English is not my native language, that's why some Beta readers are helping me: Twilight684

REMEMBER, if you want a PREVIEW of the NEXT CHAPTER before I upload it, write a review, and I will send it to you. The review must be signed so that I can answer it.


THIS ISN'T a new chapter, it is the same one I published on Sunday, but one of my betas did some little changes after I published it so that's why I have decided to replace the last "version" with the newest one...


.:. Halloween Part 2 .:.


When I reached the hall of the first floor I found something that reminded me of the last summers I spent in Lucian's company. Felicia was running down the hall, her face brightened with a big smile as soon as she saw me and she jumped into my arms. I'm glad no one can see me now. How can I explain to Hermione that a beautiful young girl is in my arms? As if she were to believe me.

"Are you here to play with us, Draco?" she asked before kissing me full on my mouth as greeting.

"No, darling. I'm not going to stay here for long, I'm just here to speak with Lucian," I set her on the ground "What are you playing?"

"We are playing hide and seek." She pouted before caressing my chest. "Why don't you play with us? Come on." She took my hand between her little ones and tried to move me. "You know that you are my favorite chaser in this game."

"I know, beautiful." What kind of man could say no to a girl as sweet as Felicia? Obviously a man in love that doesn't want to have problems with his girlfriend. "But I don't play hide and seek anymore. I am with someone now and she would not take it well."

"She will not find out." She looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers and I looked at the ceiling.

"Yes, she would find out because I would tell her," I sighed. "Please, tell me where Lucian is," I said seriously.

"In his bedroom," she shrugged. "With Marcia and Cat," she added.

"So that's why he hasn't given Ginevra her costume," I realized. "Do you know something about that?"

"Ah, yes. The costume is in my bedroom," she said, holding my hand again.

"I'm serious, Felicia," I stopped her. "I'm not going to do anything with you."

"Okay, Draco, I understood that the first time. You don't have to say it again." She rolled her eyes. "The costume is in my bedroom because it is mine. When Lucian came the other day he decided that mine was the one he wanted Ginevra to wear. Besides, the costume doesn't need to be mended…" She smiled seductively. "We have the same size." And I'm sure that is something that Lucian has thoroughly verified.

"Okay, I will wait downstairs," I said, letting go of her hand, and she looked at me reproachfully. "I am not going into a bedroom alone with you ever again, Feli… You are a very big temptation." I sighed when I looked at her inviting lips, at her white and perfect neck... "Being in love is definitely a torture," I muttered under my breath. "Hurry up, please. Ginevra is freaking out because she doesn't even know what her costume is." And if she is going to wear one of Felicia's costumes, I am sure she is going to be very surprised. I still remember the last time we played dress up.

That last time Felicia was fourteen and her cousins, although they prefer to be called sisters, had brought her to the castle for the first time so that she could meet uncle Lucian. Cat, Marcia and Deirdre had already been there. They couldn't meet Lucian until they meet certain requirements, but they were completely content with that. Their husbands didn't know anything about this holiday, though their mothers did because they had done the same when they were younger. Every year they spent at least one month with Lucian, normally during the summer, but sometimes they also came during some important holiday-Christmas and birthdays.

When I saw Felicia in a schoolgirl costume she provoked something in me, nostalgia washed over me when I remembered the sweet girls I had met during my previous years at Hogwarts, and her body, full of vitality, drove me crazy. I still remember how bad I felt that day knowing that that night she would stop being a sweet and innocent girl. That day they also played hide and seek and obviously Lucian found her. When she came out of his chamber the next morning she wasn't as innocent as before anymore, and I wanted to kill him. That was the first time I argued with my sire, but he was right; he was the best one to initiate her. After that I noticed how much he loved his family. He can't stand the idea of someone hurting his nieces and he cares a lot about them.

Then I also noticed that Felicia was still an innocent girl, but in her own way. Her sisters had entered into my bedroom more than once, but she had never done that until one day I found her there. She was looking at me in the same way she looks at me now. Her big blue eyes were full of innocence while her little body was only covered with the thin sheet of my bed. When she saw that I wasn't moving from the doorframe, she got out of my bed and walked towards me, the sheet falling to the floor. When she reached my position she took my face between her little hands and kissed me with her soft pink lips...

Luckily for my sanity, Felicia suddenly appeared in front of me carrying a big box. I stopped remembering my times with her and I tried to ignore her pleas as I kissed her once and then left the castle. I guess she will search for Lucian. I am glad for the fact that inside the Abyss the temperature is always very cold. I needed that in order to short out my thoughts before meeting Ginevra.

When I entered Slytherin's common room I smiled slightly. Slytherin's common room was filled with calm, the total opposite of the noisy atmosphere of Gryffindor's common room. I guess that the redhead was right-all of our bedrooms have private bathrooms so girls don't have to worry about getting ready in time.

