Disclaimer: Me no own

"Come on Hinata would you stop fidgeting already" Sakura snapped at the lavender eyed female.

Hinata didn't know why she was at a club on the eve of her wedding. Hell she didn't want to get married to her fiancé period but it's for the sake of the company and it will give her good graces from her father. As they walk up to the bouncer flashing their V.I.P cards, he let them in right away.

"It's pretty packed in here tonight" Ino shouted over the music.

"Of course it is, heard Sasuke and Naruto will be here tonight also" Sakura shouted back.

The trio made their way through the crowed with Hinata to the back of course trying to get to the bar. Not before someone gripped Hinata's ass and disappeared into the crowed sadly she didn't see who it was through the masses of body in this place.

"Ok Hinata what will you have?" Sakura asked as the three of them sat on the bar stools.

"Um i-if it's ok with you guys I rather not drink tonight" Hinata muttered quietly for the girls to hear. Ino rolled her eyes, while Sakura stueps and ordered three pina colada's to start the night right off.

"Alright ladies here you go "The bartender said while eyeing Sakura suggestively. Ino looked at the bartender he wasn't that bad looking he was more of a Sylvester Stallone body build, baled head and Aqua eyes that's seems endless but all in all not her type. Sakura gave the man her 'go fuck yourself' look which made him leave immediately.

"Ok ladies drink up and that includes you too Hinata"

Hinata swallowed her drink in two gulps and liked the taste of it until she called the bartender for another one.

"Ok slow down Hinata we don't want you completely drunk before the night's over" Ino said while Sakura scoffed and slid off her seat to look for fresh meat tonight.

"Let her have another one" A smooth deep voice whispered next to her. Ino turned to look at the stranger only to realize who it is.

"Oh my gosh Sasuke when did you get here" said Ino

Sasuke ignored her question to eye the hyuga heiress up and down. Hinata turned to look at the stranger when her gaze lingered on the stranger's eyes, so black that it seems to go on forever. It was like Ebony and Ivory clashing ying and yang, good and evil clashing at the moment and Ino chose to ruined something magical that would of happened.
"Sasuke where's Naruto?" Ino asked a bit Irritated of being ignored for the longest while

"He's on the Floor" he said not once removing his eyes from Hinata

"Ok I'll go look for him. Hina are you gonna be alright by yourself here?"

"She'll be fine"

Hinata turned to Ino faced flushed and nodded her head in agreement. Ino shrugged her shoulders then proceeded to the dance floor in hopes to catch a glimpse of a blond haired idiot.

"So h-how do you know Ino" Hinata turned back to the stranger who was still looking at her.

"She's my best friend fuck buddy. She doesn't know that I know that" he said bluntly

"Bartender, I'll have a Zombie, no make it two"

"Who's the other drink f-for" She asked afraid of the answer.


"I-I-I'm not drinking something named after the living dead"

"It's really great; I promise you'll be begging for another one trust me"

"A-A-And why should I trust you, I barely know you" she said blushing at how close he was to her face. At that moment she caught him staring at her lips and she began to blush wildly. 'If only you know that I'm getting married in the morning' she thought sadly.

"So what's it gonna be, look the bartender's coming with the drinks" he whispered really close to her ear.

"Ok fine"
"That a good girl" he said taking his drink straight to his head. He turned looking at her doubting she would actually drink it, but was proven wrong when she drank it also straight to her head.
"So tell why you are here? What's your story? I've never seen you around Sakura and Ino before?"

Hinata giggled and then gave a full out laugh making other people look at her weirdly. She turned to said stranger and smile genuinely at him. Sasuke looked right back the girl and smirked right back at her.

"Care to dance"


He simply offered his hand which she took gladly and lead through the masses of body that was gyrating to Kelly Rowland's Motivation's. Sasuke grabbed Hinata's and turned her with her back directly on his hard chiseled muscular chest, which she gasp at first contact.

Oh lover, don't you dare slow down

Go longer, you can last more rounds

Push harder, you're almost there now

So go lover, make mama proud

At this Hinata started grinding her ass on Sasuke crotch which the raven groan appreciatively and stretched backs her hand and gripped his hair. While Sasuke puts his hands around her waist might I say very possessively. They were in a world on their own with no worries or problem just the two of them in harmony.

And when we're done

I don't wanna feel my legs

And when we're done

I just wanna feel your hands all over me, baby

Hinata turned her body and wrapped her hands around Sasuke. While Sasuke could feel her heart beat through the pulse of the music which turned him on slightly. She leaned up slightly and began telling him everything about herself from being the heiress of Hyuga Corp. all the way to the upcoming nuptials in the morning. Sasuke was pissed that she was off the market but that's what makes the game even better in his mind.

You can't stop there

Music still playing in the background

And you're almost there

You can do it, I believe in you, baby

So close from here

Sasuke hands began roaming all over Hinata's body from her ass and lastly landing on her chin where her lifted it slightly until she was looking directly into her eyes and as if by magic both of them began to lean towards each other until their lips finally met in bliss. The kiss then escalated to a full on make out session between the two. Unfortunately the duo couldn't see a green monster of jealously watching them from the bathroom.

Baby, I'ma be your motivation

Go, go, go, go


Go,go,go, go

"Come back with me" Sasuke said while his hands began playing with her.

"I-I can't I don't even know you, I don't even do this, I-"

Was all she got out before he kissed her again silencing her quick rambling. Also this let her breathless and speechless at the moment. She simply nodded and let him lead her out of the club and to his car. She knew she was going to regret it but she just wanted to enjoy her moment off freedom one last time.


Beep Beep Beep

"Good Morning people we are live at the Santa Maria Chapel, where we're bringing live coverage of the Hyuga-Sato wedding."

Hinata opened her eyes and noticed the unfamiliar surrounding immediately. She bolted straight up and in the process waking up her partner also. Sasuke groaned at the radio and almost and began to stretch his body, unaware of his guest staring right at him with shock and fright and shame all in one. When he opened his eyes and look at his bedmate, he felt bit remorse for what he had done to this innocent lady but hey all he thought about was last night and how good she felt.

"Um what time i-i-is it" she asked so quiet Sasuke had to strain his ears to hear. He turned and look at the radio clock then looked at her.

"It's 8:30"


AN: Well folks this is my first story hope I did well and don't forget to R&R