Chapter 1

Pounding. Ringing. Pain. Pain. Ringing. Pounding. Please God make it stop. Olivia buried her head beneath her pillow and willed the pain, noise and spinning to stop. As she blindly felt around for her cellphone, she momentarily made contact with Stephen, who was passed out next to her.

"Whaa!" She answered sluggishly.

"You need to come to the White House."

"What? Cyrus?"

She sat up quickly and immediately fell back unto her pillows. She was going to be sick.

"Liv, I –"

"What time is it?"

"I don't know, 2 or 3 something"

"In the morning?" She groaned. She'd finally fallen to sleep not too long ago, which – after having cried and drank most of the night – explained why she was slightly nauseous, exhausted and utterly confused by what has happening.

"Olivia!" Cyrus yelled as if he could somehow penetrate through the fog that had taken up residence in Olivia's mind. What the hell is wrong with her? He thought.

"What?" She yelled back but immediately lowered her voice when Stephen began to stir. "What do you want Cyrus?"

"You need to come to the White House."

It was his stressing of the word "need" that made her slowly sit up and take notice.

"What happened? Is he ok? Cyrus?"

"No. Yes. Liv, I jus—, yo—, please."

"Cyrus, I can't. I just, can't. I'm sorry."

Cyrus shouted her name through the phone and the pounding on the door resumed.

"You're at my door aren't you?" She accused. What the hell is happening?

"No. But there are two agents outside your door right now with instructions to deliver you to me by any means necessary. I'm sorry Liv, but you need to come to the White House. You have five minutes to open the door. See you in a bit."

Olivia was momentarily stunned but quickly got out of bed and threw on a sweater and jeans. She had no clue what was going on but knew it must be serious if, after three months of no contact, Cyrus was having her summoned in the middle of the night – by any means necessary. She turned to leave and found Stephen sitting up in bed watching her.

"Everything ok Liv?" His kind eyes, clouded with sleep, shinned with compassion and understanding. She nodded in response and gave him a small smile.

"Go back to sleep, I'll be back."

"Liv" He called out and waiting for her to turn back toward him. "You're alright." He assured her. He didn't have to ask where she was going. It was written all over her face. All he could do, all he would do, was assure her that he would be here if and when she needed him.