Well, everyone I have a new story, I want to thank leytonlover69, for the idea for this story, I hope it's closed to what you were talking about.

I'm not really sure how to explain this story, but I'm going to try. It you have any question please feel free to ask.

Summary: Totally AU: Lucas Scott has put his love life on hold to raise his daughter, so what will happen when he decided to move to New York, with his brother, and sister-in-law. And meets his sister in-laws best friend. Would love bloom our will they need a push from their daughters to get the hint.

I know the summary probably doesn't make sense, so just read the chapter, and let me know, what you think. I'm not to sure where I'm going to take this story, I'm just going to see what happens.

Anyways, here is what you need to know, Nathan, Haley and Lucas lived in Tree Hill all their lives. Till Nathan got into Duke, so did Haley, Nathan then went to play for the bobcats, then two years later, got drifted to New York, to play for the Knicks, So the couple moved to New York, Lucas stay in Tree Hill with his mom, who helped him raise his daughter. Now three years later, Lucas decided he wanted a change, so he moved to New York, with his now six year old daughter. They are living with Nathan and Haley,.

So I think that's all you need to know for now

Thank for reading


Prefect Match

Chapter 1

Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, when your just not happy, or living in the past, because your scare to move on. You can't stop the future, You can't rewind the past, The only way to learn the secret ..is to press play.

Lucas Scott, was ready to press that button, he was done living a safe life. He needs to change things, not for himself but for his daughter, Not that he wasn't happy, in Tree Hill, he loved his home town, he just wanted a change. A new life, in a new city, where everyone didn't know his life story. He wasn't looking for anything special, he just wants to be happy, he wants his daughter to be happy. So moving New York just felt right, if was for sure the change he needs, he just didn't plan on love to happen with in her first month there.

One week after Lucas moved to New York,

Nathan and Lucas Scott are talking in the kitchen, when the front door open, then slammed shut "Daddy,Daddy" a little voice yelled,

Lucas smiled, at the sound of his daughter's voice. " in the kitchen baby girl,"

"Daddy, guess what?" the six-year-old grinned,

" Wow you look happy, way better than you did this morning," Lucas said, as he picked her up. She was mad, at him this morning for having to start a new school and make new friends.

" You was right daddy, I like that school my new school I like it."

" good, I'm happy to hear that. I told you that your love it. Did you make any friends?"

" yes I got a new best friend, you was right I mean I miss my old best friend Shelley but now I got a new best friends her name is Kelly Nicole Sawyer, ain't that cool we got the same initials."

"What do you mean you got the same initials ?" Nathan asked his happy six-year-old niece.

" uncle Nathan, see my name is Katie Nicole Scott, see we both have the same middle name and, my initials are K. N. S so is my new best friend. Duh " she said as she rolled her eyes,

" yeah uncle Nathan, duh.," Haley said, as she kissed her husband, and laughed at her niece.

" whatever." Nathan told her then stick his tongue out, " so you're not mad about moving here to New York now?"

" No I'm not mad I really like it here I like my teacher in my new best friend," Katie said, as she kissed her daddy's cheek, " daddy I can't wait till you meet her, aunt Haley invited her over for dinner tonight."

" she did " Lucas said as he looked at Haley.

" we'll Luke her new best friends happens to be the daughter of my best friend, small world huh!" Haley smiled, she knew if these girls ever met they would be fast friends, they have so much in common.

" Katie, go take your stuff up stairs to your room, "Lucas said, as he put back down.

" okay" she giggled as she run out of the room.

Lucas waited to she was out of the room, " Haley, is this the some girl you try to fix me up with last summer when you visit Tree Hill?. "

" yes, but I didn't invite her over for you Luke I did it because your daughter and her daughter seemed to click. "

" I'm not ready to date," Lucas said seriously, Lucas hasn't been on a day since High school. He fell in love his freshman year, with Christina Morgan. They dated for four years. Their senior year they found out they were having a baby, a month after Katie was born, Christina just picked up one day while Lucas was at working and his mom Karen was watching Katie, and left, When Lucas got home he find a note on the table,

