Chap: 1 "Tomoyo and Eriol's plan…"



In England there is a ancient folk tale about an King and his love for a Sorceress. It was said that she came from the east as a gift from one of the major clans and was very beautiful, she also possessed tremendous powers, he allowed her to use magic against the law and named her Celesta, but she betrayed him by falling in love with his heir.

"There they go into the woods" a guard yelled as the others shot arrows at the two figures on horse. "Don't let them get away" he added as others mounted horses and set off on their trail. The king had found out about their affair and that she was pregnant.

"Find them, I don't care how long it takes" the king ordered his man, who immediately set out to find the two. The two young lovers were able to escape the grasps of the King and start a family in a town where no one new about them. Even after three years his men continued to search until one fateful day it paid off.

"Mommy, daddy look horses" a little boy round the age of three yelled pointing. His mother and father ran out of the house with a little girl identical to the boy.

"Gabriel get away from the gate" she yelled running over to him when the soldiers came to a stop. The soldiers captured the family and kept them under house arrest until the king arrived.

"You Celesta shall pay for your treason and your children shall watch. Your clan gave you to me as a toy and you betrayed me" the King stated holding the tiny hands of his grand children a boy and girl with brown hair. "Don't worry we will teach them all they need to know, you know the only way to get rid of a witch is to burn her on a stalk"

"I'm sorry Celesta but my father has forgiven me, I will take care of the twins" her husband said dressed like a prince, he taking the little girl in his arms.

"If you resist, I will kill your Children" the King threatened knowing how powerful she was.

"I love you Gabriel, Gabriella. I loved you and you betray me, you are like all men curse you, curse you all. You and my clan shall pay" Celesta said with tears streaming down her, she pushed pass the guards and ran towards her children before she could touch them the guard pulled the rope that was tied to her making her fall to the rocky ground.

"Mommy" the little girl cried trying to get to her mother like the little boy but the fathers and kings grasps was too tight. The guards tied her to the pole in the center of dry wood, people started to come around watching a lady they knew as a healer and lovable person being wrongly accused some cried seeing them set it to fire.

"I will not shed a tear nor will I cry out in pain, I will come for my children and make you pay" Celesta yelled as the flames get bigger. She took on last look at her children remembering how they looked before she slowly closed her eyes. She kept to her word she did not scream out pain as the flames seared her body. The stench of death flowed on the wind as all stood before what was now a raging fire.

"Send news to the Li clan that she is gone" the king said to his advisor, who nodded and left.

"Mommy…" the children cried as they were carried away. The guards set her house on fire but I did not burn, they ran away in fear. That same night the castle was attacked killing every single soul, some say that it was her getting her revenge, others say that it was the kings bad dealings. A monument was placed in front of her home. Her soul never passed on for she waits for the day when her children will come home.

1 Present time…

"I still can't believe you and Eriol are leaving tomorrow," Sakura said helping Tomoyo pack the last of her clothes. They had gotten married a week ago and where now moving to England where they would start their fashion business. Luckily for them Tomoyo was leaving her collection of card captor costumes and videos at least for now.

"Sakura we're are all 19, we have to start our life besides I asked you to be my star model and you refuse. My offer is still up, why don't you just tell Syaoran that you love him" Tomoyo stated looking at her friend seriously.

"Tomoyo please, I would just be wasting my time, he doesn't love me" Sakura replied sighing. "I'm staying here cause otou-san needs my help round the house" she added but knew that she couldn't fool Tomoyo.

"Tonight at the farewell party will be the best time to tell him" Tomoyo said sitting next to her friend. Sakura had been able to convince Syaoran to have the party at his place.

"No I can't, don't worry about me" Sakura assured. Tomoyo got up sighing, Sakura had never dated, she and Syaoran were the only ones that didn't have a someone.

"I've got the perfect suit for you to wear, it will make Syaoran have a nose bleed" Tomoyo squealed starry-eyed making her friend sweat drop. "I made it extra special since as it will be my last until you get married" she added sadly.

"Don't worry you'll have lots of models to dress up. It's time for us to start getting ready, your flight is at 9 tomorrow right?" Sakura said standing up.

"Yeah that's the earliest they had" Tomoyo said zipping up her very large suitcase. She went to her now empty closet and pulled out an outfit for sakura.

Later at Syaoran's…

"Remind me again why I approved of this" Syaoran asked Eriol who was leaning on his balcony wall next to him both watching all the people enter his packed apartment.

