Prompt 89: Peace

Characters: Noatak & Tarrlok

The sun was setting and a wind was starting to pick up as the two brothers sat together in the boat. They were on their way to a new place, a new life. It seemed like the perfect solution for the two of them, each with a twisted past. Each was lost in thought with the idea.

"The two of us together again, there's nothing we can't do!" Noatak said to his brother who was sitting at the back of the boat as he drove. They were quite a ways away from Republic City, from the place that had made them go crazy. They were different people in that city, it changed them. But now they were two brothers reunited at last. Both of their plans had failed, and they were on their way to a new life.

"Yes, Noatak," Tarrlok responded, almost automatically. He was listening to his brother, but he was beyond lost in his thoughts. This wasn't what he was expecting to be the end of the revolution. He never expected to find his brother and be off to a new life with him. He figured his brother was dead. But now here he was, alive and well, excited for their new life together. He hated that he wasn't as enthusiastic as him.

"Noatak." He laughs lightly, a smile lingering on his face. "I had almost forgotten the sound of my own name."

Tarrlok nods mindlessly to his brother's talking as he turns to look to the side. He sees a stack of gloves that the Equalists had used. Quietly, he grabs one and slips it onto his hand, staring at it. It felt cold and hard on his hand, so foreign. It was strange this time. The last time he had one of these gloves on, it had been to hurt himself in order to play up the Avatar's capture. Now he was having different thoughts about it.

He looks forward at his brother, watching him closely. He was focused on the water ahead of them, not of his brother behind him. He glances down to the side of the boat and notices the closed opening that would be the fuel tank. He unscrews the top and places the electric glove above it. He sighs before taking one last look at his brother. "It will be just like the good old days."

Without a second thought, he powers up the electric glove, sending waves of energy down to the fuel. The second the two mix an explosion takes place. Nothing is left of the boat or either of the two brothers. They are now gone from the world, a peaceful ending after the evil things they had done.