First let me say how great it is to finally be out of school. Now I finally have time to work on my fan fiction acount. And yes I know that I have other stories that probably need working on, but I started writing the first few chapters of this and I just felt that I should write this story. So, with happiness I present the long, long over due...

Left Behind - Mobius

Written by: Sir Thomas Roberts

Based on the book by Tim LaHyne and Terry B. Jenkins

Chapter 1

Rouge the Bat sighed as she leaned against the wall by her seat, trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep. She always hated over-night flights. How people were expected to sleep in airplane seats she would never know.

Her plane was flying across the Atlantic headed to the Westopolis International Airport. G.U.N. had recently ordered her to investigate suspected terrorist activity near Jerusalem in the old country of Israel. At first, everything went as planned. When she got off the plane and fetched her luggage, she flagged down a taxi to take her to her hotel. Once there she met some man named Nathaniel Judea, an Israeli archeologist and small time inventor who helped make Israel a wealthy and technologically advanced country with his discovery of a sprawling set of ruins containing ancient Babylonian technology on the western shore of Israeli.

He had recently been studying the Babylonian ruins East if Israel, but the recent unearthing of an old Babylonian temple just a few kilometers west of Jerusalem brought him back to the area. Apparently these supposed terrorists wanted to steal the technology found in the ruins. At least that's what everyone thought up until a week ago.

One Week Ago

Rouge was leaning against a wall outside the Babylonian ruins. She was supposed to be there to investigate terrorist activity, but the real reason she was there was her treasure hunting skills, although her skills as a G.U.N. agent was also a factor. Professor Judea had even recommended Rouge himself.

After the unearthing of the Babylonian ruins and technology that made Israel one of the wealthiest countries in the world, both Judea and Israel were reluctant to share most the most advanced technology with the rest of the world. Needless to say, many countries wanted to get their hands on it, and a few had threatened to use less diplomatic methods to obtain it.

Professor Judea was currently rambling on about the historic value of the ruins to a group of news reporters. "From the outer markings on this temple, we can assume that held within are historical records left by the ancient Babylonians. Inside these very walls may indeed lay the evidence needed to finally put to rest the age old myth that the Babylonians are descended from an alien race. Now if you would move the cameras over here…" Rouge just tried to tone him out. Earlier she also had to listen to one of the reporters blabber on about something concerning God, Judaism, and whatever. Rouge couldn't care less about that either.

Of course, most of her family was supposed to be Christians, but she just never really got into that sort of stuff. All she cared about was what you could see and feel, granted that mostly concerned jewelry, but that was beside the point. The point was that for now she just stood against a stone wall waiting for something to happen while Judea kept talking.

After a little while she heard a soft wining. She just ignored it, thinking it was just the equipment the archeologists had brought along with them. But then, she heard a siren from the nearby city.

"Good heavens what could that be?" Judea said. They didn't have to wait long for an answer. In the distance Rouge could see hundreds of small dots headed towards the Jerusalem. When they got closer Rouge was able to make out that they were fighter jets.

"Is Israel running any training exercises today?" Rouge asked.

"No," Judea answered, "Not that I have heard."

It didn't take long for Rouge to realize what was happening. "Get inside the ruins, now!" she ordered. In a few minutes everyone was inside the ruins. After about ten stressful minutes, it started. Loud explosions sounded all around them. They immediately ran deeper into the ruins hoping that they would be safe.

"Did, you see the emblem on the jet?" one of the reporters asked.

"Does it matter who sent the jets!" Judea snapped, "All that matters now is saving ourselves from this madness!"

Madness was right, there was an explosion almost every second. They could barely hear each other over the booms going on all around them, but something was wrong. There was no shaking. Surely explosions that large should be causing some kind of shockwave, but the ground was as still as ever.

Going against her better judgment, Rouge rushed out of the temple, ignoring the screams of protest from the others. As she approached the entrance to the ruins Rouge could see the orange light from a fire.

When she finally stepped out of the ruins, Rouge couldn't believe what she saw. The skies were set ablaze with hundreds of falling fighter jets. It was as if they were all exploding right where they flew. In fact, that was what most of the jets were doing. Those that remained were flying all over the place in total disarray, and some were even attacking their own jets! All Rouge could do was stand there and stare up into the flaming sky.