Crabbe and Goyle were outside the door and they nodded at me when I walked past them and inside my old bedroom. I was a little surprised by what I found inside-Blaise and Ginevra were playing chess. I think that was the first time I saw Blaise doing something that required him to use his brain so much in the company of a girl. Ginevra stood up immediately and ran towards me. She took the big box from my arms and walked with it towards the bed. When she opened the box and looked inside she found a note that was addressed to me. There were only two words there: Help her.

Any question we could have had about the content of the note was answered as soon as Ginevra opened the box and pulled a corset out of the box. There were also a pair of boots with very high heels and a very odd skirt. The costume was a period riding gear and was completely red. When I saw the cape I realized that she was going to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood. Blaise and I looked at each other and I know that we were thinking the same thing-she was going to be the envy of almost all of Hogwarts's feminine population.

"Well, it is clear that I will need help with this." She looked at us. "Thank you, Blaise, but you can go now. Draco will help me."

"I can also help," Blaise protested. I am sure he was eager to help her with the corset...but not putting it on.

"Thank you, but Draco's help will be enough," she said while she smiled at him and walked him to the door. "Okay. What do I have to do first?" she asked, looking at me nervously.

"Eat something. I don't think you will be able to eat anything once you are wearing that. Take a shower, brush your hair, put on some make up, then put on the lingerie that came in the other box and then put on those boots. When you are finished call a house elf and tell her or him that you are looking for me." I pointed towards the little bell that was beside my bed. "If you ring the bell an elf will come. You can ask him for whatever you need and he will bring it to you," I said while I opened the door. "I'm sure you don't want me to stay here while you do all those things, right?" I closed the door after winking at her.

When I exited my old bedroom I found Blaise looking at me. He was breaking out in a cold sweat. I told Crabbe and Goyle that nobody could enter my old bedroom. After speaking with them I grabbed Blaise and I exited the Slytherin's common room. We walked until we reached the front steps of the castle, once there he managed to speak without letting his voice tremble.

"Where the hell did you get that costume?" he asked in astonishment.

"Well, her lover has a very complex taste," I said smiling.

"Your... He was the one who bought that?" he stuttered.

"Yes, the person who bought that is the same person that turned me into a vampire-my sire, her lover," I repeated so that he wouldn't forget that tiny detail. I don't think Lucian would be very happy if someone, apart from me, played with his new conquest.

"How are you doing? No one would be able to say just by looking at you that you are...well, you know."

I thought that the fact that he avoided naming anything related with my new condition was funny.

"I am good, thank you for asking. How are you and Isabel doing?" I asked.

"Good, good... She surprised me when she...well, you know..."

"When she bit you?" I finished the sentence for him without trying to hide my smile. "Come on, Blaise. When did you become such a timid guy? I recall that we used to tell each other everything regarding our conquests. I'm not saying that we should talk as we did before, I would never talk about Hermione like we did other girls, but that doesn't mean that we can't talk frankly."

"Yeah, that's the thing…" he snorted and then he finally let go of everything he had been holding inside himself. "Damn it, Draco! Why the hell didn't you tell us anything?! Why have you been messing around with the mudblood?"

The way I looked at him was warning enough for him to know that was the last time he was allowed to call Hermione by that derogatory name.

"I didn't choose it, Blaise. It is not an easy thing to explain. It is not the same thing you have with Isabel or what Lucian has with Ginevra, it is something much bigger than that..." It's not easy to explain how I feel when I look at Hermione and she looks at me with those big eyes of her, those same eyes that hold an unconditional love whenever she looks at me. "Let's say that she is what I always needed and I didn't know that it was right there, always within my reach."

"Okay, so what you are trying to tell me is that you are madly in love with her, right?" He smiled at me.

"Yeah, totally," I laughed.

"You are still you," he said after a moment.

"The only things that have changed are my diet and some other things, but I am still me... A little bit older, a little bit stronger, and far more dangerous than before," I said while turning to look at him. "Aren't you afraid of being alone with a vampire?"

"No," he laughed. "The vampire with whom I sleep told me that you feed regularly from animals, so I guess that I don't have to worry about you biting me or something like that."

"Not only that, Blaise. I want to think that you are still my friend," I said seriously.

"Of course, Draco. I admit that at the beginning I was mad at you. I didn't know what was wrong with you. You were acting so strange and you didn't want to hang out with us. It was very confusing"

"I didn't want to hurt any of you. It was the first time I was surrounded by so many humans since the day I woke up being what I am now. I was afraid I would end up following my instincts and bite you, and there was also the possibility that I would break some of your bones by accident just because I couldn't control my strength."

"When Isabel told me what was happening I got mad again, but you weren't here, so I couldn't beat you in order to vent." He stopped talking and looked at me, afraid of my reaction.

"As if you could, right?"

"Well, at least I would have shouted at you."

"I deserved it, but you have to realize that my secret is not something everybody should know. I have to try to keep a semblance of normalcy. I would have problems if everybody discovers what I am."

"I haven't told anyone."

"I know. Besides, I could do a lot of things so that you can't tell anyone, but I know it is not necessary." We stopped near the lake and sat on top of a trunk. "Do you have your victim costume ready?"