Dear Lucas,

I'm sorry, I know that doesn't mean much now, but I am truly sorry, I try to be happy, I did, but nothing worked. I loved you Lucas, I really true did, you will always have a place in my heart, you were my first love, a girl can't forget their first love. The last four years were great, I don't regret the time we spend together. I don't regret our daughter either, she is so sweet and so adorable, I know she is going to grow into a beautiful smart woman. But I can't be a mom, I'm sorry I try, yes I was kind of happy when we found out we were pregnant even thou, we were still in school at the time, I wanted her, I did, but I just feel no connection to her, she is a month old and I suppose to be happy when I hold her, but I'm not, Sometimes when you and your mom are working and she will cry, I will let her lay in her crib and cry, I would put my headphones on so I couldn't hear her. A mom is not supposed to do that, a mom who loves their baby would want to comforted them when they cry, I don't I just want her to stop crying, you seem so right with her, she seems to like you better anyways, So with that I know I'm doing the right thing. I'm leaving Lucas, Don't come and try to find me either, I'm not in love with you anymore, I'm not happy, I haven't been happy in a long time, you deserve someone who can make you happy, When your mom told us we should get married, I cried, cause I couldn't picture myself marring you, I would never wanted to marry you just because we have a child, I want to marry someone I know I can't live without, and to be honest. I know that I can live without you and I will be find. Once again, I'm sorry, and one day your going to find someone and right way your going to know she's the one for you, cause honestly Luke, you know deep down I wasn't your one. I hope that one day, you will be able to forgive me, and so will our daughter, I hope you both will understand why I'm leaving, Please let Katie know that I do love her, I just can't be her mom, Have a great life Lucas Scott...


Haley rolled her eyes," I know you been tell me that the last five years, beside my friend is seeing someone now. So you missed out, ha" she smiled,

" oh, " he said little sadly,he never met her before but he had heard so much about her, that he did kind of want to get to know her, but he's just to sacred" that's good for her," he said, as he looked out the window, " I'm going to go check on Katie."

Nathan watched his brother walk out of the kitchen " he seem disappointed"

"Yeah, I know, " Haley said, as she bit her lip, wondering why Lucas seemed down,

"So who is Peyton dating?" Nathan asked his wife,

Haley turn away from him, "No one" she said, as she picked up a book and pretended to read it.

"Then why did you t..."Nathan smiled, and shook his head, "Haley you did that on purpose"

"Yes, I did,"


"Nathan, Lucas and Peyton are prefect for each other, and I really believe once they meet, they will like each other, So I figured if I told Lucas she was seeing someone, he wouldn't be so stress at dinner. If he believe we were setting him up he would spend the whole night broody. "

"True." Nathan said, as he thought about it, " I do agree with you, I think that would make a good couple, they both are hardheaded" he laughed, as he thought about the two.

A few hours later,

Haley was in the kitchen peeling potatoes when she heard... " Aunt Haley, we're here." Haley smiled, at the sound of the voice. She couldn't wait for Lucas and Peyton to meet.

" I'm in the kitchen princess " Haley yelled back

Haley smiled at the blonde hair girl " Hey sweetheart, " Haley said, as she dried her hands. " Where's my hug?" she asked as she smiled at the little girls mom.

The little girl run to Haley in hugged her. " where is Katie?"

" she upstairs in her room, it's the third door on your left."

" okay," the little girl took off running,

" Kelly Nicole no running in the house." her mom yelled, as she walked over to the counter where Haley was standing. " she really likes Katie it's all I've heard about since I picked her up from school. "

" Katie feels the same way Kelly's all she talked about to,"

" I'm happy she has a new friend after Michelle moved away last year, Kelly was really sad , even this summer when we were in LA, she seemed so sad about school starting up again. I was so worried about her today, but when I seen her running out to the car this afternoon with that big bright smile, I knew she found someone special."

"This works out for us to," Haley said, as she continued to peel the potatoes, Peyote looked at her confusedly, "We can spend more time together, I'll just kidnapped Lucas daughter once in a while to come visit you. " Haley laughed, as Peyton nodded in agreement.

"Mama" Kelly said, as she walked back into the kitchen, "Mama, this is Katie Nicole Scott, she is six, and her favorite color is green to, and she loves Icarly, and guess what mama?' Kelly said, with a huge grinned, "She likes Justin Bieber, as much as I do"

Peyton walked over to the girls, "No way, " Peyton teased, "I didn't think there was a girl in this whole world who liked him as much as you did."

"Me either,"

"Hey, Katie, I'm Peyton Kelly's mom." Peyton said, friendly to the little brown hair, blue eyes girl. "It's really nice to meet you," she extended her hand to the cute six-year.

