Tori Takes the Leap

"Hey Tori?"

Tori turned back to look at Jade when she called her name. She had to work not to crack a smile. Jade just looked so ridiculous in that so called outfit. But she had to be nice, especially since she just got her spot back for the Platinum Music Awards. "Yeah Jade?"

"If you want to kiss Beck, you can."

Tori blushed immediately. "What makes you think –"

Jade shrugged. "Cat left the video chat open. You went through the trouble of thinking of me, so I guess, you have my blessing." Jade wrinkled her nose, as though saying those words had caused her some sort of discomfort.

Tori fought the urge to laugh. "Thanks Jade. That…that means a lot."

Jade shrugged, before heading over to the MC to change a little something in the script.

The entire time Tori was getting ready to perform, Jade's words kept echoing in her head. If you want to kiss Beck, you can. Tori had assumed that Jade still liked her ex-boyfriend (and let's face it, who didn't like Beck?) and she was worried that kissing him might cause even more of a riff between her and Jade. But with her new friends 'blessing' she felt almost giddy.


The music stopped, and Tori's last note followed as she finished performing in front of millions of people at the Platinum awards. All she could do was grin at the standing ovation she had received.

Her friends were rushing towards the stage, and she hurried as fast as she could to them. She hugged all of them, including Jade, until she got to Beck. He offered his hand for a high five, and she linked her fingers with his, pulling him towards her until their lips met.

"Better late than never yeah?" she asked when they broke apart.

"Yeah," Beck agreed, smiling back at her.

Definitely the best day ever.

And once again, I rewrite the ending of a Dan Schneider episode. Tori Goes Platinum was actually my favorite episode of Victorious. It was really well done. And normally, I never ship Tori with Beck. I've put her with Andre since the show started. But this episode basically forced Tori/Beck onto me, and it did a damn fine job of it. Round one goes to you Dan.

This was how I was hoping the ending would go, but unlike the iCarly episode, I wasn't expecting it. Oh well, there's always hope for the next one.