Disclaimer: I don't own Black Butler!


"Otousan, it was my fault, all my fault, don't blame , please, I'm sorry!" Grell said, almost in tears.

"Ssh, it's okay, Grell, I'm not mad at you. I just wanted to make sure your alright." Undertaker said softly, taking Grell into his arms. Turning to William he mouthed: 'you're not getting off that easy. Be happy you're still alive, and that I have left your nether regions intact.'

William's eyes widened in terror as the Undertaker brought Grell to the kitchen to help with dinner. He could already tell that the Undertaker was not happy, and that was bad enough as was. What was he thinking, kissing Grell? It wasn't like he could even say the redhead had initiated it, because he hadn't, the confused reaper had merely tripped. Will rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache coming on. And he still had dinner to get through.

As Grell was carrots for dinner his mind wondered back to the kiss. 'It was so nice and felt so familiar where and more than friends¿" thought Grell but all he got were fuzzy images and wisps of voices. Frustrated he kept thinking hard until he had accidentally cut his finger.

Grell stared at the crimson liquid pooling at of his pale skin. Just then a memory of much younger played before his eyes.

Will heard a clatter of a knife hitting the floor and the undertaker yell "Grell¡". He turned around to see Grell convulsing on the floor screaming "Stop it¡ No more hitting No more teasing Just please stop please. PLEASE¡" Will ran over into the kitchen. The Undertaker glared but let him stay. "Grell sweetie wake up it's just a bad dream" reasoned The undertaker multiple times.

After two agonizing minute William brought Grell to his chest. Trying to ignore the icy death glare that the Undertaker was giving him started to slowly rock Grell. "Shh it's ok Grell its not real your okay just wake up you'll be okay. Just to me and wake up please." Will begged softly.

Grell was in pain and bleeding yet the bullies would not show mercy. He thought heard someone speaking to him. But then he heard Will's voice and was jerked out of the memory. Once he looked around and he found himself in William's arms he clung onto him and wept.

" if you so kindly give my daughter I will take him to his room" the Undertaker's cheerful voice was laced with venom. William gulped and quickly gave Grell who had fallen asleep to the undertaker. Then the Undertaker quickly put Grell in his room and as he left closed the door.

When he came back to the parlor where William was at. You could feel the anger coming off of the Undertaker. "Spears I do not like anyone and I mean anyone taking advantage of my daughters especially Grell in his state. Just because he doesn't remember much doesn't mean you can go snogging him you don't even probably love him¡" the Undertaker yelled livid.

"I am not¡ I may have hurt Grell more than I ever wanted too and that I am sorry for. But you do not know how I feel about Grell I would die for him if I have too¡" retorted will