Chapter 1

"Man, these are fiiiiinnnnne," Ino purred slightly as she practically fangirled over the hipster glasses. She slipped them on, and posed in the mirror. "I am really surprised that you have that many of them in your house," she said.

Tenten rolled her eyes. "Sometimes, my lenses get too thick, and I can't bear to throw them away."

Ino rolled her eyes, and took them off. She settled down on the bed and made herself really comfortable. "Tenten, don't be such a nerd. We know you are pretty. You just don't like to show it."

"Say that again and your coffee will be gone."

She shrunk into a tiny little blonde ball. "I am sorry."

Tenten grinned, and got up to retrieve the boiling hot coffee. "Ino, you are so simple."

"And you are so complicated. Why can't you be interested in any guy?" Ino asked innocently. "I mean, you are already 19. People have sex when they are 19, and you haven't even had your first kiss."

"I already did," Tenten snapped, and put the cups of coffee on the bedside table. "It was with Kiba."

"Kiba isn't even interested in you right now. Look at the girls he got. We could barely count them by using BOTH our hands and feet." Ino grabbed one of the cups and sipped loudly.

"Thanks for boosting my confidence, Ino. I really appreciate your help," Tenten said sarcastically.

Ino ignored the coldness in her voice and continued blubbering. "Whose house is that? It's like super grand and stuff. Not saying that your house isn't, but seriously, that house is likeā€¦Greek's."

"The Hyuugas. They live there," Tenten replied. She quietly packed the mess that Ino had made, and arranged them alphabetically. Her CD collection literally looked like it had been through an earthquake. Not that Ino's hands wouldn't make one though.

"HYUUGAS? Serious? Oh my god, the family of the hooooootttt and sooooo fine Hyuuga Neji. Girl, you really have luck. Does he sleep in that room opposite to yours? Does he open his curtains? Can we see him showering naked? OH MY GOD, TENTEN!" Ino squealed, yet making a mess out of everything again.

She frowned. She really didn't want to clean up everything again. "Ino, I have no idea who sleeps in that room. And no, we can't see him naked. And stop messing up my bed."

"Sorry. I got really excited." Ino had already calmed herself down, and was now drinking the coffee. "I mean, he's fucking hot. Who wouldn't drool over him? And he's the guy whom YOU, the master of forever-alone-ing, admitted that he's hot."

"Ino, chill. We came to my house to study, and not spazz over some guy that's practically non-existent in our lives. The finals are next week. Don't tell me you really want to fail, do you?"

Tenten yawned widely, pouring herself a glass of cranberry juice to keep her awake.

Ino's definitely a handful. Tenten sighed, trying to relieve all that tiredness gathered from spending an evening teaching Ino about trigonometry. It's like teaching a pig how to fly, but there's still Red Bull for that. For Ino's case, there's no Red Bull to make her fly and become a sudden genius.

Oh shit.

Tenten gasped audibly. This was terrible. Ino can't fail, or else she wouldn't have any friends in the senior design class.

She shook her head. No, no, no, Ino wouldn't fail. If she fails, that will indeed be a waste of natural talent.

Tenten scurried around her room, grabbing her sewing kit, the mannequin and some cloth. That, that piece of white silk wrapped around the mannequin, was indeed her final exam project. The Bliss for all women, in the form of a wedding dress, the teachers had announced. Frankly speaking, no designer is going to sew a wedding dress from the scratch. But, no, the sissy teachers had to butt in and assign this project to all the design students.

She frowned lightly, and stared at that blank piece of cloth on the mannequin for a long time. The teachers personally told her that they wanted uniqueness, and not some boring shit that everyone can come up with.

"Oh fuck it, I am going to flunk," Tenten said aloud, and threw the pillow at the bundle of cloth lying on the floor.

She tossed around and made her way to the sketchbook on her bed. She hadn't even come up with a design; how was she supposed to make it?

Tenten laid on the bed and faced the ceiling. It was a deep midnight blue, painted with silver stars. A lamp that she designed herself, which was made out of crystal sakura flowers, was hanged from the middle. She had also painted on her walls; a scene right out of a posh fashion store. A few mannequins with uncompleted pieces of cloth were neatly arranged, and bundles of rainbow-coloured cloths were folded and stored in shelves.

Strangely enough, among that girly and fashionista stuff, there was a glass box of weapons and swords. This is a family inheritance, given down from her mom to Tenten. All along, her family had been handling with the manufacturing of weapons for countries, but being the black sheep, Tenten ventured out on fashion design and abandoned weapon-making.

Tenten groaned as she got up from her bed to refill that glass of cranberry. She had a weird addiction with cranberry. While others were drinking beer, she would be sitting there alone, drinking cranberry stuff.

The fridge was right beside the window. She literally crawled towards it and searched for more cranberry juice. A smile lit up her face when she discovered the 2 litre bottle. "God has blessed me with cranberry juice," Tenten exclaimed and did a happy dance.

She plopped down on her bed, facing the window. Grinning like a fool, she gulped the juice down. Her eyes wondered and landed on the room opposite hers.

And a guy was staring at her weirdly. He scowled, and glared at her.

The electrifying stare of Hyuuga Neji had made Tenten choke and puke up half of the cranberry juice she had gulped down.

The last words she could say were 'Oh my god', before she collapsed onto the floor.

Inspired by Taylor Swift's, You belong with me, the music video.

Please read and review. I really need constructive criticism:/ Anyway, tell me your thoughts on this chapter Hope you enjoy the weekend!