Hi everyone! I managed to start and finished this sooner than I thought! Yay! I want to thank everyone that read the original chapter of this story and I hope you like this one as well if not more. I personally think this one is better.

I want to thank Dainlord for telling me about the flaws I should have seen and giving me suggestions to make this story better~ Thank you!

RRTAB: Read, Review, and Tell A Buddy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon!

"Usagi, you baka!" Rei yelled at the odangoed teen as she entered the shrine.

Usagi sighed, obviously frustrated. "What did I do this time?"

"You're late," the miko snapped. "For the fifth time this week."

Minako, Makoto, and Ami exchanged glances. Knowing nothing would stop the arguing girls, they calmly sipped the tea provided for them by Rei's grandfather. "I might actually have a good reason, you know," Usagi defended herself.

"A reason better than saving the world from the Dark Kingdom? Tuxedo Kamen has three rainbow crystals, Beryl has two, and we only have one! We have to come up with a way to find the princess and the last crystal! We don't have time for your stupid excuses!" Rei was red in the face at this point.

"Stupid?" Usagi pulled a small bag from her sub-space pocket. "In that case, happy 'stupid' birthday." She threw the bag on the floor in front of the raven haired miko. "I've been spending every 'stupid' day at the Crown trying to earn 'stupid' money to pay for this."

Guilt settled over Rei. "Usagi, I—."

"Save it," Usagi interrupted. Before the miko could say anything, the blonde was already closing the paper door.

"Wow," Minako commented for the first time. "I bet you feel pretty bad right now."

"No kidding," Rei picked up the bag. She pulled out a small box and opened it. She stood silent for a few seconds. "I-It was the necklace I was looking at we went to the mall. I didn't get it because it was too expensive."

"Yeah," Minako looked at the chocolate diamond necklace with wide eyes. "That would explain why she couldn't hang out with us for the past two months."

The miko wiped away the forming tears before they could fall. "Guys," she announced, "I feel terrible."

"Maybe you should apologize," Ami suggested softly. "I doubt she's gotten very far in such short time."

Rei nodded. "I'll be back soon."

Usagi stormed down the street with some choice words going through her head. How could Rei be so insensitive? It took a lot of hard work to earn that money. She barely had time to sleep between working, school, homework, and youma attacks. All of that hard work only to get yelled at! "That's the last time I do something nice for her," the girl mumbled under her breath.

Once Usagi came back to the more populated side town, she noticed a large crowd gathering outside a store. "Excuse me," she tried to get someone's attention. "Why is there a crowd here? Is the store having a sale?"

"It's one of those monsters," a small woman explained. Usagi nodded. This wasn't just any crowd. This was a paparazzi mob.

"Why are you guys here?" Usagi asked. "The you—I mean, monster might attack you!" It was only a second later that the youma left its victim inside the store and crashed through the glass wall. The cameramen and journalists screamed simultaneously and began to run, carrying Usagi with them.

Usagi's communicator rang. The blonde fought her way through the mob of people and equipment and went into a nearby ally. She answered her communicator, "I already know, Luna."

"Wait, Usagi-chan," Luna cried, "This one is different!"

"How so?"


There was a scream. Usagi peeked around the corner to see the youma had grabbed another victim. "I'm sorry, Luna. There's no time."

"Usagi, wai—."

The teen didn't hear what the black cat said next, for she shut off the communicator. "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"

The newly transformed senshi jumped onto the roof of a building and took a look at what she was dealing with. The ugly youma resembled an oversized crocodile with orange scales and green spikes trailing down its back. It had green claws hands that seemed to transform into tentacle whenever needed. It had to be over eight feet tall.

"Here goes nothing," Moon whispered to herself before jumping to the ground. She called to the monster. "Hey! Put that photographer down!"

To her surprise, the crocodile youma actually obeyed. It said with a hiss, "Target in sssssight, my Queen. Little girl, are you ready to enter the unknown?"

Moon's eyes widened. "Unknown?" she repeated nervously. "No thanks." She reached for her tiara.

The youma saw this and responded with staggering speed. It opened its mouth and revealed a ray of sorts. It shot at her. Moon was pushed into a wall and her arm was paralyzed. "Paralysis ray?" she cried. "Really?" The youma didn't stop there. It shot at her again, rendering her other arm unusable.

She whimpered. Without her arms, she couldn't use her tiara. Unless the other senshi were coming in the next five seconds, she was doomed.

The youma smirked evilly. "Good bye, little nuisance." It shot a ray directly at her torso. She cried out in pain.

"Sailor Moon!" She heard someone called her name but the voice was distorted. She turned to see the blurred figure of Sailor Mars. Suddenly, the world around her began to spin. Before her eyes, the red clad senshi disappeared, followed by the building, the grinning youma, and the ground. She was captured in a vortex of color.

Her eyes suddenly felt extremely heavy. "What's happening to me?" she managed to say before passing out completely.

And that's the chapter! Well? What do you guys think? Tell me in a review!

In Deep Water is getting updated next but I might not be able to update anything for a while. Finals are coming up, you guys know what that's like... le sigh...

P.S. Did you guys hear about Tropical Storm Beryl? We KNEW she was evil!

That's all for now!
