look upon her. "2+4-5=yellow."

Though Cornelius was completely unfazed by her playful experimentation, and thus, he flashed her a simple smirk. "Yes, you're right."

Astounded, Frances wondered for the hundredth time why he always said that to her. Ever since they were ten and became very close friends. Even in this moment, when it was painfully obvious that her equation of the day was utterly illogical, unfathomable, and misleading, he still agreed to it.

Why would a boy-prodigy like Cornelius Robinson accept an incorrect claim just for the sake of pleasing her?

Silence fell in the room for a second more before Frances spoke up again. "And you love me." (This one was really more of a challenge; it wasn't a question.)

His mouth spread a bit further into the start of real smile. "You're right."

And that was all Fracnes needed be sure of to know that on this night, would be the night when their dear friendship would shift to something greatly more, something even that more amazing.

It was the beginning of a pure and idealistic future.


Just a little fluff. Thanks for the time!

For some reason I adore this film unconditionally. Reviews are welcomed.