A/N: Hello! This is my very first SSBB fanfic EVER, so if it sucks tell me, and I will go sit in my little depressing corner of woe. Anyways, this story starts by bringing back the Smashers as a new tournament starts, known as Brawl, and its mainly just every one re-adjusting to life together, and yeaaa my summary sucks. Hopefully, the story will be better than the summary. Hopefully.. Ok, so first of all I'm starting with Pit, cause he's new and he hasn't experienced Brawl yet. Soon everyone will come, do not worry! Come on, everyone loves Pit! If you don't...*insert awkward silence here*. ONWARDS!

Disclaimer: So I own pretty much everyone in this, cause dude I'm awesome. JOKES I'm poor, and I absolutely do not own Nintendo or anything affiliated with it. Nope, not Pit, Master Hand, Palutena, or even the basin. Yep. That's pretty sad. I OWN NOTHING. Except for my terrible attempts at comedy...



Pit sighed uncontently as he stared down at the clear glass basin below him. It had been unmoving for a few years now, but just to be on the safe side Pit still came up every so often to check up on it. The basin that had held captivating fights between a man clad in red and another in green was now silent. He missed those fights, even though as an angel he really shouldn't be enjoying violence. Pit sometimes wondered if he was a dysfunctional angel as he thought back to all those nights when he would scream and cheer as he stared down into the now silent basin. He had expressed those concerns to Palutena, but that was before all the Medusa nonsense had come up. Now Pit was a hero. Pit the hero. He smiled at the sound of that name. Before he knew it, he was smiling like a fool, as he remembered all the people who had praised him after his defeat of Medusa. Yep, Pit the angel was quite the sucker for praise. And compliments. And even a smile directed his way. Soon he was giddy as he imagined himself winning the battles he watched, the crowd cheering his name...Pit! Pit! Pit!

"Pit! Pit! PIT! OI ANGEL!" a voice was yelling. Pit stopped his mindless chant, and looked around quickly. "Palutena?" he asked cautiously. "Anyone?" Receiving no reply, Pit simply shrugged his shoulders and decided to continue his chant. It was a confidence boost after all. "Pi-" he started, only to be cut off by the voice again.

"NO! DO NOT START THAT AGAIN!" the deep voice demanded, and Pit narrowed his eyes. The voice seemed to be coming from the empty basin, so slowly and cautiously he lowered his heads into it, his nose almost touching the bottom. Suddenly, he saw a flash of white and a bellow.

"DON'T GET SO CLOSE, ANGEL! EVER HEARD OF PERSONAL SPACE?!" With a squeal Pit scurried from the basin, and was inwardly thanking the gods that he was alone as his yelp hadn't been entirely, erm, manly. He stared at the basin in shock as the white object slowly began squeezing its way out of it. Soon, a whole finger was visible, followed by 4 more and a palm. Pit grabbed onto his sheath of arrows for dear life as the giant white hand came fully into view.

"OH MY DEAR PALUTENA, A GIANT GLOVE." Pit screamed, covering his eyes. Sure, when it came to evil monsters from the underworld he was quite the hero, but a giant white glove? That was a whole other side of scary, and if Pit was being embarrassingly cowardly so be it. He was only a kid after all.

The glove seemed to sigh, if that was possible. "Yes, so are you Pit the hero of Skyworld, defeater of Medusa, etc,etc?" the glove seemed awfully bored. Pit squeaked out a slightly inaudible reply. "I am Master Hand, the amazingly unbeatable-"

"HEY! I know you! Unbeatable? Hardly." Pit scoffed, releasing his hands from his face. Smoothing down his white tunic, Pit beamed ever so innocently at the glove-er Master Hand. "From what I saw, you were quite easy to beat. I expected someone, oh I don't know, more powerful as the final boss. No offense of course." Pit added, being the angle he was. Master Hand growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said stiffly before raising his hand, I mean his overall body, in Pit's direction silencing the argument that was about to come. "As I was saying, I am Master Hand, UNBEATABLE boss of Super Smash Bros Melee. I am here to inform you that you, Pit of Skyworld, have been chosen to participate in Nintendo's new franchise, SUPER. !" he finished, letting a dramatic silence linger.

Pit's eyes widened, and his mouth was agape. Soon his excitement got the best of him, and in no time he was flapping his two feathery wings and was flying around the room at top neck speed. 'OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH." Pit squealed, sounding awfully like an obsessed fan girl. Sighing, Master Hand picked the still excited Pit out of the sky and dropped him into the basin. He heard Pit scream as he was dropped into darkness, and Master Hand let out a small chuckle as he floated into the basin behind Pit.

Think before you call me not-unbeatable.

A/N THE END. So what did you think? Yeep. You hated it didn't you? NOOO! LINK WILL APPEAR IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! OR MARIO! COME ONE GUIZE I CAN DO BETTER! ehem..

NOTE: In this story, Link from Twilight Princess is the same Link from Melee. I know that the Melee Link was from Ocarina of Time, but in order for this to work, both the Links have to be the same:L. I APOLAGIZE. RNR if you please, beautiful people.