Hey everyone! I've always loved Kensi and Deeks together, and I've always wanted to write a longer piece... So far it's all been one-shots, but this one will have a few chapters! I really hope you like it!

I don't own NCIS LA or any of the characters! Just my imagination, and even that runs sometimes!




No I need sleep!


Okay, okay, I'm up.

Kensi rolled over and reached for her phone.

"'Lo?" She mumbled.

"Hello this is Christy with a quick survey! I-"


Kensi dropped her phone back onto the floor and sighed. She rolled over and snuggled into the body beside her.

Her eyes snapped open. Why the hell was there someone in her bed? She did a fast mental assessment.

Not her bed. Not her apartment. Blue eyes. Open. Staring at her. Looking worried. Blond hair. Shaggy. Falling in his eyes. Broad shoulders. Fit body. Warm.


Oh no. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. They couldn't have... She couldn't remember the night before. She felt the sheets, laying cool on her bare skin.

Oh God, they had.

"Kensi?" She heard him whisper. "Kensi, I-"

"Don't. Don't say anything Deeks. I'll get my stuff, and I'll go. Turn around. I'm getting up." She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at him. Not wanting to hear him say what she knew he would. That their relationship would never work. They were agents, they worked together. It was a drunken mistake that didn't mean anything.

"Kens... Kensi. Kensi!" She stopped, sitting with her back turned to him. She didn't want to seem weak. She wasn't the type of girl who showed emotion. He couldn't find out that it killed her to know that she'd never really be with him. Still, if he felt the need to say something, she owed it to him to hear him out.

"What?" She tried to sound indifferent.

"Kens, I know you don't remember much of last night, and... well, honestly, neither do I. And I really hope I haven't screwed this up."

She could feel his eyes on her; watching her, calculating her actions.

"Screwed what up?" Her voice was quiet, almost sad.

Deeks hated that voice. He hated anything and everything that upset her. He loved her, so much, but she had been broken before, and had just barely put herself back together. He decided that if he wanted to get anywhere with this beautiful, mysterious woman then he'd have to keep this very light. So he smirked and said,

"Our Thing, Wikipedia." He heard her laugh softly.

"I thought you said there was no thing." She still had her back to him, but her head was bent towards his voice, as if she enjoyed the sound of it. His lips lifted in a tiny smile. Then his face falls back into a serious expression. He reached out his hand cautiously and let his fingertips run down her back.

She closed her eyes as she felt him massage the stress from her. His hand moves from her shoulder blades, downwards, testing. He is trying to figure out what she's comfortable with at the moment. As his hand crosses towards her lower back, he feels her tense, and immediately moves his hand back up her spine, eventually lightly resting on her shoulder.

"Kensi, I think that last night just shows that we want this, even if we've been told that workplace romances are a bad idea. I know you've been through hell, and I know that I haven't been told of half of that hell. Please, give me a chance to know. Give me the chance to gain your trust." He paused, gauging her reaction. He could tell that her breathing had sped up, but she had made no move to fully leave the bed, so he was pretty sure she was still within her comfort zone with him.

"Deeks, with Jack, I got burned. Really, really bad. It nearly killed me. I can't do that again." Her voice was small, almost scared.

"Kensi look at me."

All she did was wrap her arms around herself, as though trying to protect herself from being exposed. He picked up his shirt of the floor and draped it over her shoulder. Slowly, she pulled it over her head and turned towards him. He lifted a hand to her face, knowing that this was hard for her. This was the closest thing to being open with someone she'd gotten to since Jack.

"We'll take it slow. Let me take you out tonight."

She looked at him, her dark eyes wide.

"I'll take you somewhere nice. You dress up, I'll wear a suit, and I won't even ask to come in when we get back to your apartment."

She smiled; the first real smile he'd seen on her in a while.

"I'd like that."

There we go... Please review and tell me what you think!
