Hello fellow Lion King lovers, I thought about this long and hard (only for 5 minutes) and I decided I would make a story about this. Don't blame me if it's horrible it's a story I made up and I thought I should do this and remember that I haven't seen the Lion King movies in a little while so I'm a little rusty on it

Disclaimer-I only own Moonblaze and the people named and none of the Lion King characters

Chapter 1: Introductions, again and again

Sara/Moonblaze POV

All I could remember was a bright light and a baboon drawing what looked like a lion and a tiger together. My name is Sara, I come from a family of three, my mom, my brother and me. I'm 16 years old and the oldest not including my mom. I never knew about my dad, my mom never talked about him, she just said that he was a brave man. My mom died just 2 months ago and I've been struggling to provide for my 14 year old brother, but know my last remaining family died yesterday and that family member just happened to be my brother Jake. I can feel something poking my side but I can feel sunlight leaking through my eyelids but I don't know why because I thought I was sleeping in my room without any windows. I decide to take a peek and see something that shocks me a warthog and a merakat standing above me and the strangest thing is that I can understand them.

"Hello, who are you?" I ask them. "My name is Pumba and this is Timon," Pumba said nicely. I nearly let out a little gasp of excitement, I was in Lion King but I managed to say, "Where am I and do you have anywhere to drink." Pumba smiled warmly and started to say something but an angry and scared Timon beat him to whatever he was going to say, "Who are YOU-" "Uh, uh, water first," I said quickly leaving Timon angry and grumbling behind me. "Right this way madam," Pumba said glaring at Timon. Soon enough we were at a beautiful lake with a glistening waterfall and moss covered log in the middle surrounded by willow trees. This is beautiful, I thought to myself. Looking down into the water I stifled yet another gasp, I was a majestic white tigress and I look a little bigger than Simba when he ran away. After I finished drinking the water I turned to Timon and Pumba and said strongly after thinking a little bit, "I am Moonblaze, daughter of the great leader of Waterclan, Silkstar, former apprentice of the deputy, Dolphinsplash and a very respected warrior, so basically I am royalty but I don't mind if you don't call me by those royal titles."

I learned a lot about Timon and Pumba, Timon was cast out like Pumba. We finally rested and the meal of bugs started, "You don't have anything else, do you." and received a no. Sighing I took one of the bug offers and found it quite delicious and I enjoyed the meal from then on. They showed me something that caught my eyes, a magnificent rock palace, the Pride Rock I guessed, I asked them if we could stay there for the night because I could already see a perfect sleeping spot.

We settled down for the night after quick goodnights I fell into a restless sleep. I dreamed of the time when mom was still alive, but that dream was replaced with another one, the day she died. I could hear myself talking. Come on Jake, pass the ball to me. Okay sis, but you'll have to catch me first! Now kids, how about we get inside it's getting pretty hot out here. Okay mom, can we go to Jimmy's house. Sure. Kids I have the lemonade- AAAHHHHH! She had just gotten hit by a car. The next was my brother's death. Come on Jake let's sleep inside. But I don't want to! It's the only place I could find remember. Fine. It skipped forward five hours to the place and I moaned because what is my family's death supposed to show me. Jake do you smell that. Yes, why. Because I think there's a fire, RUN! I could already see the orange tinge of fire getting closer, but they managed to get to the door, as I opened it and got outside, I ran only to be running back because I heard a desperate scream of help from my brother. Help sis, I'm stuck! I'm coming Jake, I'm here Jake. I'm undoing the hook ok. Ok. But that was a mistake, because when she did that he fell backwards into the flames and I heard him desperately screaming and mine added in too strangely because unlike what really happened was that I got away when he died.

Suddenly, I woke up covered in sweat as the sun was rising and looked at Pride Rock Two shape's were sitting out there, two lions to be exact. Timon and Pumba got up showed me around more of their home, we ate breakfast and we're playing by the lake. "Come on guys lets go across the bridge!" I say excitedly and receive nods. I slip and fall into the lake with Timon and Pumba yelling after me. I surface and start swimming around the lake and catch a few fish, which I gobble up greedily. I just happen to look to my right and notice a bird and two lion cubs running ahead not to far away from the forest. "I wanna go check something out guys, okay," I say running quietly towards the opening. Suddenly the lion cubs start singing and I know that they will get ahead if I don't speed up. I look up in the sky after the song is done and the bird is gone. So Zazu is gone, I thought, running quicker while staying hidden. Soon enough we were at the elephant graveyard and Zazu had shown up and they were cornered with me on top of a nearby elephant skull. Zazu was captured soon enough and Simba and Nala were running away from the hungry hyena's with me still running with them but staying hidden. Eventually they were trapped in the corner with the hyena's snapping at them. I decided I'd show myself so yea, I naturally roared getting their attention and getting them confused. I attacked, and trust me reading the warriors books wasn't a bad idea because I knew a lot of I slid under the belly of one of the hyenas and knocked its legs out from under it. Then I went after another and slashed it across the eye sending it running away screaming. Then I turned to the other two and jumped on one of their backs but I was knocked off of it and pounced on by both of the hyenas and rolled over squishing them. I was outnumbered but I easily beat them and they were sent running away leaving me with a few scratches and bites. "Are you ok?" I ask Simba and Nala who are shaking. "Yes what's your name?" they ask. "I am Moonblaze, daughter of Silkstar, former apprentice of the highly respected deputy, Dolphinsplash, so you might consider me a princess," I said softly, not wanting to scare them. They nodded and introduced themselves, when we were interrupted by a roar and Mufasa leapt in cave and saw me with the cubs, he attacked me but I let him beat me and pin me down, but the way he pinned me left him vulnerable. "Who are you?" he asked me. and yet again I had to say "I am Moonblaze, daughter of Silkstar, former apprentice of the highly respected Dolphinsplash, so you might consider me a princess." "Why were you here with the cubs?" he asked suspiciously, I mean he thought the cubs were going to die so of course he's suspicious, but Simba interrupted him and told him everything which resulted in Simba having a talk with his father. "Would you like to join our pride Moonblaze," Mufasa asked me.

A CLIFFIE YAY. Ok, the first three REVIEWers that want to be in the story gets their lion into the story all they have to do is REVIEW and the first person to REVIEW gets a Scar plushy holding a knife.

Simba: We're being paid to do- *Mouth is covered by Moonblaze*

Moonblaze: What he meant to say is that we actually want to be here and that I'm the main character

Authoress: Will you both just SHUT UP! Anyway we don't want to scare the REVIEWers





Other facts (optinal)-

Cubs (optinal)-

Mate (optinal)-



R- Ripping you apart, piece by piece

E- Elephants sitting on your face

V- Vultures pecking at your bloody remains

I- Ice cream man driving over you

E- Everyone you know, stabbing you

W- Warrior cats, attacking you