Tikal Fanfic – Tikal Shows Knuckles How to be A Guardian

Chapter 1: Dilemma


Well, how are you? I wonder oh too often. I walk down the street and dream of something different. I walk around in my abyss and ponder what you're doing. Are you doing all right? Are you staying safe? Are you doing your job as a guardian? Are you helping to save the world again?

Suddenly, he appears beside the wondering child in his normal form. If you could call being made of water normal? He taps her arm slightly as to not shock her too much. She pulled back some and smiled. "What are you thinking about?" He asked in monotone.

Her eyes widened some to this unsuspected question. "Nothing." She lied.

"You're always thinking about something, Tikal." The creature told her. "I've know you long enough to know that." The orange echidna sighed. "So what were you thinking about? I'm very curious."

"You know, I hear that curiosity killed the cat." She shot back with a sweet smile.

"Too bad." Chaos smirked. "I'm not a cat!" He laughed some. "Now if you would be so kind as to fill me in on your thoughts?"

"I was just thinking about the guardian." She answered honestly.

"I'm sure he hasn't lost the Mater Emerald in a while." He answered. "After all, if he did, this place would be shaking really hard again." He waved his arms around to emphasize.

Just at that moment, the whole place began to shake. It was like an earthquake. Tikal looked at Chaos with a small, but annoyed smile. "You just had to jinx it didn't you?" She asked. The protector of all chao just shrugged. He didn't mean too.

On Mobius, the red echidna was chasing the white bat. She held the gem over her head as she flew out of Knuckles grasp, but stayed close enough to taunt him. The black hedgehog sat on the ground and stared. He wasn't sure how this was a delightful activity, but Rouge seemed to enjoying herself. The black hedgehog soon became fed up with this little quarrel when Knuckles came up to him and hit him for just standing there doing nothing.

"Fine." The black hedgehog grumbled. "You want me to step in and in this stupid squabble, I will." His hand began to glow green. He glared up at the green target. A chaos spear went through the center and the emerald shattered into pieces. "There! Now you two will have to find something else to spat over!" He snapped as he crossed his arms and glared at the two. Rouge and Knuckles stared back in shock.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done!" Knuckles screamed. His voice was hitting notes that he hadn't hit since he was three.

"Stopped you guys from bickering?" Shadow replied with disdain as he picked up the book he was skimming through.

"The Master Emerald keeps this island up in the air!" Knuckles screamed. "Without it, Angel Island will sink!"

"Good! Islands shouldn't be floating in the air anyway." Shadow retorted.

"Shadow!" Rouge whined. "The Master Emerald was mine!"

"No it wasn't." Shadow stated. "It would've been, but you just wanted to fly around with it to annoy Knuckles. You were probably going to give it back when he lost his voice."

Then two lights appeared in the sky just as the two opened their mouths. The lights floated downward. One was a red light bouncing constantly. It looked like a fairy. The other looked like a floating ball of pool water. The red light went up to the ultimate life form.

"Did you break the Master Emerald?" It asked. A young woman's voice spoke.

"Yes. I did." Shadow answered without care as he put the book back up to his face.

"Why?" An orange echidna appeared in front of him. She sat on his legs. "Put down the book and answer me!" She demanded. "Please?" She added sweetly. She was under far too much stress already. Shadow dropped the book and stared with a blank confused expression on his face. The orange echidna girl sat up straighter and took a deep breath. "Yes, I came from a glowing red ball. You get used to it after a while. I thought people of Mobius were used to strange things like this. Now will you please explain yourself?"

"Tikal?" Knuckles finally managed to say. "What are you doing here?"

She looked up at him with sapphire eyes. "Oh hello Knuckles!" She waved to him without moving an inch. "I actually thought you were busy helping Sonic again. Tell me, how come he broke the Master Emerald?" She pointed a thumb at the black and red hedgehog. "Especially when you're on duty?" Her sweet smile began a small annoyed glared.

Knuckles gulped. "Well…" He searched for a good explanation.

She rolled her eyes. She turned back to Shadow. "Well, sir, will you explain yourself or not?" She asked him with a kind smile.

"Get off of me." Shadow growled, glaring at her.

"If I move, how can I be certain that you won't run away?" she retorted sweetly. "Now, please explain your actions."

"Rouge stole the Master Emerald again. She decided to stick around and taunt Knuckles with it. I didn't feel like being a part of the stupid little quarrel, so I sat here and began reading my book. Then Knuckles came over here and punched me because I was the only one he could. He yelled at me for being a neutral party. Not wanting to choose a side in this, I merely took out the Master Emerald. Now they can't argue over it." Shadow explained. "Now, will you please get off of me?"