The memory of that night was fresh in Rouges mind as she tried to sleep. For a moment she opened her eyes to look out the window. So high above the clouds she could see the stars twinkling brilliantly in the nighttime sky. She remembered hearing one of the reporters talking about some bible passage in Ezekiel that supposedly talked about the end times. It said that in the end times a great enemy of Israel would attack from the north with the help of countries such as Ethiopia, Persia, Libya, and others southeast of the Black Sea.

According to the latest news reports, that was exactly what happened in Jerusalem. It was revealed latter that Russia allied with Ethiopia, Turkey, Iran, which was Persia in ancient times, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Libya. It also said that God would turn them against each other, and Rouge saw for herself, the attacking jets were firing on each other.

Could her family been right about all that God and Jesus stuff? But the Jews hated Jesus. Why would God protect people who persecuted his supposed son? Wouldn't that make Judea and all the other Jews right? But that would still make me wrong. Rouge thought. She decided to just give up trying to understand what happened. There would be plenty of time to think about it once she got home.

Then, all of a sudden, Rouge heard a rustling sound next to her, like someone had dropped a pile of clothes. Thinking nothing of it, Rouge closed her eyes, and finally slipped off into a fitful sleep.

Shadow the Hedgehog sat at his tiny booth, blankly staring out the window of a small Westopolis café. On the table was a small half-full cup of coffee, it was actually his third cup. His best friend Rouge was due back from Israel that night. He had agreed to pick her up and decided to kill some time at his favorite café. He picked up his cup and drank what was left. On the wall on the other side of the café was a television tuned into a news station. It was showing a press conference with the vice-president of the United Federation.

"…and furthermore my plan for the future will include total disbarment of all major world powers. Now many of you might be tempted to say that this is impossible, that not even half of the world's sovereign countries will be willing to give up their weapons, but I say to you, if we, the people of the world, of the Global Community, show our leader that we want, that we are ready for global peace and prosperity, then nothing is impossible!" The audience went wild on his last statement.

"Need more coffee, honey?"

"What?" Shadow said turning to the blond haired cat waitress who spoke to him.

"I asked if you wanted anymore coffee."

"Uh, yeah sure." he responded.

The waitress poured Shadow some more coffee into his cup. "That Phoenix is something else isn't he?" she said.


"Tyson Phoenix, the guy on the T.V. that guys one in a million."

"He's a politician right?"


"Meh, I give the guy a month before he falls flat on his face."

"Well you're optimistic."

"No, Casey, I'm just being realistic. He's talking about working towards a perfect world right."


"Well, to have a perfect world, you need perfect people. And as we all know, no one is perfect."

"You never know, say did you hear about that mess over in Israel?"

"Sure did, I have a friend I have to pick up at the airport coming back from Israel."

"I'm guessing they told you all about it then?"

"Yes, they were right in the middle of it. If I hadn't of seen it on TV, I might not have believed her. I mean, jet fighters just blowing up in the air and crashing without hurting a single person. It's crazy."

"Almost makes you believe in miracles doesn't it?"


"Honestly honey, you've been coming here for nearly a year, and I haven't ever seen your attitude improve. Don't you ever cheer up?"

"Don't worry, I'll cheer up, just as soon as the world ends and I don't have to put up with anybody."

"You're hopeless."

"Whatever," Shadow then got up and handed Casey a twenty dollar bill, "Pay for my coffee will you, and keep the change as a tip, I got to go pickup my friend from the airport."

"All right then, night honey."

"Night," Shadow said as he walked out the door.

Shadow hopped onto his motorcycle and put the key in the ignition. He didn't really need to pick up Rouge at that moment, in reality her flight wasn't supposed to be in for another two hours. He just didn't feel like spending his entire night inside a café, plus he needed to get his car from his house to pick up Rouge anyways.

He pulled out onto the street and drove off. The night traffic was light, so Shadow was able to relax a little while driving. He actually liked driving his motorcycle around; it was one of the few things that relaxed him. He had even taken a month off from work at G.U.N. once to drive across the country on his motorcycle. It was a pretty good break; that was until Sonic showed up. Somehow that blue idiot had managed to find him amongst all the roads on the continent. Oh, how I wish that idiot would just disappear sometimes, than maybe my "attitude" would get better. Shadow shook his head and shoved all thoughts of Sonic from his head. Right now all he wanted to do was drive around the local streets and try to enjoy the city night.