Okay for this story let's just assume that Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are all around the same age probably somewhere like twelve or thirteen. (I really am not sure how old they are supposed to be).

I've had this story in my head for awhile i just haven't gotten around to finishing it. I don't even know why i've been wanting to write this anyway. Oh well. Onto the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

It started as any normal day for Spike. He got up in the morning and saw that Twilight was still asleep, probably from one of her late night study sessions. She had at least twenty books piled around her on the floor but Spike knew not to touch them because the last time he did he got a lecture for at least two hours and he was almost forced to stay the night somewhere else.

He tip toed quietly around Twilight being careful not to wake her up in any way because then he would surely be in for hell. He finally got to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. Once he was safely outside and free to make as much noise as he wanted he saw a familiar gray coated, blonde maned pony.

"Hi Derpy," Spike greeted happily.

Derpy Hooves turned and saw Spike giving him a smile, "Hi Spike."

Spike smiled at Derpy's voice, not because he was making fun of it, but because he loved to hear her usual happy tone.

"You got mail for me or Twi?" Spike asked trying to make conversation.

"Ya! I have it right here!" Derpy said.

Derpy handed Spike a letter . Spike looked it over and saw it was actually addressed to the Apple Family and it was from Twilight, not to her. Deciding to spare Derpy's feelings Spike thanked her making a mental note to himself to give this to Applejack.

Derpy said her goodbyes and flew away apparently to Rainbow Dash's house in the clouds to give her some mail that probably didn't belong to her anyway.

Spike smiled and consulted what he should do today. He obviously had to give Applejack her letter, he had to do the errands Twilight had given him the night before, and he wanted to see if Rarity needed any help with anything. Spike had made it a daily routine that he go and help Rarity when he had freetime.

"Well," Spike said to himself, "I can give Applejack her letter first and then do Twilight's chores for me. That way I can free up the rest of my day for Rarity."

Spike deliberated for a second on what to do. He finally to deliver the letter to Sweet Apple Acres just to try and get that out of the way as quickly as possible.

Spike walked away heading towards Sweet Apple Acres to deliver Applejack's mail. He finally got there in about twenty minutes and saw Apple Bloom by the entrance gate waiting for somepony.

"Hiya Spike!" Apple Bloom exclaimed putting herself a little too close to Spike for his own comfort.

"Hi Apple Bloom," Spike said uncomfortably, "I have this letter for your sister. Derpy mixed up the mail again."

She took the letter and said, "Thank you? How's your day been?" Apple Bloom asked smiling a lot wider than normal.

Spike started his story by saying, "Okay I guess. Funny story. I woke up and—"

"Tha's great! Uh, Spike, I was jus' wonderin if you'd like to— erm, go on ah," Apple Bloom started by interrupting Spike.

"What?" Spike asked seeing there was something clearly on Apple Bloom's mind.

"Go on ah date wit' meh," Apple Bloom finished.

Spike stood face blank of emotion.

He didn't really understand what just happened and before he knew what he was doing he said, "Ya sure."

Apple Bloom smiled and hugged Spike. She told him to come by at six o'clock tonight. He left Sweet Apple Acres still bewildered and with one thought in mind. "Wait what just happened?," Spike thought to himself.

Not sure where to go next Spike decided to start doing his chores. Once Spike started to think about the idea of a date with Apple Bloom it didn't sound half bad. It's not like he disliked Apple Bloom so maybe he shouldn't be that surprised. He shrugged and looked at the sun to see what time it was. It was two, meaning that he had two hours to spare. Honestly he was just hoping to run into something else to do. He was only half right. A scooter ran right into him at about twenty miles per hour and knocked him flat off his feet.

"I'm getting abused today." Spike mumbled to himself.

"Spike! Just the dragon I wanted to see!" said Scootaloo.

"Hey what's up." Spike said rubbing his head because of the accident.

"I got these awesome concert tickets and I need someone to go with me!" Scootaloo invited.

"Why aren't you bringing Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom?" Spike asked.

"Aw, they don't like concerts and I wanted to take you anyway."

"Cool. I'll come for sure! When is it?"

"Tonight at eight is when the concert starts," Scootaloo said handing Spike his ticket, "So we'll probably leave at seven forty five ."

"Alright I'll be there!" Spike agreed.

"Cool! It's a date then!" Scootaloo said hoping onto her scooter getting ready to speed away.

