First fic posting! I wrote this back in February, so that's why it's Valentine's themed. Japan one is a little weak, but I promise it get's better! (and steamier honhonhon) It's all sort of a connected story, but you can skip through some characters if you wish. There will be a conclusion at the end. Enjoy!

I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia or anything of the sort. If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here.


You groaned and pulled a pillow over your head. How early was it? What day was it? This past week's events had completely tired you out. For some reason, almost all of the countries you were close with had wanted tomeet with you, specifically before this Tuesday. You didn't know why it was so immediate, but, being the generous country you were, didn't turn down any of the offers.

Flying to a different region everyday did have its flaws, say, sleep deprivation. You did manage to get a few winks on the flights, but that was not nearly enough. How you maintained a relatively fair attitude was baffling.

You cuddled into your cushy bed, trying to recall this month's events. Rubbing you hand over the soft pillow, you remembered how much you loathed your bed while sleeping on floor mats. Japan. That was who you visited first! What exactly did you do with him…

Japan: Learning Careful Customs

You sighed contentedly as you took in the sights and smells of the distant country. The quaint little town he asked you to meet him in was so different from the deluginly bright city of Tokyo. A stray cherry blossom floated past you. Quickly, you snatched it the flower out of the air. You opened your hands. The blossom was so delicate, just you grabbing it out of the air had rumpled one of its petals. You frowned. Hopefully that wasn't a bad luck sign.

"The cherry blossoms are so beautiful."

You jumped at the sudden voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Your eyes met the deep brown ones of Kiku Honda, AKA the reserved island nation of Japan. He stared at you blankly.

You opened your arms and smiled.


The Asian country tensed. You coughed and retracted. No physical contact. Right.

"Er, it's so nice to see you!"

He nodded once and held out a hand towards you suitcase. You handed him it, still smiling excessively. Darn it, how could you have been so stupid! He turned around and motioned for you to follow him.

You were immersed in Shinto shrines and the red, curved roofs of the buildings. It was so unfamiliar, but gorgeous. Birds sang throughout the trees, in harmony with a faintly strummed instrument. From the times you had been to Japan, it was mostly in the bright cities. You understood why he would want to live here instead. It fit him.

You arrived at a moderately sized house, a ways from the town. Only the flowing decorative fountain could be heard. You mimicked Japan and slipped off your shoes inside. Instantly, you were greeted by a tiny, fluffy dog. You laughed and petted its head.

"Pochi, right?"

Japan nodded and sat your bag by a screen. Was that a slight smile you detected? He usually wasn't this quiet, but this was the first time you had truly been alone.

You sat down on the mats in front of a small table as Japan headed to the kitchen. Pochi happily cuddled by your leg. You looked at your outfit and smacked you forehead. People here were walking around in traditional garbs like kimonos…and what had you worn? A tee shirt and jeans! You had heard showing your elbows in Japan was preposterous…maybe that's why he was keeping his distance.

Japan came out with a bowl of green bean pods. You strenuously laughed and wrapped arms together, plastering your hands over your elbows. He sat across from you with a bemused expression.

"(name)-chan, what are you doing?"

You could feel your face heating up from his gaze.

"Um, er, well…so, what are we doing this evening?"

Although you couldn't see your face, you imagined your exaggerated expression was laughable.

Japan tilted his head to the side.

"I was thinking we could go see a bloom showing. It's not as big as the one in Okinawa, but it's still nice. They serve tea and rice cakes."

He spoke so softly that it was just loud enough so you could hear him. You plucked a bean pod from the bowl and stuck it in your mouth. Japan furrowed his brows. You gave him a clueless look.

"Um, (name)-chan, you don't eat the entire thing."

He took out a pod and popped a bean into his mouth. Oh. You slowly took the pod out and set it on the table. Pochi perked up and snatched it up. Both of you stared at the dog, who was unknowingly licking his lips.

"Oh…eew," you blurted.

Japan muffledly laughed and petted Pochi. Idiot.

After rummaging through your bag, you found a shirt that covered your elbows. You trudged out of the guest room, still dreading about that rug that was supposedly your bed for the night. Japan waited at the doorway in a dark blue kimono, two colorful objects in his hands. He lightly smiled at you and handed you the papery object. You fiddled with it in your hands, unsure of what to do with it. He let out a cross between a laugh and a sigh. Taking it from you, he pushed it open, revealing a pink parasol.


That word seemed to come out of your mouth too much today.

With that, you headed off down the familiar path. Crimson afternoon light dyed the scenery, a picturesque display. A crowd started to thicken as you got closer the festival. You dived closer to Japan, trying to escape all of the lingering stares your way. Slowing your pace, you stole glances at him. He kept his face polite and maintained. You couldn't help but admire how he was always composed. As you thought about it, you never remembered a time he had been overwhelmingly mad. His dusky eyes met yours for a second.

"Is there something you need, -chan?"

Your face heated up. He thought you were staring, you were staring. Stupid! You were making him uncomfortable. Ignorant foreigner.

"Oi, josei![1] Lady!" someone yelled.

You turned around hastily, not used to being called in your language. Your parasol hit something with a hard thud.


Gasping, you turned around, managing to hit Japan in the face again.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" you said, hovering your hand over his shoulders. Still the touch barrier…

A group of boys snickered as Japan hunkered over, clutching his eye.

"Oh my goodness! Kiku, are you okay?"

He looked up at you with his one eye.

"You used my real name."

"Uh, erm, yeah. Here,"

You rested your hand on his cautiously and removed it from his eye. Purple was starting to form around it. He seemed to relax from your touch. You rubbed under the swelling and sighed.

"You manage to swing a parasol with great strength," he said.

"Ha, that should be my new weapon. But really, you need some ice…I'll go find some! Just, um, wait here!"

Turning around on the balls of your feet, you yet again whacked Japan in the face.

"Oh! Oh no! I'm so, so sorry! I promise I won't do that again! Oh, no, no! S-"

He laughed louder and shook his head.

"It's fine, chan. I'm fine."

"Oh, are you sure? We can head back…I'll find some ice there,"

The unusually warm look on his face made you shut up. He took a step towards you. You squeaked. You couldn't contain it anymore!

You practically tackled him, taking him into a confining hug. He froze. You hummed and buried your face in the crook of his neck. His black hair tickled your cheek. You hoped that the touch barrier didn't apply to hugs. Hadn't Italy mentioned something…

Japan started to babble incoherently, but made no effort to push you away. You giggled, then noticed the crowd, now gawking at both of you.

When you returned to the plane, you found out that any public displays of affection were serious, and considered rude if done in very crowded places. You shut your laptop, your face blank as stone. Oh.


[1] Lady in Japanese, if you didn't draw that conclusion XD.