"It's nice to meet you to Peyton." Katie said, as she shook her hand. " I really, really, really, like Kelly, she's going to be my best friend forever." Katie said, as she wrapped her arm around Kelly's shoulder, "Oh, Peyton I want you to meet my daddy, stay right here I will be back." Katie said, as she took off running with Kelly with her.

"Well another Justin Bieber lover, yay me" Peyton said, sarcastically, Haley laughed, "So do you need any help?"

"Yeah finish the salad if you don't mind."

Peyton was making the salad and Haley was boiling water, when Lucas and Nathan walked back into the kitchen, "Well. Peyton Sawyer cooking I never thought I'll live to see that" Nathan joked, as he walked over towards his wife,

Peyton glared at him, then make sure the kids wasn't around. "Bite me Scott." she said, as she continued to do what she was doing. It's only been two years since Peyton has met Nathan and Haley, but right off her and Nathan hit it off, they were always making jokes, or teasing each other. Peyton had no family, so she kind of thought of Nathan as a brother.

Lucas was standing in the door, he laughed at the little scene that just happen. He looked Peyton up and down, she was beautiful, he had to give that to Haley, he took a breath, before walking over towards her. "So your Peyton," He said, as he got closer, Peyton looked up in smiled, he had to shallow hard, her smile was breathtaking.

She kept her eyes locked with his, "Yes, and you must be Lucas," Peyton said, as she extended her hand, they shake in both pulled back fast. Their was a spark or something, neither really knew what it was. But their eyes was still locked.

"Daddy, Daddy." Katie said, trying to get her dad's attention, but he keep staring at Peyton

"Mama, Mama," Kelly said, also trying to get her mom's attention, but she keep staring at Lucas.

Nathan and Haley were standing there with big smiles on their faces, "See I told you, prefect match." she whispered to her husband,

"Daddy quit looking at Peyton" Katie yelled, in an upset voice. Lucas broke the eye contact to look at his daughter.

"What honey?" Lucas asked nervously, his heart was beating fast he wasn't sure what just happen, but this girl is different, really different and he really wants to get to know her more.

"Daddy, this is Kelly, my new best friend forever." Katie said, as she smiled at her new friend.

Lucas smiled, then bend down, you could really tell this girl was Peyton's she was a picture of her, she had curly blond hair, and amazing green eyes, "Hey Kelly, nice to meet you sweetheart."

"Hey, nice to meet you to Mr.. Scott." Kelly said, in a serious tone, she put her hand out and Lucas shook it.

"Honey, you can call me Lucas,"

Kelly looked over at her mama, Peyton nodded her head, "Okay, Hey Lucas," she whispered,

"So daddy, guess what, Kelly is a Justin Bieber fan to, she said her room is cover in Justin Bieber stuff, she has his cd to, it's that great daddy,"

Lucas sighed, he was really starting to hate Justin Bieber songs, it's all he hears anymore, "Yeah that is awesome" he faked a smile,

"Hey, how about you two, go upstairs in dance around to his music till Dinner is ready." Haley said, as she checked the oven. Both girls nodded them run out up the stairs.

"So I take it you're not a Justin Bieber fan?" Peyton joked, as Lucas shook his head, "Well, I just thought seen your brother loves him some Justin, that you did to." Peyton and Haley bust out laughing.

Lucas's eyes widen, as he looked at Nathan, "Seriously dude, you like Ju...

"Hell no," Nathan said, interrupted him, "They don't know what they're talking about." he glared at both girls who were still laughing.

"Oh, really, cause I got you dances on video to a Justin Bieber song, Nathan." Peyton said, with her hands on her hips, One day last year, Peyton had to work in Kelly wasn't feeling good and Haley was also working, so she had to asks Nathan to watch Kelly. Later when she came by to pick Kelly up, she walked in on the two of them singing and dancing to "Baby a Justin Bieber song, Peyton hasn't let him live it down yet.

"Whatever, "Nathan said, as he walked away, " I'm going to go play with my girls, they treat me better than you guys do."

"What song are you going to dance to this time?" Peyton yelled, then laughed, She laughed harder when she heard the door slam. "He's so easy to tease."

Lucas just watched her, she had an amazing laugh and smile, he really wished he did take Haley up on her offer last year to set them up. He frown as he thought about her seeing someone else, well, that's life you can't sit around in wait forever,and expected the world to wait on you. Cause life waits for no one...

Let me know what you think, thanks