Dean's heart skipped a little when the phone rang and he answered it immediately.

"This is the third call today, Mr Milton"

"I miss the sound of your voice" Castiel responded with a smile.

"I miss you" Dean said with a sigh dropping down on the bed. "Come back"

"I will soon I promise…it's just a lot" Castiel said looking around. "A lot of the stuff here is Balthazar's and I just don't know what to do with all my stuff I can't bring it back there"

"Sell it?"

"I guess" he said with a sigh. "How much are you missing me?"

"A lot, it's been four days and it sucks ass" Dean muttered bitterly. "Just come back now"

"Okay I'll start walking now" Castiel teased opening his laptop.

"Hilarious" Dean muttered picking at his jeans.

"Few more days, Dean, and I'll be home and I'm all yours" Castiel replied opening the booking page and planning to return home sooner rather than later surprising him.

"How do I not know you have a better looking guy called Steve back there fucking you senseless?"

"You don't and don't worry he's in the shower" Castiel replied coolly.

"You're not funny"

"I am, love, and you know it"

Dean rolled his eyes looking towards the window. "You are lying, right?"

"Yes, I am all yours" Castiel muttered confirming his flight details and smiling secretly. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"


"I love you"

Dean hummed picking at a thread on his jeans.


"I love you too" Dean murmured softly.

"That's all I wanted to hear" Castiel said and pulled the phone away hanging up. Dean sighed deeply tossing the phone to the side and looking up when Sam strolled in.

"You look pissed"

"Cas doesn't know when he's coming back"

"He's moving his whole life over here, Dean; he's going to need a few days".

Dean responded with a sneer turning on the television.

Castiel hadn't been all that truthful with Dean. He had packed everything he could that would come with him and he left the rest to Balthazar who he knew would end up selling everything and all their belongings. It made him a little sad as he looked around the spacious apartment and had to admit that he was once happy, they were both happy. It made Castiel feel a little bit guilty at the hurt he had caused Balthazar who had given him everything and more but his heart belonged to Dean and it always had.

His phone buzzed and he smiled flicking it open.

"Becky" he greeted warmly.

"When are you coming back?"

"I really am missed"

"Nope, I just have a lot of paper work here needing your bloody signature"

"I know! I'm flying back tomorrow"


"Deadly" he said with a small smile.

"Dean is going to flip out with happiness" Becky said with a wistful sigh.

"It's a surprise for him" Castiel said opening a drink.

"What are you two going to do, Castiel, I mean…are you going to move or…?"

"I don't know just yet but I think we're just going to take it one day at a time"

"Cute" Becky cooed and sighed deeply. "Get that ass back and sign my papers"

"Ma'am" he said and smiled when she said her goodbyes and hung up. Castiel dropped down on the sofa prepared to say goodbye to Colorado once and for all. It was back to California for however long and with the man he loved, it couldn't get any better than that.

"Are you going to get married one day?" Jo said pestering Dean who ignored her eating his breakfast the next day. "I think you should…did you think I should buy an outfit?"



"Shut. Up" he ordered and looked down at his bacon sandwich. "I don't have a clue when he's coming back and you're talking about marriage?"

"You love him, he loves you, and you can seal the deal"

"We're not a contract!"

"I know that, but you could one day"

"Go away" he said aiming a kick at her and shaking his head when she smirked hopping out of the chair and walking out. Dean frowned grabbing his phone and dialling his number hearing it ring and ring till he got voicemail. Dean pulled the phone away staring at it in and redialling it feeling an inner panic. It rang till it cut out and Dean stared feeling afraid and a wave of fear and rejection washed over him completely.

Dean pushed the phone away grinding his teeth together contemplating. He had answered every day so far and he knew it was childish, pathetic, and irrational but the fear of losing him all over again drove him to stare at his phone enraged.

"Bastard" he hissed picking it up and sighing deeply. "You better pick up or I swear I'll hunt you down".

Dean dialled his number a final time and groaned when he didn't pick up. His head hit the table in defeat and he stared out at the kitchen feeling sick with fear.

"What's up with you?" Bobby said walking in.

"Cas is ignoring me" Dean said grimly.

"Well what do you know…my time machine works" Bobby said gruffly.


