The Rookie

Summary: Here's the thing. Andy McNally had something to prove. She was a McNally after all. What she did not plan is to sleep with her Staff Sergeant the night before her first day of work. Awkward. Sam Swarek/Andy McNally AU.

Word Count: 1,305

Couple: Sam Swarek and Andy McNally

Rating: T

Chapter 1: What's the Story Morning Glory?

She taps her index finger on her bed. Looking at the naked man on the other side with a whole lot of regret twisting around in her mind. It wasn't supposed to happen, it just did. Like when you're a little kid and you didn't mean to spill chocolate milk all over your Sunday's best. Again, totally just accidentally happened. And it's not like what she's done is bad. She's twenty-six years old, so this sort of stuff happens a lot.

She looks over again, just slightly though, because he is good looking. So that makes her study the man that is in her bed. And she loves her bed. It's new and she just got her own place so that makes it even more special. She now feels as if it is tainted almost. She feels as if she probably should have just walked out of the bar and walked home. It's not like she even lives that far, but he just had to offer. And then he showed her his dimples so she was pretty much gone from 'hello'. This makes the cringing occur once more.

Not to mention it's her first day of work of all things. Her first shift of being a cop that is. And it's really important. She needs to impress a lot of people because she is a McNally after all.

He stirs a little and she wonders if maybe she just started talking he'd wake up someway and she'd never have to speak to him again. Another thing that she recalls is that he seemed a lot older than her. Like, maybe he was going through a mid life crisis when he approached her at the bar. All her friends were gone, because 'hey work tomorrow'. And she probably just should have listened, but no she insisted on one more beer and then he approached.

He suddenly turns over to his backside, eyes clearly open as well, and she feels like he might not know where he is. She can feel his eyes on her and she really just isn't good at this sort of thing so she decides to quickly pull herself from under the covers and swing her legs out of the bed.

She feels the other side of the bed move as well and raspy voice saying to her, "Got any coffee?"

And seriously, what?

"Uhh," she stammers, "I really got to get ready for work." Comes out a little bit nervous.

She turns her head over her shoulder to see him putting his jeans back on.

"First day. I remember."

She nods, "Yea."

She tries to remember telling him anything about her personal life and she guesses she did a good job of that.

"Andy, don't be nervous."

And he knows her name, which she really wishes she remembered his name.

She looks at him in this really weird way and he puts out his hand for her to shake. "Sam."

She stands up and takes his handshake. "Sam."

She looks at him and thinks maybe he isn't as old as she first thought, "So," another pause, "I should probably shower. Make a good impression."

He smiles, "Good luck."

She knew she was going to be late, but she was typically always late. Nothing new.

She puts her hair in a wet ponytail hoping it will dry as she walks to work. She looks in the mirror and nods. Gives herself a pep talk and immediately rushes down the stairs.

She stops dead in her tracks when she gets to the kitchen.

"What are you still doing here?"

He looks up to find her in a new outfit and completely clean of last night.

He eats the last bit of his cereal. "Just grabbing some breakfast."

Her eyes dart to a lot of places in the room because really, it's just awkward. "Um, well. I really have to go."

"Need a ride?" He stands up from the kitchen table.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Why would I need a ride?"

He washes his bowl out in the sink; looks behind his shoulder to stare. "Cause you told me you don't have a car?"

She shrugs. "I walk. I will walk." She says more sternly.


He brushes her as he walks by.

She smiles inwardly.

She finds Traci Nash by the coffee pot.

Traci gives her a smile, "And how are you?"

She inwardly groans, "Okay. I might have done something."

Traci pats the eyes, "How long did you stay after we left?"

Andy shakes her head back and forth, "Awhile."

She then sees the other rookies making their way over to them.

Dov Epstein. At first she thought a serious nerd, but who actually turned out to be one of the best at the Academy, so she gives him props. He's actually a good friend who looks out for them all, but she knows wants to prove something at the same time. Like he isn't the wimpy kid on the playground anymore.

Chris Diaz. Golden boy, who at first Andy guessed, played football in high school. Which bingo, she guessed correctly. He does have a knack for following the rulebook, which isn't the worst thing to happen to someone who wants to be a cop.

And, of course, Gail Peck. Seriously, in Andy's mind just has a freeze face. That's all she can think to say about that one.

"I'm ready." Chris says confidently.

"We all should be ready," Traci pauses, "It's going to be the easiest day."

Dov takes in a deep breath and smiles like a kid in the candy store. "I'm ready for some action."

Dov and Chris do some bromance handshake, while Gail sneers.

"Does she ever smile?" Traci asks.

"Nope." Andy says as if it was the easiest thing ever to think about.

She walks into parade and she is confident. This is what the Academy has taught her. This is what her dad as taught her.

And then the unthinkable happens.

She notices 'Sam' at the front of the room in a white shirt. Signaling he is her boss. The Staff Sergeant. The freakin Staff Sergeant.

He notices too, but instead of the embarrassment she is feeling, he smiles like it's the best day ever.

Author's Note: Completely AU. I feel like this story might have been done before but I have a complete different take on where I'm taking it. Also, um people...people Rookie Blue in 4 days. 4 DAYS. I can't contain my inner excitement. Enjoy and review. And Sam in the white shirt aka the boss shirt...will def see more of that in this story!