I'm back with yet another fic! wooo ~has no life~

This is completely AU, Kurt and Blaine have never met and Blaine is like 5/6 years older than Kurt, also throughout the fic if some things aren't real (certain colleges, buildings or whatever) it's because I'm going to make some stuff up to suit my needs okay thanks XD

Rated M overall but not till laaaater chapters will that take effect :3

Enjoy! reviews would be excellent! (Because I don't know whether to continue or not)

If you would have told an 18 year old Kurt Hummel that in a few years instead of starring in Broadway musicals he'd be applying for a personal assistant job at some law firm; he'd have laughed in your face.

But a 22 year old Kurt Hummel knows different and he knows that times are tough.

When Kurt didn't get into NYADA he had no backup plan, much to his regret. He was so sure he was going to make it out of Ohio, make it big in New York. Instead he settled for second best; he studied fashion design at a Ohio university for 4 years.

He was now faced with the problem of getting a job; he had the degree but like so many people nowadays finding work was troublesome. Even finding a job as a personal assistant or a personal-assistants assistant was hard to come by in the fashion industry and Kurt wanted nothing more than to get a foot in the door, he would even settle for a toe right now.

Kurt sat at the kitchen island in his tiny apartment (he refused to go back home and live with his dad; he and Carole deserved some alone time) he furiously shut his laptop as yet again no job opportunities came up. His phone rang suddenly in the quiet of the apartment and Kurt jumped, hand flying out to receive the phone across from him.

"Kurt Hummel speaking how may I not help you?" Kurt said bitterly, being unemployed really made people angry.

"And here I was thinking you'd be happy to hear from your friend," a familiar voice rang through the phone.

"Hey Sam, sorry just a really bad day."

Kurt and Sam had became closer since leaving high school, he was one of the only people he stayed in touch with, other than Rachel, Finn and Mercedes (Sam's fiancée as of recent times).

"Still job hunting huh?" Sam chuckled and Kurt sighed, he wondered how people put up with him lately with his excessive whining about no one wanting someone as 'skilled' and 'amazing' as him.

"Yup, I doubt it can be called hunting though since usually that involves something being there to hunt."

"Well Kurt, that's why I called. I think I may have something that will interest you."

Kurt piqued up at this, "I'm listening."

"Well a friend of a friend told me of this amazing opportunity that you wont want to miss out on." Sam dramatically said like Kurt was on some sort of game show.

Kurt shook his head even though Sam couldn't see. "Which means it's a horrible opportunity which I could do without?"

"Uh well… I'll just give it to ya straight-" Kurt braced himself for the worst. "-there is this personal assistant job at the Anderson and Son's law firm which opened up about a year ago. I know it's not fashion but experience is experience right? I mean it can't hurt to do a few months there and then get a job in some fancy shmancy fashion place once you've got a little know how- you know?"

Kurt thought it over for a minute, sure it wasn't what he really wanted to do but like Sam said, experience is better than no experience. "Text me the details and I'll think about it."

"Cool," Sam said and Kurt could tell he was smiling even though he couldn't see him. "Don't give up hope man, you'll get where you wanna be."

"Thanks Sam, tell 'Cedes I said hi," Kurt smiled and said his goodbyes before hanging up.

The text came through a few minutes later and Kurt shook his head at the overuse of smiley faces that Sam sent.

He looked over the details and pressed a finger to his lips before saying out loud to himself "What have I got to lose."


Blaine sat at his desk looking through the resumes sent to him for the role of his personal assistant, no one in particular stood out or seemed too boring for him to want to spend too much time with. He was about to throw them all away when one of the pieces of paper caught his eye, well of course it would it was peach coloured which was a stark contrast from all the plain white which was taking up most of his desk.

He eyed the page in front of him carefully. "Kurt Hummel," he spoke out loud as he read the name. "No experience in the field, no experience at all really except for a degree in fashion… so why do I want to hire you so much?" he said to himself, Blaine had the tendency to talk to himself when making decisions.

Blaine never usually questioned his motives or why he made those decisions, if he felt like it was right he went for it. That's why he was so damn successful in his job and his father had respect for him after all. That wasn't about to change now.

"Mellissa," He called and a pretty girl walked in, she was pregnant which is why she was leaving the firm and Blaine had to look for another PA.

"Yes Mr Anderson?" She smiled sweetly.

"Here," he offered over Kurt's resume. "Call Mr Hummel and schedule and interview as soon as possible."