"Very well." She sighed. She looked over at Knuckles and then looked at the white bat. "Is the white bat Rouge?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm Rouge the Bat." Rouge began to brag. Tikal floated up to her and held her hand face in her hands. "You can float too?" The bat said in surprise.

"Not, float. Fly." The echidna corrected. "Knuckles, why didn't you fly and stop her. You can fly too you know."

Knuckles glared up at her and crossed and glared up at her. "I don't know how to fly." He hissed.

"What do you mean? You're ancestors should've taught you when you came of age." Tikal stated.

The red echidna raised an eye brow at her. "Um… I've been here all of my life. Alone." He tried to sound civil. "You are the only ancestor that I know I have. Plus, you're the only one I've seen. Unless I'm supposed to count him too." He pointed to the blue ball of water.

"Oh yeah." Tikal laughed nervously. "That means you've never had your rite of passage!" She gasped.

"What's that? I why do I automatically dread it?" Knuckles asked.

"Well, the rite of passage is when you're finally considered an adult. It's a grueling test!" Tikal explained. "But if you haven't been taught to fly, that means you're way behind on your training! You won't be able to take it until you've past your basic training test."

"Joy!" He replied sarcastically. "Why don't we just pretend I did it and not do it?"

"I can't do that Knuckles." Tikal stated. "My father was the chief. That makes me the princess and since father is no longer here that means, I am the head of the clan. Therefore, you have to do what I tell you, or at least listen to me. Only I can say if you pass or not. I will not pass someone who is unprepared and lacking the skills and knowledge to be called a man." Tikal told him. "Chaos, can you begin training him?" She asked the blue ball of H2O. The ball floated around her. She nodded with a smile. "Okay, Chaos here will train you." She stated as Chaos turned into his Zero form. "But first, we need to get the Master Emerald back together."

"Well, that doesn't include me. Good bye." Shadow got up and grabbed his book. He headed for the edge of the island. He didn't care if he had to swim back. He wasn't staying here with strange people coming from lights.

"Oh no!" Tikal flew in front of him and put her hand on his chest in order to stop him. "You're the one who broke the Master Emerald. You must redeem yourself by helping putting it back together!" she told him.

"And if I don't redeem myself by putting the Master Emerald back together?" He asked.

Tikal glared at him and sighed. "You use the power of chaos to do some of your attacks right?" She asked with hopeful and sad eyes. They looked like Maria's eyes when she would look down on Earth.

"You're point?" the ultimate life form asked.

She smirked a little. "Well, if don't redeem yourself to the Master Emerald, you won't be able use the power of chaos anymore. For anything." She smirked. "Just try one of your chaos spears on that little tree of there." She pointed to a small tree.

Shadow shrugged as he concentrated on the tree. His hand glowed green for a moment and then it faded. Shadow stared at his hand in shock. "What?" He said as he concentrated on making a chaos spear.

"Now, you will help restore the Master Emerald and then you'll be able to use the power of chaos as much as you won't." Tikal smiled up at the black hedgehog. "You will help won't you?" She asked as she grabbed his arm.

"Fine." The hedgehog hmphed.

"Good!" She clapped her hands. "Young miss Rouge will help as well. After all, I assume she has ulterior motives for helping." She smiled at the white bat.

"Sure. I'll help. Will you be training Knuckles to fly along the way? I could use a good laugh." She smirked.

"Shut up Bat Girl!" The hotheaded boy yelled.

"Knuckles!" Tikal chided. "You should never call someone such a thing. Especially when they so gracious offer to help with the job you're currently failing at doing." The orange echidna gave him a small glare. Knuckles hung his head. "Now you apologize and be a gentleman."

"I'm sorry." He clenched his fist and glared at the ground. He wished Tikal was still stuck in the Master Emerald.

Chaos nudged him forward and they walked toward the edge of the island. It was now floating in the ocean. It was a good distance from the shore. It was way too far any of them to hope swimming to shore. Shadow immediately proclaimed to Chaos Control over to shore. When he tried, however, he realized that he couldn't. He hated this! Tikal chuckled some, but stopped by covering her mouth. Shadow did not like her. No matter how her voice sounded as sweet as Maria's or how her eyes were as kind as Maria's. He did not like Tikal one bit.


5/23/2012 Deathy: 6;50am. I might as well give you guys something new. I haven't really done a fanfic with Tikal as a main character before. Or at least, I don't think so. I can't really remember. I know I wrote one of Tikal like forever ago when I was like what 11 or 12? It was terrible, really. I don't really have a title for this, so my random mind says give random title. If anyone can think of a better title, please let me know. This will actually be the first fanfic that I'll post on tumblr. Anyway, enjoy this. Please READ & REVIEW!