"Of course. I will wear a simple tux laced with some red paint. Besides, I don't like that tux very much. And you? Do you have your costume ready?"

"Yes, the only thing I have to do is wear a tux and show my fangs." I shrugged. "Women turn the simplest thing into something complicated, don't you think so?

"I can't wait to see Isabel's costume…" He hid his face between his hands. "I don't think I will survive tonight's party. I'm sure I will be dead before midnight; the guys are going to kill me as soon as I enter the Great Hall with Isabel."

"Isabel is not going to disappoint you, Blaise. I am sure she will wear something long enough so that it is not indecent, but short enough so that it is a sinful costume." I patted his back gently, trying to comfort him.

"As I have said before, I will be dead before midnight."

We stayed there, chatting for a while before returning to the castle, laughing at the various nonsense that had passed through his mind before he learned the truth and the multitude of stupid theories my housemates had invented-some of which being really fascinating. I stayed with him while he ate, until an elf came looking for me to tell me that Ginevra was ready to put on her costume.

She had done everything I had told her to do. She was waiting, wearing only the lingerie and the boots. I found it charming that she blushed when I entered the bedroom and that she tried to cover herself with the cape. I smiled at her while I kindly caressed her cheek. Dressed like that, she was the fantasy of every man. But I could think only about Hermione, so I kissed her knuckles once in order to calm her. I knelt in front of her and I started tying the boots at and inhuman pace.

When I finished tying the boots around her ankles I helped her put on the leather tights. After that I finished tying the boots over the tights. The leather leggings were very tight and reached above her knees. Those boots were the dream of every person with a fetish, and they had obviously been chosen by my sire.

The next thing I helped her with was the skirt. The skirt had to be carefully placed over the tights so that the leather leggings could be seen under it. Finally, I helped her with the corset. I made sure that she could breathe before I started tying the strings of the corset. It was obvious she wouldn't have been able to dress herself with all those cords and strings without help. However, asking a man-in my case a vampire-to help her dress up instead of helping her undress was a very cruel thing. It didn't matter if the man-or vampire-was in love or not, it was still a cruelty.

When I finished tying the corset's last string I spun her around in order to admire the final effect of the costume. She looked magnificent. When you looked at her the first thing you noticed were the high heels of the boots that went up her legs. Then you noticed her leather-clad thighs and, finally, if you looked up you noticed the corset and the freckled white skin that adorned it. It looked as if someone had sprinkled wine on those perfect breasts, which were raised and imprisoned by the corset.

"You look magnificent, Ginevra," I told her, being careful when I spoke so that she didn't notice what her appearance was doing to me. "I would ask you to save me a dance tonight, but I don't think Hermione would take it well," I said, raising an eyebrow and letting her know that I wasn't speaking about a dance at the dance floor.

"I think I can save you a dance," she said while she walked towards me in those deadly heels. "But you will have to keep you hands to yourself. Don't even think that you are allowed to take advantage of me just because you helped me get ready." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know where each thing had to go?"

"I don't think that's something you need to know. You look really good, Ginevra."

"Draco? Why do you always call me Ginevra instead of Ginny?" she asked curiously.

"Because Ginny is not a proper name to call a woman such as you. Ginny is a childish nickname." I kissed her hand before opening the door. "I'm going to dress up. I'm guessing Lucian will arrive very soon, so I will tell Crabbe and Goyle that your date will arrive by a portkey so that they don't suspect anything."

She nodded while she looked at herself in the full body mirror that was located in the closet.

While I closed the door of my old bedroom I smelled a sweet scent and I immediately knew that Crabbe and Goyle were not alone. I turned around to find Pansy looking at me. Her black hair framed her face while she looked at me with those eyes that held so much hatred. Before I changed I always feared that hatred that she keep inside of her, but now I wasn't afraid anymore.

I stood to my full height and I began to smile slightly again when I looked closely at her appearance. She was wearing a golden top and a skirt of the same color, her arms were full of bracelets and her chest was covered with a big blue necklace: she was definitely dressed as Cleopatra. She looked good, but she couldn't compete with the leather goddess that was still in my bedroom.

"What do you want, Pansy?" I asked sharply.


Hi everyone!

I have finally finished with my third term exams so I managed to translate this chapter XD As you can see it is longer than the previous ones… Sadly, now I have to study to "Selectividad" (some very important exams that will determine that career I will be able to do, everything depends on the grade I get), so I don't know when I will update the next chapter, but don't worry, I will not keep you waiting as long as you have waited to read this chapter. There will be a new chapter, even if it is a short one, in less than one month ;D.

Anyways, what do you think about this chapter? Did you like it?




Here is the reviews of the Betas that edited this chapter.

Twilight684: Another good chapter :3 Really got me curious as to what Pansy could possibly want now though, so I hope I'll be finding that out soon.

Flawsmadebeautiful: A very good chapter as usual. I can't wait for the next! I wonder why Pansy is there and if she's up to no good. :)