She took the paper and walked out leaving Blaine to his thoughts about Kurt Hummel and why he had the strong desire to hire him.


Kurt was surprised when he received the phone call a week after he mailed his resume, he wasn't actually expecting to even be considered with his lack of experience and everything.

He arrived at the small but elegant looking building with 'Andersons and Sons' written in gold lettering above the door. He eventually found his way to Mr. B. Anderson's office (things were going to get confusing since the main 3 lawyers were Anderson's of course, with Blaine's dad Benjamin and his brother Cooper.)

Kurt was greeted by a small, pretty girl which he found out was called Mellissa and was Blaine's current PA. She didn't look too unhappy Kurt thought to himself, which could be a good sign or maybe it was because she was pregnant? Or because she was leaving? Kurt didn't want to assume this job was going to be horrible so he wiped all pessimistic thoughts away and waited till he found out himself, if he found out himself.

"Mr Anderson will see you now." Mellissa called over and Kurt stood up, nodded and lifted his head up as he walked into the office.

Kurt was expecting a much older man, greying and maybe even balding. He was not expecting the young, couldn't be any older than 27, gelled haired utter beauty that was sitting behind his desk, studying Kurt. Kurt was glued to the spot, how could he deal with working for this man? He was the most breathtakingly gorgeous man Kurt had ever seen and he had dated a few beautiful men at college, Blaine (as he saw from the name placement on his desk when he could move his eyes away from the man for a few seconds) had the most gorgeous hazel eyes and amazing olive skin.

"You can sit down you know…?" Blaine said confusedly and Kurt nearly melted at the sound of his voice, it was deep and sexy. Kurt snapped out of his thoughts and willed himself to move over to Blaine's desk to shake his hand.

"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel." He said smiling, reaching over to shake Blaine's hand no that's too much smiling Kurt stop it you'll scare him, he'll think you're some kind of serial killer.

"I know," Blaine took Kurt's hand in his and shook it, motioning him to sit down.

Kurt said down and smoothed down his pants, they were a Kurt Hummel original along with the rest of his suit. He hoped Blaine would ask so he could brag, well talk about his designs.

"So Mr Hummel," Blaine began.

"Please, call me Kurt." Kurt smiled again, too big; he felt like a school girl crushing on his teacher.

"Right," Blaine looked down at what Kurt assumed was his resume, who else would print it on peach coloured and scented paper? "Well Kurt, looking at your resume I see you haven't had any experience in this field-"

"I'm willing to learn! I also learn really fast an-" Kurt stopped mid sentence as Blaine raised a brow at him. "Sorry… continue."

"Thank you," Blaine started chewing on his pen lid and Kurt watched the muscles in his neck and jaw flex and tried not to start drooling right there and then. "But, you have some excellent references from various professors and past jobs." Kurt tried not to smile, he didn't want to get too hopeful just yet, he briefly wondered if he was more excited to actually get a job or whether it was excitement from the prospect of working for such a gorgeous guy. "So Kurt, why do you want to work here?" He looked up from the paper and Kurt felt his breath catch in his throat.

"Um.. Uh well…" He was going to make up some lie about 'oh I love law' or something but looking at Blaine he knew he couldn't lie to him. "Honestly? I guess I would rather be working in fashion, since you know I spent four years at college working towards the degree, but times are tough and you can't always get what you want. I mean before fashion it was Broadway," Kurt missed Blaine's eyes lighting up. "But sadly I didn't get into NYADA even though I completely nailed my audition…" Kurt looked up at Blaine and shrugged, "Look what I'm trying to say is give me a chance, the experience I'll take from this job and whatever else," he smiled and Blaine watched this interesting boy intently, "will be worth it to me, and I'm pretty sure I'll be a valuable asset to you. I'm hard working and determined and-"

Blaine put his hand up to stop Kurt, "look kid, save the whole 'perfect worker' pitch, I think just about every employers heard that." Blaine chuckled and Kurt could get used to that sound. "You'll start Monday, 9am don't be late - in fact - be early."

"What, so I'm hired?" Kurt said more high pitched than usual, with a giant smile to match.

"Yes Mr Hummel." Blaine suppressed a smile, this boy was something else.

"Thank you, Mr Anderson," Kurt stood up and nodded; finally becoming professional. "See you Monday morning."

"Monday," Blaine repeated as Kurt walked out of his office. He leant back in his chair and smiled. "Monday."

So what do you think? shall I continue or-