At the word date Spike's eyes widened. He already had a date with Apple Bloom though. He couldn't have a date with both of them.

"Wait Scootaloo," he started but then realized she was out of earshot.

Spike sighed at this. It seemed like he had no control over today. Everypony knew how to manipulate the conversation to their favor against Spike.

Spike decided to put off his chores for awhile and walk over to Carousel Boutique so he could finally be able to talk to Rarity and get his mind straight.

As Spike walked he started to ask himself, "Why do Scootaloo and Apple Bloom want to go on a date with me anyway?"

He tried to think up an answer but could not conjure a reason before he finally walked up to the store. Spike dismissed the thought from his mind and walked in the door.

"Hi Spike!" Sweetie Belle greeted as he in, "Listen I've got to ask you something."

"What's up?" Spike asked reluctantly knowing already what Sweetie Belle was going to ask.

"Well I wanted to know if you if you wanted to go on a date with me, but if you don't that's fine I understand." Sweetie asked politely.

"Thanks for the offer but I don't think I can." Spike said and then tried to quickly change the subject, "So where's Rarity?"

Sweetie Belle laughed going back into her normal good natured self but Spike could tell he had just crushed her hopes, "Oh. Didn't Twilight tell you? Rarity is in Canterlot on very important business, and until she gets back I'm taking care of the shop."

"Aren't you a little too young to be staying home alone?" Spike asked curiously.

Sweetie Belle looked at him hypocritically, "You went on the Dragon Migration like two months ago! Why can't I stay home alone?"

Spike thought it over and realized it wasn't that different after all, "Fair enough. So when will Rarity be back?"

"Probably in a few days from now," Sweetie Belle said, "Hey do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Shoot." Spike said only half paying attention.

"Why do you like Rarity so much?"

Spike was taken aback. What stallion didn't like Rarity was a better question.

"Well… I uh… She's beautiful… and she's generous… and…" Spike reasoned while grasping for words.

Sweeite Belle seemed to push these thoughts aside and began to rant, "All I'm saying is she's kind of superficial. Don't misunderstand me Spike, I love my sister and she could get anypony she wanted and I'd be happy for her but don't you care more about a ponies personality then their looks?"

"Of course I do!" Spike exclaimed slightly irritated.

"And you do realize that she's not interested in you right?" Sweetie Belle added harshly.

"That's kind of a mean thing to say…" Spike said hurt.

"I don't mean it like that… I mean that she's not interested in that kind of relationship." Sweetie Belle hinted turning her voice into a whisper.

Spike looked at her blankly. What did Sweetie mean?

Sweetie Belle facehoofed and continued on with the conversation by saying, "Ugh. This is probably why she is what she is. You guys are always so dense."

"I don't get it." Spike said plainly.

"I mean… Rarity… Rarity isn't interested in a relationship with you Spike. You two are almost six years apart and she wouldn't be caught caught dead dating someone our age." Sweetie began.

"What?" Spike yelled clearly outraged.

Sweetie Belle looked at Spike with a look that said 'Are you serious'?

Spike's eyes widened and he gave out a huge signature scream, "NOOOOOOO!" He quickly regained his composure and asked quietly, "How many people know?"

"You mean… you haven't noticed? It's not necessarily a secret." Sweetie explained.

Spike felt deeply hurt. Rarity knew he loved her and she couldn't even have the decency to tell Spike herself. How did Spike not know. Maybe he was blinded by love, I guess he'd never know not that it really mattered.

"I guess that means that she won't ever give me a chance then huh?" Spike asked.

Spike hung his head in disappointment before Sweetie Belle started to talk again, "Look on the bright side. There are people who do want to go out with you."

Spike smiled. He knew what she was hinting at and decided to give up, "Sure Sweetie Belle I'll go on the date with you."

Spike could see the excitement in Sweetie's eyes when he agreed and decided he had made the right choice.

"So eight o'clock tomorrow okay?" Sweetie said.

"Sure. See you then." Spike agreed.

As Spike walked out the door he couldn't help but think, "If I have a date with one of them I might as well try all three."

There was no telling what he had gotten himself into.

Hope you liked it. This is my first story that I've written that has Spike in it and that's mostly because i don't think i've been able to get his character down well. So I already think i know that but anyway feel free to comment. Any criticism is appreciated so give me as much feedback as possible.

The second chapter should be out soon enough. So until next time, see ya!