Title: Self-Interpretation

By: Prisca Banks

Pairing: Merry/ Pippin

Summary: AU; Merry has never seen or heard of his Tookish cousin. Then one day he is informed that Pippin will be coming to live with him and his family. This is strange since there is hatred between Great-Great-Great Grand father Brandybuck and Great-Great-Great Grand mother Took.

Warning: This is a work of slash fiction. If you aren't into that type of writing then don't read.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Merry, come see your new cousin!"

"Mother, he's as tall as you are he's hardly a newborn." The young Brandybuck cried back, stealing a minute more to add a streak of light blue to the sunset he painted. He felt it was his best piece yet and gazed around his studio comparing it with his other works.

Landscapes and wildlife prints were scattered about the many shelves, tables, and walls. Across the room with the large bay window shinning bright upon it sat the one single portrait in the room.

The subject was perfect. Petite and fair as all hobbit-ladies wished they could look. Eyes bright and golden-hazel. Hair in large natural sun-shiny curls. Tiny bow mouth curved in a slight fond smile and cheeks faintly blushed presented the image of a truly beautiful maid.

Yup. Merry's mother made the best model. Well...in looks at least. Merry chuckled at the memory of his sweet tempered lil' mum trying to be still for him and failing. She fidgeted desperately to work around in the garden they sat in. "Papa's going to love his birthday gift." He sighed and set aside his paints to grab the drape clothe to shield his mother's portrait from the sun.

"Meridoc, if you don't get out here right now I'll snipe off the heads of all your brushes and make combs with them!"

That was a threat worth listening to. When mummy's sweet-temper was worn out she never made idle threats.

Leaving his memories to soak in the clean-cup with his brushes, Merry snatched up his good vest and rushed down the hall.

He made it out the door just as a carriage turned up the lane. The rest of his family (mostly nameless aunts, uncles, cousins, and nephews) stood around the front gardens. Some as far front as the lane itself hoping to catch a glimpse of those in the buggy house.

Merry finished buttoning his vest and walked to stand behind his parents. They sat on an ornate outdoor loveseat clutching hands tenderly and whispering to each other.

"What age did you sister-in-law say he was?"

"Young but not too young dear; a tweenager." Merry's mother soothed her husband's quiet questions as they watched the carriage trundle up the road.

"Seems a horrible age to foster a child! He should be at home learning from his father not coming here to a place he's never been to live with hobbits he's never seen!" Saradoc gruffed in pity. Esmeralda petted his hand. "It's not unheard of love." She smiled at him playfully. "And Tooks and Brandybucks are hardly known to be ordinary."

He smiled with her then and wrapped an arm about her waist, hugging her affectionately.

Merry grinned. He loved seeing his parents openly expressing their love for each other. Protocol in a highly respectable family often made that unheard of among the family heads. Since Merry's mother and father were Master and Mistress of BrandyHall they kept their displays for only a very close, very private, (mostly unmentionable renegade) family members. Merry snickered. He couldn't wait to be Master of the Hall and through that taboo right down the privy!

Merry desired a love like his parents more than anything but, as of yet, love had kept its distance from Meridoc Brandybuck. He shook his head to clear his mind. "Best not to think of that now." He muttered and continued watching his parents and bask in their subtle fondness for each other.

Just as Merry was coming up behind them his father made a very odd comment that brought him up short.

"I hope this works at last dearest. I thought our wedding would put an end to all the badness. But its just gotten worse! That old bat has you sister in such a fright she wouldn't even come to give us her son!" He muttered. Esmeralda nodded sadly. "The old feelings live on in those who soon won't be living. Sissy dare not do anything without Great Great's say so. She ordered her to send Peregrin in alliance, nothing more." His mother's riddled answer put Merry even more on edge. What were they talking about? Who were 'old bat' and 'Great-Great'? What did all this have to do with his parents fostering his new cousin?