"Because you can't say no to Sakura, why don't you tell her how you feel" Eriol answered smiling getting a glare from Syaoran.

"Because I would be wasting my time besides my mother called she said that the elders have found me another fiancée. Hopefully I'll be able to scare this one away too" Syaoran stated when Sakura and Tomoyo walked through the door. Syaoran almost got a nosebleed seeing what Sakura had on, she was wearing very short hot pink dress that sucked to every one her curves and showed cleavage. He blushed when Sakura waved over to him and thank god that she was too far away to see.

"Hey what are you guys doing out here?" Tomoyo asked walking up to them with Sakura who was tugging at what Tomoyo claimed to be a dress, as if to make it longer.

"Waiting for you two, see ya later my cute little descendent" Eriol said making Syaoran growl shooting him a death glare.

"Don't see why he gets to you like that" Sakura said giggling at the two, they hadn't change over the years.

"You look beautiful" Syaoran said smiling slightly making Sakura blush.

"Arigato" Sakura replied. "I can't believe they are leaving tomorrow" she added looking at Eriol and Tomoyo talk to Chiharu and the others.

"Yep. All the way to Australia" Syaoran spoke some what envying what the two had.

"They didn't tell…" Sakura said.

"Hey guys give us a smile" Takashi said with a camera. Syaoran placed his arms round her waist while Sakura rested her head on his shoulder and put on their best smiles.

"Sakura, Syaoran come here" Naoko called cutting off Sakura. The two walked back inside to join their friends. They all talk about the goods times while watching videos that Tomoyo had made or looking over photos. It was getting late and everyone was starting to leave one by one, right now it was only the four in his apartment. Tomoyo had suggested making a toast before they left our two heroes's having no clue what the two had planned for them.

"Here we go" Tomoyo said handing Sakura and Syaoran their glass of red wine.

"To all of us, our good times, bad times and our future" Eriol said smiling as their glasses made a clinging sound. Tomoyo and Eriol watched on as Syaoran and Sakura drank their wine. The two felt something flash through their bodies but dismissed it. They looked at each other and blushed missing the glint in Eriol's eyes.

"Sakura and Syaoran you will come to see us off right?" Tomoyo asked looking for a sign.

"Oh yeah" Sakura answered looking dreamy.

"Well we'll be seeing ya" Eriol said helping Tomoyo up.

"Yeah" Syaoran said walking them to the door.

"Coming Sakura?" Tomoyo asked looking at her friend.

"No I promised Syaoran that would help him clean up" Sakura answered lying she wasn't supposed to help him until tomorrow morning.

"Okay Ja ne" Tomoyo said to them before she and Eriol happily left. Syaoran closed the door and looked at Sakura who was looking right at him.

"So where do we begin?" he asked suddenly feeling extremely warm, Sakura too had felt the temperature rise.

"How bout the bedroom" Sakura answered wondering where the hell that came from. "I mean the here" she corrected.

"Yeah ok" Syaoran answered getting lost in her captivating emerald poles. Sakura couldn't take it anymore; she ran towards him, jumping in his arms, the two immediately started to kiss; Syaoran stumbled down the hall to his room where they fell onto his bed. Sakura pulled his shirt out of his pants, over his head and tossed it across the room. Syaoran kicked off his shoes as he started to kiss her on the neck. "We should stop, this isn't right" he spoke looking at her.

"Yeah we should" Sakura answered drawing him back into the kiss. She started to undo his belt when Syaoran's hand caught hers.

"Are you sure about this?" Syaoran asked seriously searching her eyes for any sign of doubt.

"I want this more then anything" Sakura replied smiling as she caressed his face.

"Then lets do it right" Syaoran stated before he passionately kissed her, Sakura wrapped her arms round his neck pulling him closer. Sakura moaned feeling Syaoran suck on her neck, they weren't having sex they were making love…

"Do you think we gave them too much?" Tomoyo asked Eriol as they drove home.

"No I don't think so, I bet they are proclaiming their undying love for each other right at this very moment" Eriol answered smiling.

"Yeah your right, I still wish that I was allowed to tape it" Tomoyo whined. "I bet I'm missing out on the footage of a lifetime," she added sadly. (If she only knew!!!!!!)

"I bet it's not that interesting, they're probably talking about how stupid they were for not telling the other sooner" Eriol stated…

"How Kami-sama…" Sakura moaned loudly with her palms pressing against the headboard. "More…