Ranger Hood

Pairing/s: Steph and Ranger (duh!)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to JE and I'm just playing. (Wish I could keep Ranger though) I also don't own Robin Hood, the TV version, the movies or the Disney version.

Characters: Ranger- Ranger Hood

Steph- Lady Stephanie

Mr Plum- King Frank

Tank- Little John

Lester- Much

Bobby- Friar Tuck

Connie and Lula- Chambermaids

Joseph Morelli- the Sheriff (to avoid confusion he will be called either the sheriff or Joseph)

Uncle Joe- Steph's father

Summary: Plum-verse version of the story of Robin Hood, with extra randomness added by moi! This is a babe-fic FYI, so cupcakes will probs not like it. Enjoy!

A/N- also, if I make any boo-boos, please tell me so I can fix them and make them all better! This is my first Steph Plum Fanfic so please, constructive criticism would be nice.


The rain poured down in torrents, drenching the young girl clenching a sodden envelope tightly to her chest as she hurried up the path towards the castle entrance.

The rain masked her tears, as they rolled down her cheeks and blurred her vision.

The rain couldn't stop her, nor the pain in her heart, which mourned the loss of her mother, and soon, she knew, the loss of a father whom she barely knew, but knew loved her very much.

She looked over

She soon arrived at the castle entrance, where to guards donned in red stood.

She walked up to the first guard silently and tugged on the hem of his tunic. The guard looked down to see a small girl, barely 6 years old, with dark brown hair pulled into two long braids, looking longingly up at him with blue eyes filled with tears.

"Um, excuse me sir, I need to see King Frank." she whispered

The guard was unsure of what the King's reaction would be to the child, but King Frank had always been a fair ruler, and would not punish the innocent child.

Her voice was so quiet and scared that the guards took pity on her, escorting her through the winding corridors to the throne room.

She clasped the guards hand between her two tiny ones that were frozen from the cold.

The guard could only smile; the little girl must be so frightened, he thought.

"What's your name Sweetheart?" asked the guard.

"Stephanie, but my friends call me Stephy. You can call me Stephy too if you like?" she said shyly

"Sure Stephy. It's a beautiful name. Did your mama give it to you?"

The girl could only look away.


The pair came to a stop outside a large oak door.

"The King should be in here at the moment. Would you like me to come in with you, or would you rather go in alone?"

"Please if it's not too much trouble could you come in with me?"

"Sure, Sweetie" he replied before knocking on the door.


King Frank was in his throne, listening to one of his many advisers speculate about how bountiful the Middle East was, and that he should lead his army there to plunder. He wasn't really interested in his advisers plan, as he had already devised one himself. Only a few of his most loyal knights knew how good a strategist he was, and he was not about to advertise this information, as advisers with plans could be bought, and many lives jeopardised. He was pulled out of his musings by a knock on the door.

Hoping it could be anything to stop the adviser from speaking, who was hired by his wife that he knew was conspiring against him, he answered "Enter."


A guard slowly entered, pulling along Stephanie behind him, out of the king's sight.

"Ah, Sir Gazzera, what do I owe this visit for?" asked the king

"Your majesty, I…" he was cut off by the king looking strangely at something behind him. It was Steph.

"Hi! Are you the king? My name is Stephy!" she began

"I apologise for the interruption, my liege, but she requested to speak with you. You try saying no to a face like that" said Gazzera

"It's quite alright Gazzera. Nice to meet you Stephy. What were you doing all by yourself in the rain, though?" he asked

Tears began to form in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled.

"My daddy said to come here if anything was to happen to Mama. He said to give it to King Frank. He said it was of ut… uttt… utmost importance!" she stammered, as she walked up to the king, handing him the partially dry letter.

The King carefully opened the letter and began to read

"My dearest friend, Frank,

If you are reading this, I take I am dead or close to it.

I hope I may finally find peace.

I also take you have met sweet Stephanie.

My sweet, beautiful daughter.

Many years ago, I fell in love with a serving woman.

She was beautiful and kind and intelligent.

I would have willingly forgone my duties to be with this woman,

To give away my title to be able to love her, but I couldn't.

If I was not in power my wife would be, and I could not bear if she destroyed the village I loved.

Marian understood.

When she fell pregnant, my wife was suspicious, but never really knew.

Until today that is.

I have always tried to do best by Stephanie, sending money each month to help out etc,

But I always wished I could do more.

Today was her 6th birthday, and I planned to give her a surprise.

One day I saw her admire one of the goats and I knew that I had to get it for her.

I headed to her mother's place and saw my wife standing over Marian's body.

'That will serve you right' she said and she stabbed her repeatedly.

I ran to find Stephanie and gave her this note to give to you, hoping that you would care for her as I do. I know that I will be with my love soon and I may finally be happy.

Please Frank, take care of my daughter, the one thing that I love most in this godforsaken world,


"Steph is this true?" she nodded, with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Advisor, fetch me some paper, and tell my darling wife I wish to adopt this child" the adviser turned pale and scampered away to retrieve said paper, while Steph beamed. King Frank turned to Stephanie, who began to yawn.

"Well, miss, let's get you dry and into bed. I believe it's awfully late." He said as he led he carried a drowsy Steph to one of the spare bedchambers.


10 years later, Steph wakes up in that exact bed, a beautiful young woman now, preparing to be wed to a man whom she despised.


So, Whatchu think so far? Pretty please review? =)