"Grow up, Dean, he's not ignoring you, boy, he's a busy man"

Dean buried his face into his hands. "I know, I know, I think I'm having major trust issues"

"These are Ellen's words, not mine, but a relationship can't work without trust"

"It takes time to gain it back as well, we've been apart for six years" Dean said grabbing his phone. "I have every right to feel this way, Bobby, and you know it"

Dean moved out of the kitchen and into the garden watching Bones sniff at the ground. His heart thundered in his chest and he felt that sickness you get when you receive seriously bad news and have no idea what to say or do. He moved to sit down against the tree reaching out his hand for Bones who came over and nestled into his side.

"He's a dick" Dean said softly running a hand into his fur and glancing at the warm sun and blue sky not knowing what to do.

Castiel who had landed back in California pulled out his phone and groaned in distress.

"Damn" he hissed dialling his number and sighing in relief when he answered.

"Dean? Dean, answer me please" he pleaded when he was greeted by silence. "I wasn't ignoring you…I was upstairs and my phone was away from me"

Dean swallowed hard with a nod. "I thought you were ignoring me"

"I wasn't…I guess that little bit of trust has crumbled into dust?"

"No" Dean said with a sigh rubbing his forehead. "Cas, come back to California…please?"

"I can't, Dean, not just yet" he said hailing a cab and pressing his lips together. "I would not ignore you, not now"

"I freaked…I'm a child"

"No you're just human, Dean" he said indicating at the bags and sliding into the back.

"How far along are you now then?"

"One minute, Dean" he said covering the mouth piece and giving the cab driver the address and leaned back into the seat.

"Day by day, I'm nearly there though…just a few more boxes, the keys handing back, and then booking the flight"

"I wish I had come now"

"No need, I'll be there soon"

"How soon"

"Sooner than you think"

Dean frowned deeply looking over to Bones who cocked his head at him.

"So…you could come tomorrow?"

"If I wanted to" Castiel said looking out of the window. "I could come now if I wanted to as well"

"Stop torturing me" Dean warned standing up with a grunt and stretching out his back. "Long distance relationships don't work, Cas, we know this"

Castiel laughed softly keeping silent till he saw the street up ahead.



"Will you do me a huge favour?"

"What favour?"

Castiel thrust the money at the driver who eagerly accepted it and got out of the car getting his bags and everything along with it.

"Go outside for me, I need you to check something"

Dean raised an eyebrow walking past Bobby and Sam in the kitchen talking to the front door and opened it wide.

"What do you want me to do…" he said trailing off when he saw him stood on the garden path with a small smile.

"Me" he said simply and hanging up the phone. Dean let out the breath he was holding and darted forward shaking his head.

"You stupid, stupid, bastard" he hissed pulling him towards him and kissing him hard. Castiel responded trailing his hands into his hair keeping him in place as they kissed passionately under the burning sun. Castiel drew back staring into his eyes.

"Surprise" he breathed amused catching his cheek and smiling when Dean kissed him.

"That's why you didn't answer…you were 30, 000ft in the sky"

"Yes and I wanted it to be a surprise"

"This is everything?"

"Yes" Castiel said with a nod. "I may have told a few lies"

"Dick" Dean muttered bringing his hands down to his hips. Castiel closed his eyes when he was brought flush up against him and turned when the door opened revealing the four other family members watching them.

"Surprise" he said over to them with a breathless chuckle when Dean nuzzled his cheek bringing him closer. "It's just you and me now"

"God yes" Dean murmured with a nod. "Where are you going to live though?"

"Mom's for now and then…I don't honestly know" he said with a chuckle. "It's an amazing feeling"

"I'd ask you to live here but we're a full house"

"It's okay, Dean, I'm going to my mom's then we are going to that hotel again to reconnect in every way possible and then…we're going to plan our little future together" he said looking up at him. "What do you say about that?"

"Yeah" Dean said with a nod. "Why not"

Castiel smiled faintly when he tilted his chin up pressing a kiss against his lips softly.

"Get a room!" Jo shouted at them.

"We plan to!" he shouted back to her and gripped his hand. "We need to move now before I fuck you into the pavement"

Castiel looked down at the ground bemused and shrugged his shoulders when Dean dragged him and his luggage to the hotel.


Castiel gasped loudly arching into Dean as his third orgasm shuddered through him and he moaned ardently collapsing against his chest.

