A/N: Sorry for the long wait! but here is the next chappie! And as to show how sorry i am i will give everyone a cookie! *takes list* Lots of cookies for

BeeBee Forthwright, Bethlovesall, Brandilee1000, IWishIWasACheescake, Kakashi-Sensei48, keiFORREAL, KuraiFlame16, rockmusica426, SharinRaven876, TokyoDayLight, Yuzuki Uchiha Namikaze, estreja10, Tabun, Theia Pallas, Yusuel, Randomperson, anon and Invisibly visible!

*starts cookie shower* Go ahead and get yourself all cookie! Oh! and don't forget the soap! ^^

After a while Sasuke calmed down. He returned back to the room. And now the two boys were sitting in the bedroom, which was currently occupied by a blonde. They did research the whole night. Trying to find an answer, a solution. But so far.. They had nothing. Sasuke groaned in frustration and took another book. Suddenly an idea popped up in his head.

"We need to find her."

Itachi raised an eyebrow and looked to his younger brother. Confusing was very clear on the older ravens face.


"That crazy lady. The one that warned me."

"Otouto.. that's the most ridic- actually not such a bad idea.."

"I know.. But how?"

"Where did you see her the last time?"

"Well when she warned me.. I was at the market.. near the flower shop."

Itachi got up and walked towards the door. Sasuke followed his movements perfectly.

"Keep an eye on him, otouto. I will go find her."

And he left. Sasuke sighed and put his book down. He decided to sit next to his blonde and rest a little bit. He caressed the soft whiskered cheek and smiled. The raven's smile wasn't pure happiness. No, it was filled with a lot of emotions. Sadness, hope, love and.. fear. Fear of losing his most precious person in the world.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

Sasuke looked behind him and almost screamed. A little girl was standing before him. She cocked her head to the side and smiled innocently.

"It hurts when you can't do anything, right? When you can only watch them suffer.."

"Who are you?"

She shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the raven. Sasuke couldn't help but feel a little bit terrified. She was still smiling at him, but it was different. This smile turned sad. She reached out to touch Sasuke's cheek, but stopped right in front of him.

"Sometimes I wish I would have listened to them. So that I could tell that how much I love them.. That's what you want too, right? To tell him what you feel."

The raven wanted to say at least something but his mouth had gone dry and it was like everything was stuck in his throat. The girl took a step forward and touched his cheek. He expected the hand to be cold. But instead it was warm. It was warm like it still held life.

"You know.. They never found our bodies.. Because we still have them. I'm not really dead. And not really alive."

Suddenly Sasuke got the strength to say something.

"Does this mean we still can save you? If we safe you then you can go back to your parents? Is this right?"

"Yes you are right.. But no one knows how to.. No one has been saved ever.. I wish I knew.. I wish I could hug my mommy and daddy."

"So this won't actually kill Naruto? But place him somewhere between dead or alive?"

"No.. That's not true.. I have to tell you something. The other kids think they can offer Naruto to get their life's back.. he would die.. And his soul would be trapped on earth forever. But I don't want him to die.. He was so nice to me when he was six. He stood up for me.. I can't let them have him."

"But you almost killed him."

"I did. That's true. But I didn't realize that we were wrong. That this was wrong. It is just a game for us. Life.. Is just a game.. You can only lose. And that's when you die."

Sasuke reached up to his cheek and grabbed the little hand. He caressed it softly with his thumb and whispered.

"We will help you. And I will save Naruto."

The girl smiled and retreated her hand. She held it closely to her heart and made her way to the door. Sasuke got up and walked quickly towards her.

"Sorry. But I still have a question."


"Why don't you show yourself to your parents?"

"I don't want them to see me like this. I want to be happy. To be loved.. And hugged. They can't hug me.. Not when I'm like this.. Not like this."

Sasuke felt sorry for the girl and sighed. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He grabbed the little girl shoulders and pulled her into a hug. At first she was tense but after a minute she relaxed and started to sob. Quietly whispering 'mommy.. daddy..' over and over again. Suddenly Sasuke felt the little girl become thinner. He looked at the girl and saw that she was shining bright and slowly disappearing. She whispered a little 'thank you' and left. Sasuke rubbed his eyes which were a little bit hurting from the bright light. He got up and took his phone. And called Itachi.

"Aniki? You are not going to believe this.."

"What is it?"

"I just say the little girl, hugged her and she disappeared."

"Disappeared? Wait.. I need to check something. Where is her grave?"

"She doesn't have one.. only a plate with her name on it. It's almost at the end of the cemetery. It's on a big wall you can't miss it."

"Okay hang on.. I'm almost there.."

"Uhm.. Aniki? How are you going to find that plate? I mean.. You don't know her name.."

"I don't have to. There is an open spot between the others.. I guess that was her."

"An open spot? Aniki.. I gotta go."

Sasuke ended the call and shook Naruto. No response. The raven sighed and shook harder this time calling his name. Naruto groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He blinked a couple of times before he looked to Sasuke.



"The little girl is gone."

"Gone? How.. you.. know.."

Damn.. What was that.. His words came out really slurred. The blonde frowned. Why was everything so heavy..

"Itachi sedated you."

"He.. drugged.. meee?"

"Yeah.. Now. C'mon. We need to go and see that elderly couple."

Sasuke immediately pulled the blonde up. Seeing that Naruto couldn't walk on his own without collapsing. He supported the blonde carefully. After ten minutes they finally left the house. And after another ten minutes they had found the house. Sasuke knocked lightly on the door and waited. The lady opened the door and immediately invited them in. She made tea for Sasuke and hot chocolate for the blonde.

"Wait.. How do you know what we like to drink?"

"Our little princess told us."


"This may seem weird. But me and my husband were walking near the forest and suddenly our girl runs to us and faints before us. We took her to the hospital and now she's resting in her bedroom upstairs. She hasn't aged a bit. It's like she never left. Like time never passed."

"Can we see her?"

The old lady nodded and guided them to the bedroom. They opened the door and saw a little girl sleeping on the bed, holding her teddy bear. She didn't seem innocent like before. No. Now she was innocent. Naruto walked towards the bed and brushed a few blonde strands out of her face. She slowly woke up and smiled.

"Hi sir!"


"Thank you for helping me."

"Uhm… It's nothing.."

The little girl sat up and leaned closer to Naruto.

"Oh but it is. Thanks to you two.. I now have a second chance.." she whispered.

Naruto nodded and said his goodbye. The two boys left back for their homes.. But Naruto couldn't shake this one feeling. This one feeling that things were going to be much worse now. And Sasuke felt it too. Silently they walked back to the house.. And now they saw it.. Another ghost had made its appearance. A little boy.. Not older than the age of seven. Was looking at them. The boy didn't seem innocent like the girl was. He looked like he was willing to kill.. Willing to take a life at any moment without hesitation.

A/N: Now.. Who liked the little girl better than this one?