"Only you can make me come…three times in the space of an hour" Castiel panted holding up three fingers. Dean grinned wrapping him in his arms giving him an Eskimo kiss on the nose. Castiel smiled burying his face into his neck and resting there listening to his heart beat and his breathing soothe. They shifted lying together in the covers till Dean felt Castiel curl into him falling asleep. Dean smiled softly liking the way the change of events had brought him what he wanted.

"I love you" he whispered into his ear.

"Mm love you too" Castiel moaned resting in the crook of his neck.

Dean's mind involuntarily took him back to a simply memory that he had nearly forgotten and he shut his eyes thinking back six years ago.


It was three months into their relationship when Dean stole beer and they hid in Michael's tree house long abandoned by him. Dean lay against the cushions with Castiel's head on his stomach as they drank it back slowly.


Dean hummed trailing his hands into his soft hair.

"We have to make sure we stay together for the rest of our lives"

"That's a long time, dude" Dean said softly.

"Dean!" Castiel said looking across him with a pout.

"Forever and forever" Dean said holding out his hand which he took and he dragged him up. Castiel smiled innocently when he held him close.

"Planning our futures already?"

"Yes" Castiel said with a giggle when they swayed and he covered his mouth. "If we fall out of here…we die"

Dean shook his head amused and stared into his eyes.

"I want a future with you, Cas, and I'm not about to let you go"


"Are you really going to make me say it?"


"Even though we're quite drunk"


"I love you, Cas" Dean admitted with a blush. "I love my best friend far too much to let him go"

Castiel grinned wrapping his arms around him and kissing him hard pulling back.

"I always get my own way"

"You do"

"I love you, Dean, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Dean stared at him not feeling doubt right now because he was young, they were both young, and planning a future back then that wouldn't happen. It happens a lot, you plan a future for yourself and another but it never quite works out the way you want to be. Life just isn't that simple anymore and sometimes it turns out in the most unexpected way possible.


Castiel opened his eyes hours later to see a light suite with Dean underneath him sleeping. He trailed his fingers down his face loving every feature in its own way and pulled back looking over to the balcony. His feet untangled themselves and he moved away padding towards the balcony throwing open the doors. Castiel breathed in that warm Californian weather that he loved and missed so much. His eyes roamed across the landscapes and the buzz, the animation, and the noise of the state hit him and he smiled.

Dean opened his eyes slowly missing the warm presence and pushed up on his elbow looking at the back of Castiel wearing only his t-shirt and nothing more.

"You are a naked man" Dean said walking over to him and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Why are you not in bed?"

"I was admiring the view" he said softly back. "I have always wanted to paint California like this…I guess now I can"

Dean hummed with a nod pressing his lips to his warm shoulder. Castiel turned in his arms looking into the eyes he loved so much.

"Here we are…six years later from when we parted…a lot of pain, suffering, heartbreak, and unnecessary hurt on both of our parts. I am never letting you go, Dean, and I know now if I had never come back I wouldn't have this and I wouldn't have you back in my life"

"I'm glad Jo and Sam forced me to go to that damn art gallery" Dean said honestly. "I need you…"

Castiel wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him into a tight hug feeling Dean's breath flutter the back of his hair till he pulled back hearing a familiar song.

"The one that got away" Dean said turning his head to look at him. "This is your song, baby"

"I came back though" he said softly humming the song under his breath.

"Don't you dare sing it!" Dean warned when he opened his mouth and Castiel laughed into his open mouth when he covered it with his own.

They kissed slowly enjoying every moment and hoping it wouldn't be the last. They were on the cusp of a future they had longed for since they were sixteen years old, drunk and planning a future they had no clue would be this hard. Castiel was the one that got away but so was Dean and it's showing love in a whole different light. It's not easy but it's never too hard, you just both have to work at it till you get what you want. Sometimes it's breaking hearts, lying, deceit, betrayal, and heartbreak but underneath that is an overwhelming love for one another that can't be ignored no matter how hard you try.

This rollercoaster was coming to an end and this time they were getting off together.

A/N: I may do a future chapter…I don't know. I may leave it here.

I really do need to slow down on my fics. I have literally no ideas for a next one. I was thinking a regency fic but I don't know if I could write it properly! I'll be back though.

Enjoy and thank you for all the reviews, support, and the love.